Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Relationship between science and Bible Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Relationship between science and discussion - canvass ExampleThis idea is neither a biblical nor logical inference (Yasri & Mancy 2). The leger even states it distinctly that the acres is by the heavens and not the other way round (Jaki 224). The paper discusses the relationship that exists between the word of honor and science. Zigerell (314) explains that the early proponents such as Galileo Galilei, Johannes Kepler and Nicholas Copernicus were all Christians. The famous scientist Isaac Newton stated that the most bonnie system of the planets, comets and sun could proceed only from the dominion and counsel on a powerful and good being (Zigerell 315). Therefore, the Bible and science are closely related. Scientists agree with the physical world described in the Bible. Zigerell (315) asserts that some of the scientific principles described in the Bible in the thou gutss years ago are (El-Hani & Claudia 103). The Bible and science relate in various ways as discussed below. Th e bible addresses statements consistent with the astronomy (Zigerell 315). The Bible refers frequently to the great number of pencil leads that are in heaven. The defend of Genesis talks of the stars (Schroeder 178). In chapter twenty-two, poetize seventeen of Genesis book states how God was to bless Abraham. God allow for bless Abraham abundantly, and he will multiply the posterity of Abraham as the heavenly stars and as the sand that are on the seashore (Zigerell 315). The descendants of Abraham will be able to possess the gates of their enemies. The book of Jeremiah also addresses the issue of stars (Zigerell 316). Chapter thirty tether of the book of Jeremiah explains how God was to bless the descendants of His servant David and the Levites who were ministering to him. As the host of the heavens cannot be numbered, nor the sand of the sea be measured, so I will multiply the descendants of David My servant and the Levites who minister to me (Jer. 331). The number of stars t hat are in heaven is not in the two books, but they are to be many (Yasri & Mancy 3). Scientists even today admit that they are not aware of the number of stars in the heaven (Yasri & Mancy 3). With the new eyes, the scientists are only able to account for 3,000 stars. Scientists have estimated the number of stars and seashore sand grains of the landed estate to be great numbers, but they dont give the exact values of each (Jaki 225). The Bible states that the stars are curious (Zigerell 316). The book of I Corinthians 1541 express the uniqueness of each star. The book states that, there is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon and another glory of the stars for one star differs from another star in glory (Jaki 226). Scientists explain that all stars look the same when observed with the naked eyes (El-Hani & Claudia 104). The stars seem to be just light points when seen from a telescope. When the light spectra of stars are, it reveals that each star is unique and is diff erent from the others (Yasri & Mancy 3). The try precision in the universe has in the Bible (Zigerell 317). The book of Jeremiah 3135-36 describes the movement precision in the universe. Scientists have also explained the movements that occur within the universe (Yasri & Mancy 4). The Bible also describes how the earth is in the space (Zigerell 317).

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