Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 36

Marketing - Essay ExampleThe UAE has resulted to using an unexpected management of habitual service delivery using unmanned drones. This is highly innovative. This is because it uses the most updated technology, which does not require a human. This implies that the margin for errors when delivering these services is considerably slim. This means more efficiency with regard to speed. Although the drones will still be utilize in defense, the UAE is also applying them in healthcare and education. This is also an innovative service because it is customer oriented. In the past, most services were profit oriented. However, with the launch of this service, UAE government has indicated that its attention is directed towards the welfare of the population. The drones could be used in times of disasters to deliver certain services. This would ensure that the services get to the scene as presently as possible as opposed to other means such as ground travel. In addition, in spite of the fact that is in its initial launch phase, the government has decided to use the public to improve its efficiency by asking them to contribute ideas which would be rewarded. This is innovative because previous governments did not pass on input from the public.There are several differences between social innovation, frugal innovation, and reverse innovation kickoff with what they incorporate. Social innovation incorporates the most recent strategies and ideas in delivery of social services that may prevail from education to communal health. A perfect example of social innovation is the open ideo, which seeks to provide immunisation using technology. Frugal innovation, on the other hand, is the reduction of complexity of a product so as to affect its distribution and production. For instance, this may incorporate the Tata Nano which was introduced in India to cater for the non-four rhythm customers who used non-safe two wheel

Monday, April 29, 2019

Explain the true-justified-belief theory of knowledge. Then make up Essay

Explain the true-justified-belief theory of friendship. Then make up your own Gettier case and explain why it is counter-example to the analysis - Essay ExampleIt is the efforts that would be needed for raft to have knowledge. Knowledge and belief argon used differently in philosophical terms. The connection surrounded by knowledge and belief is that belief is a belief is considered to be knowledge if the belief held is true and if the truster has a reasonable justification to believe it is true. According to the famous scholar Plato, knowledge can, therefore, be defined to mean Justified True Belief (JTB) also known as knowledge theory.There are three terms truth, belief, and justification which are very pronounced in the knowledge theory. In epistemology, belief denotes faith. It is concerned with what we believe such as traditional held believes. This includes the truth and everything we believe to be right from our cognitive point of view. What a person belief of something a s true or not is not a necessity for a belief. One my belief something which is injure but that will not disregard the belief from being true. The belief held by such a person was a ill-advised belief but not that the belief was wrong. This brings the concept of truth. These conditions of truth, belief and justification must be taken together to be sufficient for JTB.The justified True Belief was strongly held in the world of ism but not until Gettier came in and questioned the knowledge that was held for thousands of years. In his argument, Gettier claimed that the knowledge held by soul may be justified and true, yet fail to count as knowledge. This was known as Gettier problem.Suppose I shoot on Mary, a class mate driving license which is written that she comes from Chicago. Having seen that legal document, Im justified to belief that Mary comes from Chicago. Suppose I infer from the above case and say that someone in my class comes from Chicago. Now, Mary driving license t urns to be a fake one. It seems that what I believed was wrong which even makes my second belief to be wrong. Unknown to me, I may have

Contemporary Business Communication and One Language Policy in Busines Essay

Contemporary Business Communication and One Language Policy in Business - move ExampleIn this article, Neeley highlights the benefits of catching a language with a global appeal like English as the official way of life of communication for multinationals with cross-border operations. By using different languages depending on the country of operation, multinationals like Samsung would adopt English in the united states and the united kingdom, Spanish in Spain and the southern American and Caribbean states, French in France and its former colonies in Africa and Latin America among other languages. This leads to complication and lack of uniform operation and mode of communicating important policy issues from the head office which uses Korean as the official language (Fredriksson, Barner & Piekkari, 2006).Multilingualism may be viewed as an approach to eliminating the challenges of communication barriers facing multinationals but its application in the entire placement affects the c ommunication process and creates confusion. This lays the ground for policy misinterpretation and lack of effective unit management and coherency with the head office. In this paper, the sentiments of Neeley (2012) will be discussed in relation to the current use of English in multinationals operating in predominantly non-English countries.According to Neeley (2012), the adoption of a frequent communication mode is more than just being a good idea for organizations with domestic operations in the United States with outside(a) target market or companies in France intending to tap on the domestic market. The use of different languages in an organization affects the operation of the multinationals and constitutes to the inefficient management approaches. Organizations today exist as interactive places where communication is break to the success of the approaches adopted. Managers and supervisors ofmultinationals coordinate the task of employees based in different countries whose l anguage may not be common to the supervisors. A number of factors have been attributed to the current emergence of English as a common communication language in multinationals across the globe (Bell, 2011).

Sunday, April 28, 2019

English Final Exam Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

English net Exam Questions - Essay ExampleThe loathing he has for the common pile is evident when his English teacher get bys to see the show at Carnegie Hall, where he is the usher, and he wonders, offended, what business she had there among all these fine people and gay colors. Somehow, for capital of Minnesota, there is no redemption for common people. He is so self absorbed that he thinks that only people he motiflizes are actually good people. He does non care whether his family loves him or are concerned about him, because to him they are not worthy of his attention as they do not come up to his standards of worthy people, so to speak. A classic narcissist, he does not care about anyone other than himself. When he is stealing money, he does not concern himself with who would have to pay it back, or whether anyone would come after his father the thought does not even cross his mind. Similarly, when he discovers that his father ended up paying the money Paul had stolen and had now started to search for his son, he was concerned about himself he did not insufficiency to go back as he still wanted to enjoy the pseudo lifetime he was living. It seems as if he is always trying to impress those around him, trying to set himself isolated from them. Whether it is by his insolence towards his teacher, or his flat out lying amongst his peers, it is clear that he does not want them to see him as one of their bear. He does not want to belong to them he looks down on them. Yet, this same feeling causes him to get depressed because he feels like a stranger in his own milieu. His suppressed sexuality has added to his depression and disenchantment with his real life and those around him. Although there is nothing overt, however, Paul does seem to have certain homosexual tendencies. Whether it is how he hangs around Charley Edwards of the stock company, or a nip about how badly his night out with a rich boy from Yale ends, or his repulsion at getting married, it seems as if Paul is secretly a homosexual, which causes him to further disenfranchise himself from the social scene he belongs to. It is precisely because he does not relate to those around him and cannot be pull up stakes of those he wants that, rather than go back to lead a normal life, that he kills himself. Sonny Blues Sonny and his brother were natural about seven years apart, which seem like a chasm to the latter. What is more, two brothers are quite incompatible temperamentally as well. The elder brother seems to be more accepting of his circumstances, and does not try to ladder them, but rather try to make his life within them. He left Harlem, and yet has taken residence in a project, with his wife and children. Moreover, after retiring from the army he has taken up a job as an algebra teacher a hearty, respectable sort of job by connections standards. Sonny, on the other hands, seems to be rebelling against his circumstances. Whether it is drugs or his music, he seems to want to break free from Harlem both in body and in spirit. In music, he seems to have found his escape, and ironically, drugs play a part in that too, despite him wanting to leave Harlem to avoid becoming an addict. Musicians are never considered to be the solid respectable type in society, and what is more, Baldwin depicts how Sonny actually did not even have much idea about how to make a living by music. The young African-American men are up against the two darknesses according to Baldwin. The first being the reality of

Saturday, April 27, 2019

The Era of Technology for the Environmental Based Issues Essay

The Era of Technology for the Environmental Based Issues - try ExampleThe idea could be referred as a perfect one because it will enable the council to bring down and accumulate sufficient funds which could be used for decreasing the level of air Creating awareness among the peck is more worthwhile than that of applying the fees and fines over the people. It would work for California but new and effective strategies like in awareness could also be initiated.Public Law of United States (US) 480 stated that the United States transmits the surplus gains to the developing countries, which pay them in local currencies. Later on, the country transfers much of its grains in de facto, but not to sell the grains which are not a good sign for a country which is highly effective and all-powerful in gaining and maintaining foods in total. This could be in a perfect way and the United States has to look before to gaining an advantage by selling grains.In Economics, the name of elasticity i s one of the most important topics which commence its own importance and recognition. If the prices of food items are increasing without increasing the quantity, then it is known as damaging elasticity in which prices are increasing not the quantities for poor.There are two different forests which essential to be harvest accordingly. The first forest would be harvest accordingly and it is left in the resembling position, while the second forest has been developed into a house. In terms of efficiency Forest, 1 would keep on the oldest harvest age because it will remain in the same position for a long get across of time, higher than that of the years of Forest B.

Friday, April 26, 2019

The Atomic Attack on Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Atomic Attack on japan - Essay ExampleAfter Germanys free fall in May 1945, the U.S. and its allies were able to concentrate their efforts on forcing japan to allow. With the fall of the Marianas Islands in July 1944, it had conk apparent to war machine leaders on all sides that the fall of Japan was a foregone evidence (Long). The increased capability of B29 bombers to strike Japan opened Japans cities and industry to severe attacks. Coupled with a nautical blockade that crippled Japans ability to gain the resources to wage war, it was only a question of when the surrender would occur. By June 1945, General Curtis LeMay estimated that U.S. airstrikes would have no Japanese targets left by October 1945 (Long). As early as June 1945, the U.S. had intercepted cables from the Japanese to the Russians seeking aid in an offer to surrender (Lewis).With Japan weakening, the Potsdam Declaration of July 1945 called for Japans unconditional surrender. The harsh rhetoric of the declar ation, aimed at the Japanese, indicated that Emperor Hirohito would be deposed and treated as a war criminal. Due to the Japanese ghostly belief that the emperor was a God, the Proclamation was unacceptable even to the Japanese peace movement. While Japan attempted to negotiate surrender through Russia, the U.S. held fast demanding the complete dismantling of the Japanese authority. The fate of the emperor, and the involuntariness of the U.S. to have Russia broker the deal, were the main points impeding a calculated surrender. Leading scientists as well as military leaders of this period overwhelmingly opposed using the new dreadful weapon. Most prepare its use against a civilian population repugnant. Many of them suggested a demonstration to the Japanese of its awesome capabilities in an effort to persuade them into surrender. Most agreed that a demonstration would be less than effective and a waste of a bomb. Truman writes in his private diary of July 25, 1945, that he has order ed the bomb dropped on a purely military target and spare civilians, women, and children (Truman Diary). It was clear by his diary entry that he mum the ramifications of the bombs destructive capability. Truman had quipped that the Japanese would fight to their last dying man and an invasion would cost a billion American lives. These were anecdotal estimates and had no military basis. In fact, in the days before the bomb was dropped, Japan was trying to secure an acceptable surrender that would maintain the Emperors fate. Yet, in the face of scientific opposition and military skepticism, Truman stuck to the order to drop the bombs and struck Hiroshima on August 6, 1945. A second strike hit Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. When the bomb was dropped, the American public shared Trumans enthusiasm laced with a hint of the sombreness that rose over the horizon. The perception is still prevalent today that the bomb prevented an invasion and saved American lives (Hogan, 146).Estimates are tha t 170,000 Japanese were killed instantly from the bomb and the ensuing radiation (Anhalt). Most were civilians. Still, the Japanese Cabinet refused to surrender due to their belief in the emperor as a God. As

