Friday, April 26, 2019

The Atomic Attack on Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Atomic Attack on japan - Essay ExampleAfter Germanys free fall in May 1945, the U.S. and its allies were able to concentrate their efforts on forcing japan to allow. With the fall of the Marianas Islands in July 1944, it had conk apparent to war machine leaders on all sides that the fall of Japan was a foregone evidence (Long). The increased capability of B29 bombers to strike Japan opened Japans cities and industry to severe attacks. Coupled with a nautical blockade that crippled Japans ability to gain the resources to wage war, it was only a question of when the surrender would occur. By June 1945, General Curtis LeMay estimated that U.S. airstrikes would have no Japanese targets left by October 1945 (Long). As early as June 1945, the U.S. had intercepted cables from the Japanese to the Russians seeking aid in an offer to surrender (Lewis).With Japan weakening, the Potsdam Declaration of July 1945 called for Japans unconditional surrender. The harsh rhetoric of the declar ation, aimed at the Japanese, indicated that Emperor Hirohito would be deposed and treated as a war criminal. Due to the Japanese ghostly belief that the emperor was a God, the Proclamation was unacceptable even to the Japanese peace movement. While Japan attempted to negotiate surrender through Russia, the U.S. held fast demanding the complete dismantling of the Japanese authority. The fate of the emperor, and the involuntariness of the U.S. to have Russia broker the deal, were the main points impeding a calculated surrender. Leading scientists as well as military leaders of this period overwhelmingly opposed using the new dreadful weapon. Most prepare its use against a civilian population repugnant. Many of them suggested a demonstration to the Japanese of its awesome capabilities in an effort to persuade them into surrender. Most agreed that a demonstration would be less than effective and a waste of a bomb. Truman writes in his private diary of July 25, 1945, that he has order ed the bomb dropped on a purely military target and spare civilians, women, and children (Truman Diary). It was clear by his diary entry that he mum the ramifications of the bombs destructive capability. Truman had quipped that the Japanese would fight to their last dying man and an invasion would cost a billion American lives. These were anecdotal estimates and had no military basis. In fact, in the days before the bomb was dropped, Japan was trying to secure an acceptable surrender that would maintain the Emperors fate. Yet, in the face of scientific opposition and military skepticism, Truman stuck to the order to drop the bombs and struck Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. A second strike hit Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. When the bomb was dropped, the American public shared Trumans enthusiasm laced with a hint of the sombreness that rose over the horizon. The perception is still prevalent today that the bomb prevented an invasion and saved American lives (Hogan, 146).Estimates are tha t 170,000 Japanese were killed instantly from the bomb and the ensuing radiation (Anhalt). Most were civilians. Still, the Japanese Cabinet refused to surrender due to their belief in the emperor as a God. As

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