Monday, April 22, 2019

Service Project for Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Service Project for Diabetes - Essay Example(CDCs Diabetes Program).Diabetes normally strikes persons above 40 when the body system begins to slow down and physical activities decrease. A c areless, sedentary lifestyle further aggravates the risks and complications arising come out of this ailment. Lack of control and medication adversely affects the eyes, kidneys, heart, the nervous system and blood vessels. Diabetes can also be hereditary.The best way to prevent or control the disease is through a regimen of fixity physical activities, diet and maintenance of normal blood sugar level and aesculapian distribute. For type-2 diabetes, there are chances to delay or even prevent the development of the disease through modest lifestyle, regular issue of physical exercise and improved nutrition. (Nancy Jane Heilman, p.9).Economically backward and illiterate groups such as aborigines and tribes are more(prenominal) vulnerable to the ravages of the disease, since there is little to se rve as inducements to incorporate changes to control and treat diabetes for healthier example of living.The target Hispanic group in the South Valley District urgently need way and care in organized, time-bound manner so that they not only get access to medical care but also the opportunity to suitably modify their lifestyle necessary in controlling the disease. This is easier give tongue to than done among communities strongly rooted in age-old, traditional way of livingHowever, it is very important to arise the community to alter their life style. A consistent schedule intertwining diet, physical activities and check up, daily cost up and feedback is bound to produce results. Initially, all activities mustiness be geared to building relationship and harming the confidence of the community and learning their way of life. The cost factorThe annual cost of treatment per longanimous works out to approximately US$3500 in tribal areas. Since the community is backward and poor, t he cost must be borne by the health department through government and other donor grants. (The Provincial Diabetes Plan, p.8). bring on awarenessThe purpose of the project is to reach diabetic patients within the Hispanic community and provide them with medical care and instructions on dietetic intake and physical activities that help sustain a sanguine lifestyle. It is critically important to educate them astir(predicate) the risk factors in the absence or avoidance of dietary controls and medical support. Further, inform them about the modifiable and non-modifiable aspects of diabetes, that is, certain factors like eating habits, stress, smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverage are modifiable, but hereditary, family history, gender and age are non-modifiable. To begin with, shortlist the names and other selective information of individuals displaying symptoms of diabetes from medical records available with primary health care centers and other health care agencies. Educat ing the community about diabetes is just as important as educating the individual patient. Besides, there are others who may not be diabetic but benefit from timely intervention to prevent the disease. Hospitals, dispensaries and other health care units involvement is mandatory in order to successfully organize a 12-weeks

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