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Research report- Trditional training methods Paper

Report- Trditional training methods - Research Paper ExampleIt is crucial that each appendage understands the role and responsibilities of the team and how each member should adjust with each other and work collaboratively as a team. The Six Sigma emphasise the importance of defining and applying team tools like brainstorming, multi-voting and other group problem reciprocation technique. It also teaches the importance of using an effective and most appropriate communication technique to prevent problems that whitethorn cause misunderstanding and may disrupt teamwork. Fulfilling this Six Sigma Greenbelt competency area is very inseparable in action learning to foster teamwork and bring about a working relationship that allow for help the organisation come up with workable solutions to a real problem in the organisation. proceeding Learning involves working in teams of 6-30 employees chosen from different divisions throughout the organisation to help find solutions to an alert pro blem in the organisation.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Effectice Performance Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Effectice Performance anxiety - Essay ExampleSwann communication theory is a global leader in home and business CCTV security system industry. The company employs about 65 professionals who do their best to meet organisational objectives and industry requirements. Performance standards utilize by Swann communications help the centering to support general activity of governance and its performance proficient support, high esprit de corps of employees, conditions of work, etc. The companys performance is based on certain standards which croup be expound as an expression of planning conclusions. These standards are based on social bodily responsibility and corporate ethics employed by Swann communications. Some goals cannot easily be expressed in quantitative form, e.g. morale of a convention, and are measured only in a qualitative manner.Group members in Swann communications have one goal in common, such as to produce and market high fibre CCTV surveillance solutions. Comm unication is essential within each project and members of the group which help to achieve the group task. Expected behavior patterns are developed within each group and these are referred to as norms of Swann Communications. altogether project teams follow certain stipulated standards of work and behavior which help them to avoid conflict situation and add-on work efficiency. The role of managers in Swann Communications is to channel employees into constructive activities that are in the interests of the company. One attend has been to obtain more employee participation in decisions that affect their interests so that group members will not be so much against management. The most important is that performance indicators are used at all organizational levels, from the technical/managerial and institutional level. Swann Communications plays special attention to relationship between all levels and the accreditation process. The fiber and nature of the decisions made are influence by the nature of the structure. Based on horizontal structure, Swann Communications is able to develop activities which are competitive with, or directly complementary to, a companys present activities. Swann Communications interprets organization as socio-technical system which concerned with the interactions between the psychological and social factors, as well as structural and technical requirements.The Ways in which Performance is Reviewed Goal theory is used to measure want of employees. This is a useful tool which helps to measure behavior at different organizational levels. The systems approach to organization and management also give recognition to the importance of groups in influencing behavior at work. In Swann Communications job evaluation is concerned with intrinsic value. Control is used to measuring performance against standards. Standards and controls are check according to the job performed. Deviations observed by HR department are reported immediately to the manag ement team. In some cases, such information is usually supplied too late to be of immediate use, and can be used only for future planning. Monitoring is used to gather information and certain deviations in order to respond effectively to group changes. Swann Communications management team stipulates and set clear goal and responsibility for work done is well defined. In this situation, monitoring becomes more effective and it is

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Arts Paper 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arts newspaper 1 - Essay ExampleHills Like White Elephants, had aroused a sense of empathy in me towards Jig. From her eyes, I saw the point of view of a girl who wished to turn into a woman by reservation her personal choice towards motherhood. As the idea of conception had always been biological, the idea of motherhood in these changing contemporary times had evolved. In times where women find equal right and opportunities in the American monastic order especially in the time when the story was set, I saw that to Jig, to become a mother or not to become a mother should be a womans choice as an individualnot imposed by nature, not imposed by society, not imposed by her other half. Whether she wanted it or not, the choice belonged to her.I saw Jigs first pedigree to her decision to become a mother as the valley had been described as the country being brown and dry. With this allusion I saw Jigs view of her life it did not resemble anything sound of life and beauty. It was the stage of her life when she kept on snuff iting with her lover, the American, enjoying pleasures life can offeralcohol, sex, travelbut I thought she saw it something dry and empty.Although it occurred to me that Jig wanted to pursue motherhood, there was a counter-argument to her decision. The country indeed looked brown and dry, but her other choice were hills like white elephants. White elephants had connotations nigh something grand, something pretty but the owner cannot get rid of yet it would be so costly to keep. In other words, her other choice, the baby would be like a white elephant to her. It would cost her a softwood to raise the babytime, effort, her pleasurable lifeif it would be her choice.Even though Jig wanted to absorb that choice, to her, there was a dilemma her lover, the Americans contention. In order for them to be together, at least(prenominal) for him to stay with her, Jig should have an abortion. The American views their

Monday, April 22, 2019

Service Project for Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Service Project for Diabetes - Essay Example(CDCs Diabetes Program).Diabetes normally strikes persons above 40 when the body system begins to slow down and physical activities decrease. A c areless, sedentary lifestyle further aggravates the risks and complications arising come out of this ailment. Lack of control and medication adversely affects the eyes, kidneys, heart, the nervous system and blood vessels. Diabetes can also be hereditary.The best way to prevent or control the disease is through a regimen of fixity physical activities, diet and maintenance of normal blood sugar level and aesculapian distribute. For type-2 diabetes, there are chances to delay or even prevent the development of the disease through modest lifestyle, regular issue of physical exercise and improved nutrition. (Nancy Jane Heilman, p.9).Economically backward and illiterate groups such as aborigines and tribes are more(prenominal) vulnerable to the ravages of the disease, since there is little to se rve as inducements to incorporate changes to control and treat diabetes for healthier example of living.The target Hispanic group in the South Valley District urgently need way and care in organized, time-bound manner so that they not only get access to medical care but also the opportunity to suitably modify their lifestyle necessary in controlling the disease. This is easier give tongue to than done among communities strongly rooted in age-old, traditional way of livingHowever, it is very important to arise the community to alter their life style. A consistent schedule intertwining diet, physical activities and check up, daily cost up and feedback is bound to produce results. Initially, all activities mustiness be geared to building relationship and harming the confidence of the community and learning their way of life. The cost factorThe annual cost of treatment per longanimous works out to approximately US$3500 in tribal areas. Since the community is backward and poor, t he cost must be borne by the health department through government and other donor grants. (The Provincial Diabetes Plan, p.8). bring on awarenessThe purpose of the project is to reach diabetic patients within the Hispanic community and provide them with medical care and instructions on dietetic intake and physical activities that help sustain a sanguine lifestyle. It is critically important to educate them astir(predicate) the risk factors in the absence or avoidance of dietary controls and medical support. Further, inform them about the modifiable and non-modifiable aspects of diabetes, that is, certain factors like eating habits, stress, smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverage are modifiable, but hereditary, family history, gender and age are non-modifiable. To begin with, shortlist the names and other selective information of individuals displaying symptoms of diabetes from medical records available with primary health care centers and other health care agencies. Educat ing the community about diabetes is just as important as educating the individual patient. Besides, there are others who may not be diabetic but benefit from timely intervention to prevent the disease. Hospitals, dispensaries and other health care units involvement is mandatory in order to successfully organize a 12-weeks

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Business economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

occupancy economics - test ExampleThe largest consumers of fossil fuels be the automobile industry and the electric originator generation industry. Major manufacturers of the reality likewise rely mostly on bunker fuels to run their factories. What peak fossil anoint means is that crude production is now on a downward slope due to declining oil colour production from speedy depletion of this non-re red-hotable energy source. Oil is also an energy that has security risks involved as its source, chiefly in the midway East, has been wracked by production disruptions lately. Economic development for the past several decades has been anchored on the assumption of tuppeny oil supplies but this is not true anymore. Fossil fuels or hydrocarbons have supplied the most of energy requirements for transportation and also for the production of fertilizers, plastics, fibers, pesticides, detergents and even pharmaceuticals (Abdullah, 200518). It is quite ironic the automobile industry i s only when now again bring around electric cars although the technology had been around since the invention of cars centuries ago but shelved due to the availability of vast cheap oil which precluded further development of electric and hybrid cars (Anderson, 20104). Market Structure the oil industry is an oligopoly. ... To date, the only large areas still left unexplored are the large patch of ocean in the southwestward China Sea known as the Spratly Islands group (Deffeyes, 20019) and the cold Arctic wastes of the North Pole (Myers, 20111). The orbicular warming from climate change had made the ice glaciers retreat which now opened many new inaccessible areas to possible oil and gas exploration activities. Price Discrimination the oil industry had been aerated in the past of this bad practice as it has a complete hold on oil production and sale. There is latent bell collusion among the oil manufacturers in which one leading producer can increase its prices at will and then followed by the other producers (OPEC is an example although its pricing power has weaned recently). Other practices include setting the maximum price that the market can bear as producers in oligopolies are price-takers (ability to set the price) especially with oil becoming a diminishing commodity. Industry players are able to do this because of price inelasticity in oil demand in some markets. Government Regulations the oil industry also stands accused of price gouging in which the players take advantage of price volatility in the international markets to their own advantage. Although many factors determine the gasoline price at the pump, it has been estimated only 85% of price changes are due to changes in demand conditions worldwide. This is further complicated by growing demand from sinewy powerful economies like China and India. In the United States, Robinson-Patman Act (1936) makes price discrimination an illegal practice. It is rarely enforced due to the difficulties in monitoring volatility and the many factors driving gas prices. Global Business Environment the industrialized

Tools Used for Examining Frauds Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Tools Used for Examining Frauds - Term Paper ExampleThey grab the attention of the clients by brilliant them quick money (Coderre, 2009). Detection of pecuniary frauds required experienced forensic accountants. They are basically accountants, auditors, and investigators of financial and legal documents who are hired by the company to look into possible financial frauds taking place. there are different varieties of financial frauds. The range can spread from a simple theft to to a greater extent complicated frauds and identity thefts. Some of the common types of financial frauds are check fraud, banking/identity fraud directs theft, invoices and payments fraud. quartette basic frauds that occur in a business are Embezzlement, internal theft, payoffs and kickbacks and skimming (Imoniana, Antunes & Formigoni, 2013).Embezzlement which is similarly known as larceny occurs when the personnel who are appointed to control the funds, use them illegally for their personalized gain (Petru celli, 2013). Internal theft go throughs place when company assets such as company products or supplies are stolen by the employees. This causes inventories to shrink down. Pay-offs and kickbacks are kinds of bribery which are often reported by the companies. These occur when employees take money from the receipt and that transaction is not recorded. Other important frauds are Money laundering, Mortgage fraud, conduct/ RICO, Securities fraud, payroll-fraud, manipulation of sales figures, tax evasion, use of fictitious invoicing, stealing money from company accounts, duplicate billing, accounts due fraud, financial statement fraud, etc. Money Laundering is the process of movement of illicit money and other(a) profits through legitimate channels with the purpose of disguising the illegal source of the money to prevent from tax officials (Wells, 2010).

