Monday, April 15, 2019

“The Iliad” by Homer Essay Example for Free

The Iliad by Homer experimentThe Iliad is known to be the most famous Greek poems written by a blind poet Homer. The Iliad is go out circa 8th light speed BC, although now some scholars such as Martin West and Richard Seaford prefer to date it in the 6th-7th century BC. The Iliad tells about events taking place during the last year of Lion siege (about 10th century BC) or Trojan War. The Iliad be grands to a tradition of Greek oral poetry epic poem.It is a long poem telling readers about historical events involving ancient gods, heroic deeds and ancient heroes. Since the Iliad is too lengthy, it is by and large organized. What is more interesting is that not every event or episode of the poem is absolutely machine-accessible with the main story line. It means that digressions are rather common in the poem. It is possible to notice the diversion between epic genre and dramatic genre where every last(predicate) episodes tend to be closely attached with the plot and all di gressions are uncommon. It is a distinguishing feature of The Iliad.Actually, the poem promotes the ideal sod war-like society. The main al-Qaeda of the The Iliad is glorification of the war. There is an idea that the novel even celebrates war, because all the characters are judged by their competence, bravery and courageousness in the battles. It seems that the poem supports the war, because such judging extends even to the gods. Iliad proclaims that to fight means to prove honor and bravery.Furthermore, the poem proclaims that war is predominant over the family life and has to be always on the first place for all men. For example, Achilles is the greatest warrior in the Greek army. Achilles wins eternal glory because he always rejected long, uneventful, calm and lucky home life. Paris preferred not to fight and therefore he was scorned by his family and dear(p) woman. Paris is shown to be more subjected to womens tenderness i.e. love and other feelings being inherent to humans . concord to Homer, such qualities arent attributes of real hero. Summing up Homers hero is strong, courage, brave and always organise to fight and to die. Achilles is an ideal of Greek hero for Homer.ReferencesFitzgerald, Robert (translt.). (1991). The Iliad of Homer. New York, USA Penguin

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