Saturday, December 28, 2019

Relationships With The Mandans By Thomas Jefferson

Relationships with the Mandans Thomas Jefferson had just expanded the United States territory immensely. This purchase was known as the Louisiana Purchase, which is arguably the best decision in US history. All the new land resulted in several unknown questions. Some of them were, â€Å"what does this land provide, what animals are out there, who can be found on this land?† To answer some of these mysterious questions Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the Louisiana Purchase. They also were sent to form learn and form relationships with the people all ready on the land they are about to explore. One of their stops on their journey was at what now is known as Fort Mandan, in Bismarck, North Dakota. Here is where Lewis and Clark’s relationship with the Mandan tribe was crucial because their next steps have never been explored by whites. Only the Indians knew what the land looked like from North Dakota to the Pacific Ocean. The Mandan tribe was able to show the explorers areas of the land that was just bought by the United States of America. Between both the white explorers and the Mandan tribe they both benefited from their relationships they formed over the winter months of 1804 because Lewis and Clark did not anticipate spending the winter in North Dakota. Seasons have changed and the Missouri river was starting to freeze over; this caused Lewis and Clarks exploration to halt for the winter. The explorers were able to find a camping site on the NorthShow MoreRelatedThe Lewis ( 1774 ) And William Clark1735 Words   |  7 Pagesacross the Continental Divide, and to the Pacific Ocean. In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson sent the Cords of Discovery to the land never traveled before by any American to explore. They traveled over 8000 miles and discovered over 300 unknown species, 50 tribes of Indians, and the Rocky Mountains (â€Å"National Geographic: Lewis Clark†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). It began May 1804 and ended September 1806. Before the expedition, Lewis was Jefferson s private presidential secretary. He also served in the military, where heRead MoreReview Of Elizabeth A. Fenn1563 Words   |  7 Pagesparticularly, the Mandan people groups of present-day North Dakota where everything from the names of the seasons to the spaces the Mandan p ossessed or adored are remade from the Mandan point of view. Some of the most important things the Mandan did are influence the people around them, which customs would be beneficial to my life, and applying Mandan way to my life. Fenn s scrupulousness with regards to the spots that the Mandans occupied is very amazing, as the account of the Mandan individuals unfurlsRead MoreRelationships With The Mandan s2357 Words   |  10 PagesRelationships with the Mandan’s Thomas Jefferson has just expanded the United States territory immensely. This purchase is known as the Louisiana Purchase, which is arguably the best decision in US history. All the new land resulted in several unknown questions. Some of them were, â€Å"what does this land provide, what animals are out there, who can be found on this land?† To answer some of these mysterious questions Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the Louisiana PurchaseRead MoreLouisiana Purchase Essay1253 Words   |  6 Pageseconomically stable country, and it also played a very pivotal role in the relationship with African Americans, which still is remembered and prevalent in todays society. With the Louisiana Purchase (1803), the United States more than doubled its size. Now that the U.S. was in control of all of the new territory, Americans were free to roam and explore the newly acquired lands. Not to long after the purchase, President Thomas Jefferson had the U.S. Congress provide $2500, to send intelligent officersRead MoreThe Corps Of Discovery And The Native Americans1750 Words   |  7 PagesOn February 28, 1803, President Thomas Jefferson, with the approval of congress, created the Corps of Discovery. Their mission was to map the newly acquired western lands of the Louisianna Purchase, almost 1803—828,000 square miles of unexplored territory, as well as find a route to the Pacific Ocean. This expedition was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. During their adventure, the group encountered many hostile Native American groups, and if not for Sacagawea, these tribes would have surelyRead MoreExploring The Wild West : Lewis And Clark Expedition3542 W ords   |  15 PagesClark Expedition Kenzie Cvar 2nd period 11-20-2014 Romero DUAL Within the time period of 1801- 1809 Thomas Jefferson was President and participated in the Louisiana Purchase. America bought 820,000 square miles from France. (All land that stretched from the Mississippi river, in total 15 states were bought from the purchase.) With this amount of un-known land, Jefferson called for an exploration and hired Meriwether Lewis, Jefferson’s secretary, due to his penmanship and frontiersmanRead MoreMajor Turning Points in U.S. History (1492-1820)1366 Words   |  6 Pagesmassive amounts of land and vastly strengthened its hold on the continent. The war, however, also had indirect results. It severely eroded the relationship between England and Native Americans; and, though the war seemed to strengthen England s hold on the colonies, the effects of the French and Indian War played a key role in the deteriorating relationship between England and its colonies that ultimately led into the Revolutionary War. As you proceed onward with the history of our country you reachRead MoreThe Great Lewis And Clark Expedition1967 Words   |  8 Pagesabout. Not only their spirit, the journals they kept and the maps they made were also precious gifts for the explorers after them. Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery took place from 1803 to 1806, which are the years during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. They described and drew down the wide lands in the west, beautiful natural wonders, and the people of Native Americans. Just like what Walter Kim wrote in the Time Magazine, â€Å"When they launched their wooden boats up the Missouri and into theRead MoreThomas Jefferson And The American West1772 Words   |  8 Pagesexploration and the pursuit of knowledge captivated the imagination of Thomas Jefferson. His father, an experienced cartographer and explorer, is often cited as the inspiration for Jefferson’s fixation on the West. As he grew older, Jefferson realized that the American West was not an empty wilderness, but a land crowded by conflicting nations and claims of sovereignty that only a few fur traders had experienced. Once Jefferson acquired the Louisiana territory from Napoleon in 1803, he sent an expeditionRead MoreThe Lewis and Clark Expedition:Mapping a Water Route to the West Coast 1911 Words   |  8 PagesPresident Thomas Jefferson had long considered a western expedition and the Louisiana Purchase increased the need for such an exploration and survey of the west . The main body of explorers, known as the Corps of Discoverers, was led by Captain Meriwether Lewis and his associate in command William Clark. Assembling the individuals to make up the Corps of Discoverers would prove to be less daunting than the hardships and challenges they would endure on their westward journey. Captain Lewis

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