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Physician Assistant Profession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Physician Assistant Profession - Essay ExampleSpecialties much(prenominal) as cardiovascular, neonatology, and emergency medicine may fall outside the scope of the core training program. Typically, state for training a PA to work in these aras falls on Masters levels programs or the mendelevium that was practicing with the PA. While the system has relied on the talent and dedication of the members of the profession to assure an adequate level of training, there has been no formal certification go for work in these areas. The rapidly changing and evolving profession has reached a point where certification makes good sense. It is good for the medical students, the career PAs, and most importantly it is a benefit to the prevalent and the wellness care patients that seek care from a PA in a specialty environment.PAs are trained and work under the close supervision of a physician and in this arrangement the physician is dependent upon a suitable assistant. Currently, the Nationa l Commission on Certification of Physicians Assistants (NCCPA) is the governing board that is prudent for the quality certification of PAs. In a speech of May 2006 Randy D. Danielsen, the Chairman of the NCCPA said, Changes in the larger wellness care delivery system may be adversely affecting the teaching and mentoring that should be taking place between PAs and their supervising physicians.... The NCCPA Chairman called for specialty certification at that time. When training suffers the working arrangement between the physician and the PA is negatively affected. With specialty standards and a certification process, the physician could be more confident that the PA will have the background necessary to work in tomorrows health care system.The PA may have the most to gain from a specialty certification process. A certificate of compliance can be readily recognized as an assurance that the PA is qualified to work in a given specialty. Indeed, many larger organizations have indicated the need for certification another(prenominal) that the NCCPA certification to demonstrate the PAs competence in a specialty or subspecialty. The current certification process may be limiting the career advancement of qualified PAs simply because of a lack of a certification process. According to the American Academy of Physicians Assistants (AAPA) this could lead to more opportunities for employment, greater chance of advancement, higher pay, and a more secure position within the specialty (Flexibility as a Hallmark). military strength certification will enhance the career path of the PA within the framework of modern health care.Critics will point out that the certification requirements may limit the flexibility of PAs in the delivery of care. The AAPA has cited as an example that, ...a PA working in adult cardiology might not be able to corn liquor in urgent care... (Flexibility as a Hallmark). The Academy is further concerned that the added court of formal specialty and sub specialty training and certification may be impractical as well as being time consuming and possibly unavailable. These are valid concerns and it is incumbent upon the NCCPA to address these important issues when structuring a specialty certification program. The ultimate goal of health care is to benefit the patient. Indeed, PAs have been instrumental in bringing quality treatment to the public at an affordable cost. In a study by Hooker, Potts, and Ray it

Friday, April 19, 2019

The Fundamentals of Statistics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

The Fundamentals of Statistics - Assignment ExampleAdditionally, in couch to provide a clearer illustration of the data, use of graphs and pie charts is paramount.There are many things that are not explicitly understandable and usually require uncovering. Therefore, it is important for the interested parties to come up with ways of developing an adequately deep understanding of the target info. In most cases, the information being sought is usually of of import importance. The information could be explanatory or even form basis for evaluation of problems at hand. This is the suit why people embark on research since it enables them to capture data upon which to validate their views or recover explanations (Goddard & Melville, 2001). A film conducted on a sample of inmates revealed a number of things based on the views of the inmates on the criminal justice system. The study encompassed qualitative and quantitative variables all of which were related to criminal justice. This is an outlook into cardinal of the variables studied namely types of offenses and satisfaction of the inmates with regard to incarceration services.It is undisputable that varied offenses have different frequencies of occurrence thus the need to look into the specific offenses for which the inmates were in. Figure 1 is a representation of the findings of the study with regard to the types of offense for which the inmates were jailed. There were 7 inmates jailed for homicide and 9 in each of robbery and burglary categories. The information is illustrated in a pie chart to clearly depict the proportion of inmates assigned to each of the categories of offenses. The use of pie enhances visibility of the relationship existing between the variables under study. The type of offense is a qualitative variable and rough of the measures of central tendency and variability cannot be engendered. Qualitative data is categorical and non-numerical thus difficult to obtain measures that

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Masi Tupangato project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Masi Tupangato project - Essay exemplarIn relation to the increasing pace of the global business environment, it is highly essential for an organisation to mystify a well-built structure to effectively operate its various practices. An appropriate structure of an organisation is superstar of the lively factors to attain substantial benefits as the aspect provides effective coordination between the organisational accomplishes and enables it to accomplish the determined goals (Massa & Zhang, 2010). With relation to the charge process concerning the Masi Tupungato project, building effective project team can be identified as one of the major and initial decisions which can facilitate the accomplishment of each phase of the project implementation designing in a more efficient way in terms of cost efficiency, time potency and quality assurance. Notably, as the company intends to manufacture wine following the native procedure in the Venetian regions, its organisational structure an d project team should involve professionals who are highly skilled and aware of the rudiments of such(prenominal) winemaking culture. With this concern, the organisational structure of the project shall involve authoritative bodies from Masi who would be responsible to result the entire process of wine manufacturing and warehousing for the export functions. This particular group of professionals will also be responsible to direct the skilled and trained personnel in the Tupungato region. Additionally, the required numbers of staff and labourers will be hire from the Tupungato valley. and the surrounding

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The four basic health care system models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The quadruplet basic wellness billing system models - Essay ExampleBismarck model that compiles to the Germany, France, Netherlands and other countries health circumspection system is fairly similar to the American health make out system that uses insurance policies to palm peoples health as a multi-payer model. Similarly, Bismarck model is strictly government recreate and non-profitable funded jointly by employees and employers (Boboc & Titan, 2014).Comparatively, drink model is a Britain, Spain and New Zealand oriented and nationalized health care that is financed and provided by the government. Beverage model focuses on the highest quality of services by controlling the sole taxation payers and what the health providers can offer. In contrast, National Insurance Model contains some components of both Bismarck and Beverage models involving private-sector providers where the beneficiaries are able to negotiate for the services rendered at the best and affordable prices (Hea lth Disparities Conference & Wallace, 2008).However, the health care cost within the national care model is regulated by the government especially pick out in Canada and South Korea. In contrast, The Out-of-Pocket Model is applied in most developing with disorganize health care systems to provide mass health care services. Unlike other health care models, the Out-of Pocket model is adopted in rural area of South America, China and Africa. Nevertheless, this kind of health care model does not provide health care for all citizens (Boboc & Titan, 2014).The future American healthcare system should combine the elements of both health care models to cover the health care from cradle to the grave for all American individuals. Similarly, the future American health system should centrally focus on preventive services directed towards improving health and driving down costs in commodious term where the United State citizens priorities and health concerns are invested in and

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Political Contention Essay Example for Free

Political Contention EssaySolita Collas-Monsod is a professor at the University of the Philippines Diliman and a writer in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. Solita Collas-Monsods article empower The Trillanes Myth was published or appe atomic number 18d in the Philippine Daily Inquirer and was last updated in kinfolk 3, 2007. The author was able to catch the attention of its audience, and she was able to effectively use the title of her article to come about a birds eye view of what is stored for the readers.She also starts her column through a logical argument of her stand regarding the issue being discussed. The author wanted to show or inform the audience and or the readers of the Philippine Daily Inquirer about the Trillanes group which started a coup d etat in Oakwood Hotel, or the well known Oakwood Mutiny, wherein there were 300 uniformed military officers and men who were guided or led by Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV.Her arguments also state that the Court, led by July 25 order of RTC Judge Oscar B. Pimentel, should slide by its firm stand with regards to imposing the necessary law or exercise disposal authority, without validation of the badges of inequality. She assume that the world, more specifically the sympathizers of the Trillanes group or the military officers, should not be deranged or persuaded by the idealisms and principles of the Trillanes group.She also states that the audience, we, should not be blinded by the myths or lies which the Trillanes group gives us, and that we should stick or be firm with our government rules about coup detats. Solita Collas-Monsod values the truth and in seeking veracious justice for such violators of the law. She strongly retrieves that proper justice or punishment in accordance with the government laws should be imposed on the Trillanes group, and we should do this objectively, not subjectively.Monsod was able to define terms clearly in her article. Solita Collas-Monsod did her assignment or did basi c research, thus, she was able to support her arguments with ample and enough facts. The argument for me is successful, and it does convince me. at that place are facts or sufficient supporting statements used by Monsod in her article and these facts or statements reckon sincerely reliable. My beliefs and line of thinking was the same as Monsod with regards to the Oakwood Mutiny, more specifically about the Trillanes group.Monsods argument strengthened my former belief about proper government execution of its laws . Politically speaking, this is really an eye-opening article not only to the public but to the government and its officials as well, more specifically to the legal Court. There are times when I had small doubts with regards the Judiciary system of the Philippines before, but because of Monsods article, and facts that she state about the actions taken by the Court, led by Judge Pimentel, these doubts are not gone.I believe that indeed, the political world still has it s impartiality. Solita Collas-Monsods article affects the political process by simply fortify the implementation of Judicial law and in informing the public about the Trillanes group. The government and the public, or the audience, are at the advantage, whereas the Trillanes group is definitely in the losing end. Work Cited Collas-Monsod, Solita. The Trillanes Myth. The Philippine Daily Inquirer, 2007.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Interactive Simulation Paper Essay Example for Free

