Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Political Contention Essay Example for Free

Political Contention EssaySolita Collas-Monsod is a professor at the University of the Philippines Diliman and a writer in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. Solita Collas-Monsods article empower The Trillanes Myth was published or appe atomic number 18d in the Philippine Daily Inquirer and was last updated in kinfolk 3, 2007. The author was able to catch the attention of its audience, and she was able to effectively use the title of her article to come about a birds eye view of what is stored for the readers.She also starts her column through a logical argument of her stand regarding the issue being discussed. The author wanted to show or inform the audience and or the readers of the Philippine Daily Inquirer about the Trillanes group which started a coup d etat in Oakwood Hotel, or the well known Oakwood Mutiny, wherein there were 300 uniformed military officers and men who were guided or led by Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV.Her arguments also state that the Court, led by July 25 order of RTC Judge Oscar B. Pimentel, should slide by its firm stand with regards to imposing the necessary law or exercise disposal authority, without validation of the badges of inequality. She assume that the world, more specifically the sympathizers of the Trillanes group or the military officers, should not be deranged or persuaded by the idealisms and principles of the Trillanes group.She also states that the audience, we, should not be blinded by the myths or lies which the Trillanes group gives us, and that we should stick or be firm with our government rules about coup detats. Solita Collas-Monsod values the truth and in seeking veracious justice for such violators of the law. She strongly retrieves that proper justice or punishment in accordance with the government laws should be imposed on the Trillanes group, and we should do this objectively, not subjectively.Monsod was able to define terms clearly in her article. Solita Collas-Monsod did her assignment or did basi c research, thus, she was able to support her arguments with ample and enough facts. The argument for me is successful, and it does convince me. at that place are facts or sufficient supporting statements used by Monsod in her article and these facts or statements reckon sincerely reliable. My beliefs and line of thinking was the same as Monsod with regards to the Oakwood Mutiny, more specifically about the Trillanes group.Monsods argument strengthened my former belief about proper government execution of its laws . Politically speaking, this is really an eye-opening article not only to the public but to the government and its officials as well, more specifically to the legal Court. There are times when I had small doubts with regards the Judiciary system of the Philippines before, but because of Monsods article, and facts that she state about the actions taken by the Court, led by Judge Pimentel, these doubts are not gone.I believe that indeed, the political world still has it s impartiality. Solita Collas-Monsods article affects the political process by simply fortify the implementation of Judicial law and in informing the public about the Trillanes group. The government and the public, or the audience, are at the advantage, whereas the Trillanes group is definitely in the losing end. Work Cited Collas-Monsod, Solita. The Trillanes Myth. The Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2007.

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