Sunday, January 5, 2020

William Faulkners A Rose for Emily Essay - 729 Words

William Faulkners A Rose for Emily â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner is set in a small Southern town during the post-Civil War era. The story revolves around the strange and tragic events of Miss Emily Grierson’s life. At first glance, Emily seems like a lonely woman with little self-confidence and low self-esteem that seems to stem from her upbringing by her father. There seemed to be some kind of abuse by her father and the fact that she had seemed to have lived such a sheltered life. She was brought up thinking that nobody was good enough for her. Her father had even shunned away his own family. Emily was turned into quite an odd character due to this type of upbringing. Emily’s love was controlled by her father, a man†¦show more content†¦It seemed that Homer was not a man that wanted to settle down but Emily, on the other hand, is desperate for companionship. She did not want to be alone in her old house and was ready for marriage. Emily was then seen around town buying things that would suggest a wedding and it seemed that people were happy for her. Then she bought something that really caught the attention of all of the town’s people, arsenic. It was very strange that nobody in the town really seemed to care that she bought the poison or even stranger that they did not seem to care that Homer was never seen again. The neighbors then started complaining about the strange smell emanating from Emily’s house and all they could do was to sprinkle some lime to make the smell go away. Imagine that, no investigation, they just snuck around and pretty much broke into her house just to make the smell dissipate. From that time forward the only companionship that Emily had was in her manservant. The town’s people did not see her anymore except for a shadow of her at times. Nobody realizes the depth of Emily’s madness except for her manservant. This man lived with the knowledge of her murder for thirty years and never spoke up to anyone. One could only imagine why he did not reveal what she had done to the people in the town, maybe it was out of fear or it possibly could have been out of a sadness that he felt because of her mental illness and severe loneliness. OnShow MoreRelatedWilliam Faulkners A Rose for Emily1600 Words   |  7 Pages William Faulkners A Rose for Emily  is set in the small southern town of Jefferson during the early decades of the twentieth century . At this time, vast and cardinal changes were being made by the upcoming new south to conceal and move from the horrid truths that were a part of the towns history. In lieu of this, Jefferson was at a turning point in which they were having difficulty coming to terms with these changes . 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The resistance to change and loneliness are prominent themes within â€Å"A Rose for Emily†. Faulkner uses â€Å"A Rose for Emily† to caution his readers that things are not always what they appear to be. The tone of â€Å"A Rose for Miss Emily† couldRead More The Role of the Watch in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily1199 Words   |  5 PagesThe Role of the Watch in William Faulkners A Rose for Emily Even the casual reader of William Faulkner will recognize the element of time as a crucial one in much of the writers work, and the critical attention given to the subject of time in Faulkner most certainly fills many pages of criticism. A goodly number of those pages of criticism deal with the well-known short story, A Rose for Emily. Several scholars, most notably Paul McGlynn, have worked to untangle the confusing chronology

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