Interactive ruse Paper Essay oeuvre unlikeness can be reflected in m each ways, gender, age group, race, nationality or disability and can take legal and fiscal consequence for a caller-up (Bennett-Alexander Hartman, 2007). denomination seven-spot of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA), and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are approximately of the laws and regulations that make discrimination unlawful in the conditions and terms of stage business, for example hiring, evaluation, and promotion. Its important for administrators to identify different types of discrimination and defend against employees in the place of work (Bennett-Alexander Hartman, 2007). The measures a company may have the appropriate adjustments for employees with disabilities, or those with a known do drugs abuse problem, the employees with a known drug abuse problem, the companies must have an arrangement on announcing a pre-employment in humanita rian to a post-employment alcohol and drug test. An employee with a drug abuse issue may be in the company code of breach. The company can chap technique to re-employ the employee in matters of rehabilitation status is complete. Alternatively if the employee has an alcohol abuse the company should inform the employee of inseparable or external counseling aid or treatment (UOP, 2014). The alternatives for the employee are termination, counseling or therapy, or warning.These solutions can benefit the employee and employer. As for disable persons applying for a conjecture, there is The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) employment agencies, trade union movement unions, and joint labor-management committees (Bennett-Alexander Hartman, 2007). Executive agencies of the United States government are exempt from the ADA, unless these agencies are covered sort of by similar nondiscrimination requirements and additional affirmative employmen t requirements under Section 501 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Bennett-Alexander Hartman, 2007). The challenges may include inaccessible equipment or amenities or perhaps a procedures or regulations should meet the criteria. practiced accommodating dismisses these challenges for a disabled employee. This where the ADA brings in companies to establish accommodations for their disabled employees, . Therefore, they appreciate the privileges and benefits of theemployment. Factors according to personality, place toward work, and future upward mobility should be considered when hiring.A candidates goal-settings, work attitudes, and, are considered elements that justify the process of employment. These characteristics are essential and effective to the companies modern role environments. In addition, applicants may believe a possible discrimination towards themselves regarding the company but it is not the case in the hiring process. The two applicants selected were a female and J udaic. The female employee made accusations of versed harassment regarding two co-workers in her work group and had assumptions of her manager behavior was unjust when evaluating her work public presentation concerning the reported accusations. The issue should examine thoroughly, and companies indeed react with the professional manner in this sort of channelize to remain clear of any sexual harassment. The Judaic employee reported of his religious beliefs on the project tending(p) to him by a manager regarding the advertisement of a meat product. This was altered for the employee regarding religious affiliation but costly. This cases that have arisen with the two candidates selected had legal advice from the company Legal Counselor for HHP. Her choices include credentials and abilities for the workplace not sex, impairment of faith, and not race. The company president concerns with a female employee working in the surroundings of a white male environment and Manager, the Execut ive Director uncertainty of employees support of African-American rights in addition to feminist status.These characteristics should not be an interest of concern in the hiring process (UOP, 2014). Title 7 is a federal government law and a work contract, verbal or written and should comply with the laws and regulations of the job. Title VII may bypass the job atmosphere and conditions specified in a written job agreement between a company and worker. The job contract wont bypass Title VII but, Title VII will bypass the contract. Before Title VII, the company could employ and terminate an employee for any given reason. Title VII forbids discrimination in employing, firing, coaching, promotion, discipline or any other office decisions. (Bennett-Alexander Hartman, 2007). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) cover all private employers, state and local governments, and education institutions which use fifteen or over persons (Bennett -Alexander Hartman, 2007). A work agreement doesnt permit orlegalize any action of discrimination that is covered by Title VII. Title VII overrode the job atmosphere and office conditions (Bennett-Alexander Hartman, 2007). Religious values should be accommodated with a good faith effort by the company (UOP, 2014). Moreover, the Executive Director was worried about the employee having the ability to travel to deal with customers however he is a protected under the rules of ADA. With the introduction of the latest technology could allow the specific employee to able to teleconferences or net conferences with customers and still meet his job conditions (UOP, 2014).ReferenceBennett- Alexander, D. D., Hartman, L. P. (2007). Employment law for business (5th ed.). Boston, MA McGraw-Hill. UOP. (2014). Simulations Preventing Workplace Discrimination Multimedia. Retrieved from UOP, MGT/434 website.

“The Iliad” by Homer Essay Example for Free

The Iliad by Homer experimentThe Iliad is known to be the most famous Greek poems written by a blind poet Homer. The Iliad is go out circa 8th light speed BC, although now some scholars such as Martin West and Richard Seaford prefer to date it in the 6th-7th century BC. The Iliad tells about events taking place during the last year of Lion siege (about 10th century BC) or Trojan War. The Iliad be grands to a tradition of Greek oral poetry epic poem.It is a long poem telling readers about historical events involving ancient gods, heroic deeds and ancient heroes. Since the Iliad is too lengthy, it is by and large organized. What is more interesting is that not every event or episode of the poem is absolutely machine-accessible with the main story line. It means that digressions are rather common in the poem. It is possible to notice the diversion between epic genre and dramatic genre where every last(predicate) episodes tend to be closely attached with the plot and all di gressions are uncommon. It is a distinguishing feature of The Iliad.Actually, the poem promotes the ideal sod war-like society. The main al-Qaeda of the The Iliad is glorification of the war. There is an idea that the novel even celebrates war, because all the characters are judged by their competence, bravery and courageousness in the battles. It seems that the poem supports the war, because such judging extends even to the gods. Iliad proclaims that to fight means to prove honor and bravery.Furthermore, the poem proclaims that war is predominant over the family life and has to be always on the first place for all men. For example, Achilles is the greatest warrior in the Greek army. Achilles wins eternal glory because he always rejected long, uneventful, calm and lucky home life. Paris preferred not to fight and therefore he was scorned by his family and dear(p) woman. Paris is shown to be more subjected to womens tenderness i.e. love and other feelings being inherent to humans . concord to Homer, such qualities arent attributes of real hero. Summing up Homers hero is strong, courage, brave and always organise to fight and to die. Achilles is an ideal of Greek hero for Homer.ReferencesFitzgerald, Robert (translt.). (1991). The Iliad of Homer. New York, USA Penguin

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Courage can be applied and used in almost every aspect of life Essay Example for Free

courage can be applied and used in almost every view of life EssayDefinitions are meant to help us understand contrary c one timepts both around us. A comment allows us to communicate something that needed to be said. According to the Oxford English mental lexicon, the definition of the word of honor definition is the action of defining, or stating exactly what a thing is, or what a word means in a sense where it will help us understand its meaning.Definitions provide cleverness to the meaning of something. At times we may feel like we know a word barely cannot clearly come up with a way to ad beneficial it and that is when definitions come into play providing clarity for a word. They help us understand everything around us, from throngs ideas to their feelings, to all sorts of concepts of ideology and life. Without definitions we would not know what anything would be, mean, act for, and so on. Definitions are an essential part of life that helps us cope with many th ings by helping us understand a broader perspective of objects and ideas.As a newbie in English class, one of our assignments was to get word Solitude and Leadership by William Deresiewicz which is an extended definition of the words solitude and leadership. William Deresiewicz used different methods to define the two words including quotes, examples, symptomatics, and reference to Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, which in my case was one of the hardest novels I had to read.One of the definitions Deresiewicz gives us is solitude means being alone, and leadership necessitates the presence of others, both words contradicting themselves. Deresiewicz uses a series of characteristics to define the words, which included words such as courage, independence, thinking, creativity, honor, concentration, honesty, introspection, friendship, and morality among others.Courage was one characteristic that stood out to me. Courage can be interpreted in many ways. According to the Oxford Englis h Dictionary one way, courage is defined as the heart as a seat of feeling, thought, etc. animation, mind, disposition, nature. other definition that was provided was that courage is applied to a persons spirit and yet another definition was spirit, liveliness, lustiness, vigor, vital cart or energy.All three definitions contained the word spirit in them, and I believe that ones spirit is real important in relation to courage because it is what keepsus going. I can say that courage drives our spirit because without courage we would not do the many things that we subscribe done and will do. For example, we would not talk to soulfulness we really like without having the courage to go up to him or her right?According to the essay by Deresiewics, in that respect is two types of courage one being physical which he says we all possess in abundance and moral courage, which is the courage that allows us to stand up for what we believe (175). Courage drives us to the many things we do in everyday life whether it is something simple like having the courage to argues our ideas or something chivalrous like skydiving (175).To myself, courage contains some of the same characteristics, but I can out it into different words. Courage is a quality of mind or spirit that leads one to make certain decisions. delimitate courage this way makes much more sense to me. Courage is very important because without it we probably would not be in certain situations we are in.For example, without courage I would not be three one C ninety four miles away from home all on my feature living with someone who was once a complete stranger to me. I believe that that took tons of courage from me. Without courage many of us would not be away home our homes starting our college careers, which will prepare us for our future careers. Courage is a drive one must have to keep our spirit going.As a freshman in college, I have set goals that I hope to achieve by the end of the year. I believe tha t courage can help achieve many goals. For example, one of my goals is to leave here with the courage to accommodate up more rigorous classes next year. Taking up more challenging courses is by all odds going to require courage because college can already be difficult for some and taking up more can be a harder task.Another goal I wish to accomplish is to experience from all that will be done this year and apply it to the future. This goal can also take a bit of courage because learning from mistakes and applying the experience onto the future can be difficult. Courage is a really important characteristic to contain. No matter what age or situation, courage is extremely important, just having the mentality of wanting to do something and being able to do it says a lot about a persons character.After reading the Solitude and Leadership I suddenly realize that thereare many things that take part in building character. Courage goes a very capacious way. It helps us decide on certain ideas, gestures, etc. Being able to take the essay and go onto defining a word in my own terms, like in the essay, took courage because many people can judge my ideology but having that courage the author spoke about and arguing for my own idea took courage.Courage can be applied and used in almost every aspect of life. Sometimes all you need in life is a bit of courage to get you through a certain situation in life because at such moments, all you really have is yourself (182).Works Citeddefinition, n.. OED Online. 2012. Oxford University Press. 29 October 2012 .courage, n.. OED Online. 2012. Oxford University Press. 29 October 2012 .Deresiewicz, William. Solitude and Leadership. The Best American Nonrequired Reading 2011. Ed. Dave Eggers. New York Houghton, 20122. 169-182. Print.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Information Use Essay Example for Free

Information Use EssayIn todays business environment development is the most important asset a business has, this reading supports to support, maintain, develop and track its daily activities. The following(a) logical step is implementing a clay that is conducive and geared towards this goal. With the help of its information system, and its information technology department, managers, trades people, the operations department and others with irritate to this information have a handy musical instrument to help them do their work on a daily basis. The structure of the information system is paramount on how accessible this information is to the people that depend upon it to complete their normal workday. The managers and IT department work closely unitedly to agree upon and decide on an information system that will be feasible to the business itself, thusly setting up a system that will be beneficial to the business itself. In my preceding(prenominal) workplace, this was a real estate company that focused on short sales and loan modifications.Our information was provided by the homeowner, this information consisted of their mortgage statement, swear records, hardship letters describing why they undeniable the short sales or the loan modification, and a list of their debt-income ratio and any foreclosure information. The database we worked on was a system c on the wholeed Salesforce this system enabled us to keep track of the calls we had to make and document all details of that call. It contained all of the information we demand to accomplish this task, it held leaf nodes pertinent data, the banks that we dealt with and a method to track the goals we had to accomplish each week.This system was also an ERM (electronic records focal point database) we had the ability to scan and upload pertinent client information such as three months of bank statements, paystubs, and hardship letters, foreclosure notices and current mortgage statements. It was very(prenominal) user friendly and had the ability to be modified towards the ask of the company using it. That being said management asked us to make suggestions on what additions we saw or felt that would help make our jobs easy and more efficient.The short sale police squad made some(prenominal) suggestions to add to Salesforce, at that placeby making it more specified for our daily tasks. The short sale team was not the barely ones using Salesforce, our sales team that generated the leads or clients were the first line of defense they had to enter the clients information into Salesforce and scan all the documents related to a homeowners situation. The sales team was also responsible for contacting the homeowners to send updated and current documents pertinent to their short sales or loan modifications.In essence Salesforce was also used as a data management system, it had the ability to store all data, generate sales reports, processing, integrating, distributing, securing, and archiving data effectively for current and future use. Accessing Salesforce was readily available if we were out of the perspective as well, we had the capability to log in and view reports, or if a new client was added, and if we needed information to set up an appraisal that was requested by the bank before the short sale was approved.This ability was very handy for the real estate agent and the processor handling the account, the ability to access the main database with all pertinent information about the client away from the office was an excellent tool that Salesforce offered. Maintenance of Salesforce was managed by our small IT staff, any problems with the system was corrected or fixed very quickly, as the licenses held by Salesforce enabled the IT staff to manage the database as an in-house system, therefore they did not have to contact anyone with any issues.At the same time the permissions on Salesforce were very strict, a persons user id and password only allowed ac cess to certain parts, the short sales team could not modify or change anything, in particular any client information or access the sales departments input and vice versa. This made sense, because there was very important information on the database, the clients financial data and mortgage information, very sensitive information.In essence, the database that the company used in my opinion was user friendly and seemed to address the postulate of the business, in this case a real estate office that held important and sensitive financial data, point of reference reports and mortgage information. The system enabled us to handle the flow of information and daily activities easy, made access to speed reports quickly and efficiently. Further, management was able to view and track completion of daily tasks and weekly goals to generate reports quickly.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Essay Example for Free

Performance Monitoring and rating EssayBackground and ContextS tabuh eastern United States Asia was the region that experienced the first wave of H5N1 in twain animals as well as humans. As of 1 march 2006, the following is the epidemiological office staffHuman infection no new cases of human infection have been reported since 13 Jan 2006. To date, out of a total of 21 cases of human infections (animal- to- human transmission) 12 are confirmed by WHO informant laboratory as H5N1 infections. The number of deaths due to the infections is 4, and is acknowledged in the 12 confirmed cases. only others cases were set successfully. All 12 cases involved directed close contract with domestic fowl. No human- to- human transmission has been observed. puppet infection between 15 December 2005 and 23 march 2006, a total of 191 outbreaks across 48 provinces were confirmed and dealt with. All outbreaks were reported from backyard poultry premises, except for one which involved a small - scale poultry farm. A total of 2,304,445 poultry have been culled as part of the internal solvent. To date, 33 various(prenominal) cases of avian flu have been found in wild raspberrys. No cases have been detected in individual poultry farms.With no new human cases being reported after the last case of 13 Jan 2006, South East Asia has moved from crises response to risk management mode. Per WHO guidelines, the region is currently maintaining avian flu pandemic alert phase-3. dialogue Challenges and ApproachesFollowing the content response to the first wave of H5N1 infections in both animals as well as humans, from a dialogue perspective, at least three categories of audiences now live in South East Asia.the thousands of rural families who have directly experienced their poultry flocks being culled, and with it, at least temporarily, perhaps their source of live hood and nutritional security.the million of viewers who experienced the meat of H5N1 outbreak stripe and sub scribement operations through the media and information channels, without necessarily developing a full savvy of the reasoning and science behind the response.An unknown number of people who neither experienced the outbreak response directly nor received it through the media.The current and upcoming behavioural intent of all these audiences in future outbreak responses is largely unknown. This unknown element constitutes a significant concern with regard to national cooking, and falls squarely in the colloquy domain.Field visit and some rapid pocket-size surveys in urban and rural areas reveal that through most people have heard of avian flu, there is enormous confusion, lack of clarity, and a felling of dismay among people with regard to the disease, its mode of transmission, its symptoms and treatment, and compensation for the loss of live-stock. thither have also been instances of families hiding poultry from culling teams in outbreak areas, and reports of stigmatisation of families who underwent treatment for symptoms.Towards development of a encyclopedic communication strategy, an inter- agency, inter-sectoral, unicef- supported workshop on al communications was held under the leadership of the child- intersectoral hop on (CIB) in Ankara on 9-10 February 2006, to reflect on emerging lesson and planning for future responses.Key findings and recommendations from the workshop Review all current communication materials, including strategy documents and plans of various agencies working on avian flu, to determine that messages and plans are harmonized, to minimize duplication, improve coordination, and enhance the impact of intervention.Establish an inter- sectoral strategic communication working gathering on avian flu to coordinate all communication intervention, under the leadership of the child inter-sectoral add-in (CIB), judicatures of South East Asian region.Fill information gaps with regard to confederation perception of risk and wayal int ent. Conduct of rapid, participatory KAPB studies and the involvement of communities in decision- making and planning are critical for long- term solutions oddly since backyard poultry- stoping is a wide spread culture practice in rural South East Asia.In parallel to clear and improved messaging through the mass media, implement a hale inter- personal communication component to ensure outreach to rural macrocosm, with comprehensive and relevant information on bird flu. The mass media is currently providing information in a fragmented manner, and has not been responsive to community concerns. Additionally, frontline workers and community leaders need to be sensitized and comprehensively trained to carry out information and behavior change outreach work, especially in hard-to reach areas and populations.Much of the preparedness can and should be through in advance. Establishing a closure and more engaged partnership with the media, and developing and pre-testing messages and prod ucts for the full spectrum and epidemiological scenarios, should be done as soon as possible.In short the national response calls for the implementation of an integrated communication strategy which addresses the social/political domain through advocacy strengthens BCC communication capacities and skills of the AI service saving system and enkindle adoption of AI preventive behaviors among communities and individuals through social mobilizations and inter personal communication interventions. Messages and interventions need to be harmonized across all implementation partners.StrategicProgrammatic goalsThe programme goals of national misfortune plan of various South East Asian nations for Avian Influenza are articulated in two key documentsContingency Plan for Avian Influenza (April 2005), Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs (MARA). design Maintain disease response preparedness, and implement rapid find out measures in the event of suspicion or an outbreak of disease, to co ntain virus transmission. epidemic Influenza guinea pig Action Plan (Oct 2005), Ministry of Health culture To ensure that all persons, facilities and institutions are prepared to recognize and manage influenza pandemic, and plans are in ass to overthrow the transmission of the pandemic virus strain decrease cases, hospitalizations and deaths maintain essential services reduce the economic social impact of a pandemic.The documents are the cornerstone of the national preparedness and response plans for the saloon and rapid containment of outbreaks (animal-to-animal, animal-to-human, human-to-human transmission). The communication interventions envisage the dissemination of key message to the commonplace through the mass media and frontline workers, to promote hygiene and prevention behaviors, across the various epidemic phases.Communication Goals and ObjectivesThe overarching goals for 2006 of the communication strategy areAll services provide social occasion the knowledge, reco mmend healthy practices and reach at least 80% of the population with adequate and accurate information and knowledge.Policy-makers and community leaders use the knowledge and information to prevent and contain avian/pandemic flu, to ensure full systemic and institutional preparedness for rapid roll-out of appropriate interventions to control localized outbreaks, or the emergence of a pandemic.Specific Communication ObjectivesThrough the implementation of a comprehensive and coordinated public education, behavior change and policy advocacy campaign, the following ordain be achieved by end of 2006At least 80% of the population correctly recall the negative health effects of Avian/Pandemic Influenza know the correct methods of AI prevention.At least 80% of those who keep backyard poultry, or are involved in commercial winged animal farming and trading, know how to use strong practices and AI prevention behaviors.At least 80% of community leaders such as teachers, imams and muhtars have a comprehensive knowledge of AI prevention measures and actively disseminate and knowledge.Domains for Strategic Communication InterventionsThe communication strategy will be implemented to simultaneously influence the following three domains well-disposed/Political Domain The primary objective in this domain is to use advocacy methods and tools for the establishment of a supportive and enabling socio-political environment for avian influenza prevention/containment. Strategic coordination mechanisms and advocacy activities are planed to mark AI prevention high on the political, social and development agenda and to foster political will, and increment financial and other resources to ensure full preparedness. Policy advocacy activities will include strategic use of data and approaches to advocate to the parliamentarians, provincial governors and administrators close the impact of the issue at the national level. At the local level, advocacy will be apply to convince opinio n and community leaders about the need for local action and preparedness. Media advocacy will be conducted to improve quality of reporting, and to ensure that the public receives information of relevance and society remain strongly committed to implementing national AI prevention and containment policies. sign audiences and communication ways include inclusion of avian flu issues in parliamentary debates and other political events press conferences news coverage technical conferences and symposia celebrity spokesperson and meeting between various government agencies and civil society organizations, community and religious organizations, municipalities, service providers, association of physicians, and the private sector.AI service preservation Domain The objective in this domain is to bring together all feasible and practical inter-social allies, and increase their communication capacities to raise peoples knowledge and awareness, and influence their attitudes and practices, for p revention and containment of avian flu.Allies include frontline development workers, community leaders, non-government Organizations, municipalities and local media.An appropriate mix of interpersonal, group and mass-media channels, including participatory methods will be used in the implementation of these activities. The range of activities include group and community meetings, school-based activities, traditional media, road shows, leaflets, posters, pamphlets, videos, and home visits.The pore will be on communicating a series of messages about AI transmission and prevention and informing the public about what services are available and where and encouraging reporting of dead/ throw bird/poultry.Community and individual Domains The objective in this domain is t establish community norms and safe practices related to poultry-keeping, for the prevention of avian-flu.Community mobilization techniques can help create an environment through which communities particularly affected an d at-risk communities, can discuss, organize, build consensus and communicate their own perspectives on AI.Primary audiences including women and children, families involved in backyard poultry-keeping, small-scale commercial poultry farmers and dealers, transporters of poultry products, community leaders.Summary writ of execution of a coordinated and comprehensive country-wide existence Education and BCC campaign, directed at stimulating greater public dialogue on Avian/Pandemic Influenza within wider society, and adoption of safe practices by at-risk population to reduce risk of virus transmission.Implementation and monitoring of policy and media advocacy interventions that facilitate the creation of robust policy implementation mechanisms and a proactive media environment.Increasing of communication capacities and competencies of key partners to implement, manage and monitor prevention/containment strategies, at national and sub national levels.The Campaign will use an evidence-b ased mix of mass media and ground-level inter-personal communication interventions to achieve the strategic goals and objectives elaborated earlier. focal point and CoordinationMechanisms for ImplementationThe strategy will be implemented, both, at national and sub-national levels, by a range of institutions and partners including the ministry of Ministry of Health, the Ministry of agriculture, Ministry of National Education, Ministry of Interior, UN and international organizations, the provincial Governorates, the Media, non-governmental and community-based organizations , and the private sector. To coordinate and effectively manage the implementation of the communication interventions, the following is visualisedEstablishment of a formal, inter-sectoral Strategic Communication Working Group (SCWG) on AI Prevention/Containment, which will provide overall technical guidance and oversight in the planning and implementation of the interventions The SCGW will be comprised of communica tion and technical specialists, drawn from among the various partners. Drawn from among the various partners.The Provincial governorates, in collaboration with national counterparts, will provide leadership in coordinating and managing the implementation of activities at the provincial level including the cookery of micro-plans and training of key front-line workers like teachers, health workers, youth groups, and local NGO.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Values of society Essay Example for Free

Values of hunting lodge EssayThis in itself is enkindle and is perhaps representative of the upstart day fear of corruption from foreign sources for example, Donna goes to That London for a line of business interview and returns a slightly deranged, career driven woman, so concerned with herself and her be given that she fails to notice some(prenominal) that one best friend has gone into labour and the other has gone off with Gaz, Donnas boyfriend. This does however attend back to the values of the pre-90s situation comedys like Steptoe and Son and The effective Life that family (and in this context this refers to the close ruffle group of friends) comes first. A lot of the humour in the traditional British sitcoms is derived from class note and the contrasts amid these two classes this is particularly evident in The Good Life, in which Tom and Barbara Good decide to distribute up working for a living and sort of enjoy a self-sustained lifestyle. This is in bang -up contrast to their neighbours and friends, the Leadbetters, who are actually upper class and disparaging of Tom and Barbaras new lifestyle choice.The mass of dis correspondence (as relating to Todorovs theory) came from a problem the Goods faced in maintaining their self-sufficiency whether it be a lapse back into upper-middle-class for Barbara or Toms pigheadedness causing a minor problem to develop. They are continually challenged by Margot Leadbetter, who is a stereotypical snob with no sense of humour, who tolerates but doesnt understand their choice at all. While The Good Life was being produced in the 1970s, a revival of sorts was taking place concerning self-sufficiency and the growth snobbism of the middle class.The show was hailed as a great support to the cause as it showed it in a very positive light Tom and Barbara face a great deal of adversity in turning their S come forwardh London home into a small farm, however they always overcome these issues and equilib rium is restored. Margots complete misunderstanding when it comes to self-sufficiency is representative of the snobbery of the middle-class towards those beneath them why should you do the work by, for example, growing your own food, when you can just drive to the shops and buy it?However Tom and Barbara get a good deal of joy from producing their own goods with varying degrees of success, and despite Margots disapproval, they are happy its a very positive message, that you dont need material worth to have a good life. The caseful of Margot can be identifyn as a precursor to the character of Hyacinth Bucket on Keeping Up Appearances, a caricature of a middle class social climber.It again employed class distinction as the main source of comedy, that is between Hyacinth and her unemployed sister Daisy, her husband Onslow and younger sister flush who are an exaggeration of the working class, in that they dont do any work at all and instead spend all day in front of the television. The driving omen of Keeping Up Appearances is that Hyacinth, constantly striving to be higher in the community, is never happy, while Daisy, Onslow, Rose and Daddy are quite an literally happy as pigs in muck.This is further explored in ii Pints of Lager and a mailboat of Crisps, where the main cast (with the possible exception of Donna) have no ambition whatsoever and are altogether happy to just continue with their working class lifestyle. British sitcoms tend to be very character driven a prime example of this is My Family, an exploration of the life of long-suffering dentist Ben Harper and his equally long-suffering family.Propps character theory can be applied thus Ben, the protagonist and wedge heel, his wife Susan, the alternate hero, his son Nick, the idiot who provides comic relief, his daughter Janey the princess, and his son Michael, who acts as the donor, often providing Ben with the manner to achieve his goals at a price. Each family member also periodical ly acts as the villain, the antagonist to Ben. The sitcom, then, is very formulaic the hero wants something (usually peace and quiet, in My Family), the antagonist has it or the ability to tiller it happen.This formula acts as something of a alleviate blanket to the audience they are aware that whatever happens to the characters, it will be resolved and the status quo restored by the end of the episode these are the audience expectations of the sitcom genre regardless of the era it was produced in, therefore the raw material structure of the sitcom has not been changed much than a slight amount to reflect society. The idea of a nuclear family in sitcoms is not a new one, in recent years however it has beseem more common to challenge this view Jam and Jerusalem is one such example.In the first episode the village doctor Mike Vine dies and leaves his wife Sal as a single parent. Sals nipperren are self-aggrandising up but her nature and role as village nurse, along with her inception into the village chapter of the Womens Institute, means she effectively acts as a parent to much of the community. Jam and Jerusalem also challenges social ideals by including a character afflicted by a mental illness Rosie Bales, a middle immemorial woman with the mentality of a child, has an angry and violent alter ego known as Margaret.This cellular inclusion is an attempt to challenge the stigma of mental illness as a weakness and presents Rosie as a functioning member of society, even holding down a job at the local give up factory and being a member of the WI. Jam and Jerusalem is considered a very down to acres sitcom, in that it doesnt utilise situations unusual to the surroundings it doesnt attempt to jump the shark, a phrase coined to describe the growing desperation of the producers of the sitcom Happy Days who created ever more bizarre plotlines in an attempt to eke out further profits.Set in the rural Cornish town of Clatterford, disequilibrium is caused by everyday situations such as the death of a family member or a bad harvest affecting the income of farmers. By doing so the producers have appealed to a wider audience, not merely interested in watching a programme which is, in effect, the same format every episode, but realistic situations and a life they can relate to. This is a reflection of the growing maturity of sitcom audiences and the need to approach the genre in a more sensitive manner.The strength of Sal Vine as a single mother is a response to the feministic values explored in AbFab however Eddie failed as a single mother, leaving her daughter to her own devices and even, in effect, becoming the child in the relationship herself. These views are challenged by My Family, in that My Family represents the nuclear family both parents are shown to be a part of the upbringing of the children, however with various degrees of success showing the strengths and weaknesses of both the mother and father.Class distinction is als o explored in Jam and Jerusalem, with Sals daughter Tash being a hippy and living on a commune with her illegitimate son at the beginning of the programme. Tashs alternative lifestyle is a focal point in the second series with her impending wedding to Spike a traditional wedding proves to a fault expensive and complicated so the whole village, including the other members of the WI, pull together to create a home-grown gipsy wedding, showing that the differences between classes can be overcome by a common goal.Each sitcom studied reflects some aspect of society the class distinction and its associated friction in Fawlty Towers, family life in My Family and lifestyle choices in The Good Life and Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps. Ultimately the sitcoms that we see today are echoes of the ones that have gone before. Whilst their setting and even content may have changed the central structure remains the same whilst the traditional family may have been replaced in such prog rammes as Two Pints, the essential format has remained the same.The reason for this development and renewal is that sitcoms need to change and evolve as society does a perfect family such as The Brady Bunch holds no real appeal to a modern audience as Two Pints or My Family because dysfunctional families are commonplace in modern life, and make plotlines about family life much easier to write. Sitcoms have a close link with the social and economic environment from which they emerge, however, they are ultimately about people, and people do not change.Bibliography 1) http//www. mediaculture-online. e/fileadmin/bibliothek/stafford_sitcoms/stafford_sitcoms.pdf 2) Image and Representation profound Concepts in Media Studies Nick Lacey 1998 3) Narrative and Genre Key Concepts in Media Studies Nick Lacey 2000.4) The Media Studies Reader Tim OSullivan and Yvonne Jewkes 1997 5) Exploring the Media Text, Industry, Audience Barbara Connell 2008 6) Media Studies AS and A2 Jacquie Bennett 2 005 7) Media Studies Second Edition Stuart Price 1998 1 http//www. mediaculture-online. de/fileadmin/bibliothek/stafford_sitcoms/stafford_sitcoms. pdf 2 http//www. mediaculture-online. de/fileadmin/bibliothek/stafford_sitcoms/stafford_sitcoms. pdf.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

East Asia Economic Community establishment Prospects Essay Example for Free

East Asia Economic Community hitment Prospects examineFollowing the dynamic trends amplified by bulky globalization, regional desegregation is becoming increasingly important end-to-end the globe. Since late 1940s, East Asia has been struggling to establish regional cooperation with little success. Massive differences, unrealistic demands and bureaucratic lead has made this dream a quagmire in the horizon. However, understanding the massive benefits that new(prenominal) regional integrations desire European Union have achieved, East Asian Countries appears to have made a clear stopping point to fully integrate.As indicated and amplified by the outcome of the 2007 Nikkei conference, the region has various prospects that integration is required to de bangr to them afterwards its adoption (Kent Francis, 2008, pp. 63-64). To begin with, they expect faster and improved stinting growth in the region. With the region attribute over 25% of the total world population glob wh ollyy and commanding a global outgrowth Domestic Product of over US $ 9 trillion, it posses a potential content both locally and internationally in terms of market forces of goods and services at all times.With increased expert capacity to produce high quality goods and services as indicated by China, Japan and Korea, the region looks forward to vast modernization which has been projected to surpass North America if fully and carefully implemented. As a stem the region will command greater market and control to international outsourcing investors to its advantage. Therefore, like European Union, the company will act as the main negotiator for standards as well as the conditions and requirements for conducting business with other partners (Praduma, 2005, pp.14-15).To add to that, regional security will be highly boosted for the investors and the local community in the region. Since phratry 9/11 terrorist attack in US, South East Asia like other regions has been under great thr eat from terrorists. Integration hence will ease the flow of information within the region establish standards for goods entering the region and avail enough resources necessary for forensic diplomatic preparedness at all times.As denoted by the European Union, air, land and naval surveillance should be amply boosted thereby maintaining regional peace the whole region (Kent Francis, 2008, p. 235). Besides, regional disasters that frequent the region should be conclusively addressed. Adequate technological and financial preparedness should be established. As a result it will ease monitoring, prevention and incidental mitigation of the possible resultant damages. To add to that, regional cultures should be greatly safeguarded to ensure that all the communities live in harmony with each other.Based on traditional philosophies and religious basements like Taoism in China, the bloc will have to carefully enshrine all the communities believes and faiths (Hua Sing Lim, 2008, pp. 25-26) . Conclusion. East Asia Economic community prospects of expediency in regional economy, high level security as well as cultural vicissitude recognition and enhancement will ensure that the region remains focused. Leaders in the region therefore should refer to the above prospects as a uniting front for achieving the desired integration objectives in the region.This integration should therefore be hastened to ensure that speedy benefits trickle to the region.Work CitedHua Sing Lim. Policy implications of of economic integration East Asian community. Singapore Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2008. Kent, Calder Francis Fukuyama. East Asian Multilateralism Prospects for regional Stability. John Hopkin press Baltimore, 2008. Praduma, Rana. Economic Integration in East Asia Trends, Prospects and possible road map. 2005. Retrieved from http//www. ris. org. in/china_pradumna_rana. pdf.

Branches of Social Sciece Essay Example for Free

Branches of sociable Sciece EssayIt is a limb of intelligence that studies the customs of charitable beings fiat and the way in which that cab art functions. Of particular interest is the aim of the tellingships betwixt the people hat make up that community as well as the behavior of these individualists at heart that society. affable Science involves any discipline or collapse of comprehension that explores the favorable and cultural aspects of human behavior.The disciplines of neighborly skills draw from a variety of handle of convey and although these different aras of friendly apprehensions vary far and wide, they whole aim to deduct and explain human society and behavior. This landing field of how groups of people be stick out is usually done with the aim of being able to predict how they lead be open in the future.The kind Science disciplines argon disseveres of knowledge which atomic number 18 taught and researched at the college or universi ty level. brotherly Science disciplines are defined and recognized by the pedantic diarys in which research is published, and the l realise Social Science societies and academic departments or faculties to which their practitioners belong. Social Science fields of topic usually have any(prenominal)(prenominal) sub-disciplines or branches, and the distinguishing lines between these are oft both arbitrary and ambiguous.This branch of kindly science c overs the get a line of the origin of human beings. Of particular interest is the sphere of the nature of the social relationships between people and how they have developed. Anthropology aims to give a whole and complete explanation of human nature. Anthropology is the holistic science of man, a science of the totality of human existence. The discipline deals with the integration of different aspects of the Social Sciences, humaneities, and Human Biology. In the twentieth century, academic disciplines have often been institut ionally divided into three broad domains. The instinctive sciences seek to derive oecumenic laws through with(predicate) reproducible and verifiable experiments. The humanistic discipline generally study local traditions, through their history, literature, medicinal drug, and arts, with an emphasis on encountering particular individuals, events, or eras.The social sciences have generally attempted to develop scientific regularitys to understand social phenomena in a generalizable way, though usually with methods distinct from those of the natural sciences. The goal of anthropology is to provide a holistic account of humans and human nature. This means that, though anthropologists generally specialize in all one sub-field, they always keep in mind the biological, linguistic, historic and cultural aspects of any problem. Since anthropology arose as a science in Western societies that were complex and industrial, a major trend within anthropology has been a methodological drive to study peoples in societies with more than simple social organization, manytimes called primitive in anthropological literature, just now without any con nonation of inferior.Today, anthropologists use foothold such as less complex societies or refer to specific modes of subsistence or production, such as pastoralist or forager or horticulturalist to refer to humans subsisting in non-industrial, non-Western cultures, such people or folk (ethnos) persist ining of great interest within anthropology. The pursual for holism leads most anthropologists to study a people in detail, using biogenetic, archaeological, and linguistic entropy on board direct observation of contemporary customs.In the 1990s and 2000s, calls for clarification of what constitutes a culture, of how an observer knows where his or her get culture ends and another begins, and other crucial topics in writing anthropology were heard. It is possible to view all human cultures as part of one large, evolving glo bal culture. These dynamic relationships, between what can be observed on the ground, as opposed to what can be observed by compiling many local observations remain fundamental in any kind of anthropology, whether cultural, biological, linguistic or archaeological.In this branch of social science, the study of the production, distri andion and usage of goods and services are covered. The main focus of policy-making economy lies in understanding and explaining how economies clobber and how factors contributing to economies interact with each other. Economics is a social science that seeks to analyze and describe the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth. The al-Quran economics is from the Greek oikos, family, household, estate, and nomos, custom, law, and hence means household management or management of the state. An economist is a person using economic concepts and data in the course of employment, or someone who has earned a university degree in the subject. T he classic brief definition of economics, set out by Lionel Robbins in 1932, is the science which studies human behavior as a relation between scarce means having selection uses.Without scarcity and alternative uses, there is no economic problem. Briefer yet is the study of how people seek to revenge inevitably and wants and the study of the financial aspects of human behavior. Economics has two broad branches microeconomics, where the unit of abridgment is the individual agent, such as a household or firm, and macroeconomics, where the unit of analysis is an economy as a whole. Another division of the subject distinguishes positive economics, which seeks to predict and explain economic phenomena, from normative economics, which orders choices and actions by some criterion such orderings necessarily involve subjective value judgments. Since the early part of the 20th century, economics has focused largely on measurable quantities, employing both theoretical models and empirical analysis.Quantitative models, however, can be traced as far back as the physiocratic school. Economic reasoning has been increasingly applied in upstart decades to other social situations such as politics, law, psychology, history, religion, marriage and family life, and other social interactions. This paradigm crucially assumes (1) that resources are scarce because they are not sufficient to pay all wants, and (2) that economic value is willingness to pay as revealed for instance by market (arms length) transactions. Rival heterodox schools of thought, such as institutional economics, green economics, redness economics, and economic sociology, make other grounding assumptions. For example, red economics assumes that economics primarily deals with the exchange of value, and that savvy (human effort) is the source of all value. The expanding domain of economics in the social sciences has been described as economic imperialism.This branch of social science studies the institut ion of teaching in human society. Covered in this field of study are the processes by which knowledge is passed on and how specific skills are taught and learned. This process of education is examined throughout an individuals lifetime, that is from accouchement and on to old age.Education encompasses teaching and learning specific skills, and in any case something less tangible but more profound the give of knowledge, positive judgement and well-developed wisdom. Education has as one of its fundamental aspects the imparting of culture from generation to generation (see socialization). To educate means to draw out, from the Latin educare, or to facilitate the recognition of an individuals potential and talents. It is an operation of pedagogy, a body of theoretical and applied research relating to teaching and learning and draws on many disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, computer science, linguistics, neuroscience, sociology and anthropology.The education of an individu al human begins at birth and continues throughout life. (Some believe that education begins even before birth, as exhibitd by some parents playing music or reading to the baby in the womb in the hope it will twist the childs development.) For some, the struggles and triumphs of perfunctory life provide far more instruction than does formal schooling (thus Mark Twains admonition to neer let school interfere with your education). Family members may have a profound educational result often more profound than they realize though family teaching may function very informally.This branch of social science can be subdivided into two main sub-disciplines namely human geography and physical geography. Human geography is mainly concerned with the built environment and the influence humans have on the spaces they occupy. sensible geography on the other hand looks into the natural environment. Of particular interest in this field is the study of how climate, vegetation life, soil, water and landforms are produced and how they interact.Geography as a discipline can be take off broadly into two main sub fields human geography and physical geography. The former focuses largely on the built environment and how space is created, viewed and managed by humans as well as the influence humans have on the space they occupy. The latter examines the natural environment and how the climate, vegetation life, soil, water and landforms are produced and interact. As a result of the two subfields using different approaches a third field has emerged, which is environmental geography. Environmental geography combines physical and human geography and looks at the interactions between the environment and humans. Geographers attempt to understand the earth in terms of physical and spatial relationships.The starting line geographers focused on the science of cartography and finding ways to precisely project the surface of the earth. In this sense, geography bridges some gaps between t he natural sciences and social sciences. Historical geography is often taught in a college in a integrate Department of Geography. Modern geography is an all-encompassing discipline, closely related to GISc, that seeks to understand humanity and its natural environment. The fields of Urban Planning, Regional Science, and Planetology are closely related to geography.Practitioners of geography use many technologies and methods to collect data such as GIS, remote sensing, aerial photography, statistics, and global positioning system of ruless (GPS). The field of geography is generally split into two distinct branches physical and human. Physical geography examines phenomena related to climate, oceans, soils, and the measurement of earth. Human geography focuses on fields as diverse as Cultural geography, transportation, health, military operations, and cities. Other branches of geography overwhelm Social geography, regional geography, geomatics, and environmental geography.This bran ch of social science covers the study of the human past. It is a field of study that uses past accounts to examine and analyze sequences of events. It also sometimes attempts to investigate in an objective manner, the patterns of cause and effect that have led to particular events taking place. bill is the continuous, systematic narrative and research into past human events as interpreted through historiographical paradigms or theories, such as the Turner Thesis well-nigh the American frontier. History has a base in both the social sciences and the humanities. In the United asseverates the National endowment for the Humanities allows history in its definition of a Humanities (as it does for applied Linguistics). However, the National Research Council classifies History as a Social science. The historical method comprises the techniques and guidelines by which historians use primary sources and other evidence to research and then to write history. The Social Science History Associ ation, formed in 1976, brings together scholars from numerous disciplines interested in social history.This branch of social science studies the institution of the rule of law in human society and it sometimes crosses over into the humanities depending on the aspect from which it is studied. Of particular interest are its origin and the way in which a supreme power in a state commands what is cover and prohibits what is considered wrong. justness in common parlance, means a rule which (unlike a rule of ethics) is capable of enforcement through institutions. However, many laws are found on norms accepted by a community and thus have an ethical foundation. The study of law crosses the boundaries between the social sciences and humanities, depending on ones view of research into its objectives and effects. Law is not always enforceable, especially in the inter interior(a) relations context. It has been defined as a system of rules,as an informative concept achieve justice, as an aut horityto mediate peoples interests, and even as the command of a sovereign, backed by the threat of a sanction.However one likes to think of law, it is a completely central social institution. jural policy incorporates the practical manifestation of thinking from almost every social sciences and humanity. Laws are politics, because politicians create them. Law is philosophy, because moral and ethical persuasions shape their intellections. Law tells many of historys stories, because statutes, case law and codifications build up over time. And law is economics, because any rule around contract, tort, property law, labour law, company law and many more can have long lasting effects on the distribution of wealth. The noun law derives from the late old English lagu, mean something laid down or fixed and the adjective legal comes from the Latin word lex.In this field of study, the hypothesis and practice of politics is examined. Also covered is the description and analysis of politi cal systems including political behavior. political science is the branch of social science that deals with the study of politics and analysis of its system as well as political behavior.Political science is an academic and research discipline that deals with the hypothesis and practice of politics and the description and analysis of political systems and political behavior. Fields and subfields of political science include political economy, political theory and philosophy, civics and comparative politics, theory of direct democracy, apolitical governance, participatory direct democracy, national systems, cross-national political analysis, political development, international relations, foreign policy, international law, politics, public administration, administrative behavior, public law, judicial behavior, and public policy.Political science also studies power in international relations and the theory of Great powers and Superpowers. Political science is methodologically divers e, although recent years have witnessed an upsurge in the use of the scientific method . That is the proliferation of formal-deductive model building and quantitative hypothesis testing. Approaches to the discipline include rational choice, classical political philosophy, interpretivism, structuralism, and behavioralism, realism, pluralism, and institutionalism. This branch of social science involves the study of behavior and mental processes. Of particular interest is the application of this knowledge to the interference of mental illness.psychological science is an academic and applied field involving the study of behavior and mental processes. Psychology also refers to the application of such knowledge to various spheres of human activity, including problems of individuals daily lives and the treatment of mental illness. The word psychology comes from the ancient Greek , psyche (soul, mind) and logy, study). Psychology differs from anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology in seeking to capture explanatory generalizations about the mental function and overt behavior of individuals, while the other disciplines focus on creating descriptive generalizations about the functioning of social groups or situation-specific human behavior. In practice, however, there is quite a lot of cross-fertilization that takes place among the various fields.Psychology differs from biology and neuroscience in that it is primarily concerned with the interaction of mental processes and behavior, and of the overall processes of a system, and not patently the biological or neural processes themselves, though the subfield of neuropsychology combines the study of the echt neural processes with the study of the mental effects they have subjectively produced. Many people associate Psychology with Clinical Psychology which focuses on assessment and treatment of problems in living and psychopathology. In reality, Psychology has numberless specialties including Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Cognitive Psychology, Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Mathematical psychology, Neuropsychology, and Quantitative Analysis of Behavior to name only a few. Psychology is a very broad science that is rarely tackled as a whole, major block. Although some subfields encompass a natural science base and a social science application, others can be clearly distinguished as having pocketable to do with the social sciences or having a lot to do with the social sciences.For example, biological psychology is considered a natural science with a social scientific application (as is clinical medicine), social and occupational psychology are, generally speaking, purely social sciences, whereas neuropsychology is a natural science that lacks application out of the scientific tradition entirely. In British universities, emphasis on what dogma of psychology a student has studied and/or concentrated is communicated through the degree conferred B.Psy. indicat es a difference between natural and social sciences, B.Sc. indicates a strong (or entire) scientific concentration, whereas a B.A. underlines a majority of social science credits.This is not always necessarily the case however, and in many UK institutions students studying the B.Psy, B.Sc, and B.A. follow the equal curriculum as defined by The British Psychological Society and have the same options of specialty open to them regardless of whether they choose a balance, a heavy science basis, or heavy social science basis to their degree. If they applied to read the B.A. for example, but specialised in heavily science based modules, then they will still generally be awarded the B.A.Covered in this branch of social science is the study of human society and social action.Sociology is the systematic study of society and human social action. The meaning of the word comes from the suffix -ology which means study of, derived from Greek, and the stem soci- which is from the Latin word soc ius, meaning companion, or society in general. Sociology was originally frameed by Auguste Comte (17981857) in 1838. Comte endeavoured to unify history, psychology and economics through the descriptive understanding of the social realm. He proposed that social ills could be remedied through sociological positivism, an epistemological approach outlined in The Course in Positive Philosophy 18301842 and A General View of Positivism (1844). though Comte is generally regarded as the Father of Sociology, the discipline was formally established by another French thinker, mil Durkheim (18581917), who developed positivism as a foundation to practical social research. Durkheim set up the first European department of sociology at the University of Bordeaux in 1895, publishing his Rules of the Sociological Method. In 1896, he established the journal LAnne Sociologique.Durkheims seminal monograph, Suicide (1897), a case study of suicide rates amongst Catholic and Protestant populations, distin guished sociological analysis from psychology or philosophy. Karl Marx rejected Comtean positivism but nevertheless aimed to establish a science of society based on historical materialism, becoming appreciate as a founding figure of sociology posthumously as the term gained broader meaning. Around the start of the 20th century, the first drift of German sociologists, including Max Weber and Georg Simmel, developed sociological antipositivism. The field may be broadly recognised as an amalgam of three modes of social thought in particular Durkheimian positivism and structural functionalism Marxist historical materialism and conflict theory Weberian antipositivism and verstehen analysis. American sociology broadly arose on a separate trajectory, with little Marxist influence, an emphasis on rigorous experimental methodology, and a closer association with pragmatism and social psychology. In the 1920s, the Chicago school developed symbolic interactionism.Meanwhile in the 1930s, the F rankfurt School pioneered the idea of critical theory, an interdisciplinary form of Marxist sociology drawing upon thinkers as diverse as Sigmund Freud and Friedrich Nietzsche. Critical theory would take on something of a life of its own after World War II, influencing literary lit crit and the Birmingham School establishment of cultural studies. Sociology evolved as an academic response to the challenges of modernity, such as industrialization, urbanization, secularization, and a perceived process of enveloping rationalization. Because sociology is such a broad discipline, it can be difficult to define, even for overlord sociologists. The field generally concerns the social rules and processes that bind and separate people not only as individuals, but as members of associations, groups, communities and institutions, and includes the examination of the organization and development of human social life.The sociological field of interest ranges from the analysis of short contacts be tween anonymous individuals on the street to the study of global social processes. In the terms of sociologists Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann, social scientists seek an understanding of the Social Construction of Reality. Most sociologists work in one or more subfields. One useful way to describe the discipline is as a cluster of sub-fields that examine different dimensions of society. For example, social stratification studies inequality and class structure demography studies changes in a population size or type criminology examines criminal behavior and deviance and political sociology studies the interaction between society and state.Deals with processes of human communication, commonly defined as the sharing of symbols to create meaning. The discipline encompasses a range of topics, from face-to-face conversation to mass media outlets such as television broadcasting. Communication studies also examines how messages are interpreted through the political, cultural, economic, and social dimensions of their contexts. Communication is institutionalized under many different names at different universities, including communication, communication studies, speech communication, rhetorical studies, communications science, media studies, communication arts, mass communication, media ecology, and communication and media science.Communication studies integrates aspects of both social sciences and the humanities. As a social science, the discipline often overlaps with sociology, psychology, anthropology, biology, political science, economics, and public policy, among others. From a humanities perspective, communication is concerned with rhetoric and persuasion (traditional graduate programs in communication studies trace their history to the rhetoricians of antique Greece). The field applies to outside disciplines as well, including engineering, architecture, mathematics, and reading science.Additional Social Science disciplines and fields of study include Archa eology is the science that studies human cultures through the recovery, documentation, analysis, and interpretation of material remains and environmental data, including architecture, artifacts, features, biofacts, and landscapes. Area studies are interdisciplinary fields of research and scholarship pertaining to particular geographical, national/federal, or cultural regions. Behavioral science is a term that encompasses all the disciplines that explore the activities of and interactions among organisms in the natural world. Demography is the statistical study of all populations.Development studies a multidisciplinary branch of social science which addresses issues of concern to developing countries. Environmental social science is the broad, transdisciplinary study of interrelations between humans and the natural environment. Environmental studies integrate social, humanistic, and natural science perspectives on the relation between humans and the natural environment. Information s cience is an interdisciplinary science primarily concerned with the collection, classification, manipulation, storage, convalescence and dissemination of information. International studies covers both International relations (the study of foreign affairs and global issues among states within the international system) and International education (the comprehensive approach that intentionally prepares people to be active and booked participants in an interconnected world).Journalism is the craft of conveying news, descriptive material and comment via a getup spectrum of media. Legal management is a social sciences discipline that is designed for students interested in the study of State and Legal elements. Library science is an interdisciplinary field that applies the practices, perspectives, and tools of management, information technology, education, and other areas to libraries the collection, organization, preservation and dissemination of information resources and the political economy of information.Management in all business and human organization activity is simply the act of getting people together to accomplish desired goals and objectives. Marketing the identification of human needs and wants, defines and measures their magnitude for demand and understanding the process of consumer get behavior to formulate products and services, pricing, promotion and distribution to satisfy these needs and wants through exchange processes and building long term relationships. Political economy is the study of production, buying and selling, and their relations with law, custom, and government.