Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Change Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

switch over over focussing - Assignment ExampleThe postal organization specializes in courier and express aids (Australian Government, 2011). The organization is laborious to expand business in the field of retail merchandise and agency go. Traditional postal service business had become unprofitable in stopping point few years. The concept of traditional postal conversation has changed due to evolution of email communication, social networking. People prefer to use internet communication quite an than traditional postal services. The postal organization has incurred a loss of $90 million in last 5 years. Australian Post is trying to change business strategy in harm of switching focus on retail Merchandise and agency Services. They need to grip the change touch on carefully. wobble circumspection will help them to build a strong organizational framework. interchange Management Change counsel tries to integrate different arrangings and structure with the organizationa l structure of the company. Change management can be applied in the transition phase of the organization. A company can go for whole clay change or partial system change. Many organizations use ADKAR change management model to break productivity. Dupont is a well known chemical company of USA. They used the model to instrument change management in the production process. ADKAR model can be explained in the following way. A- Awareness is generated for change. Top management of the company identifies problem areas like staff productivity, poor service delivery, poor annual sales meretriciousness and low productivity of existing system. The management then decides to change existing process. D- Existing employees express trust to participate in change process. They can be termed as change agents. K- Knowledge in terms of training and development is given to the change agents. The knowledge process helps them to understand key issues of new system. A- This is the natural covering part of change management. In this phase organization starts to use new implemented system. Organization takes outer help to implement new system. The external system monitors the application phase. Coaching and mentoring are required to manage change agents. R- Organization tries to reinforce the sustainability factor. Companies try to maintain the new implemented system. They try to analyze the bequeath of change management in this phase. Change management is a dynamic process. Organization can implement change management program in various areas like marketing, production process, financial management system and organizational structure. Change management can be implemented by altering the thinking process of existing employees. It is very difficult to find employees who accept change very successfully. The organization needs to look at change agents ready to accept new system. Service based models like changing customer kind management requires rigorous training and developm ent program. Top level management needs to communicate with change agents regularly. Study shows that at least 15 engagements are required to clarify the objectives of top management (University of Pennsylvania, 2010). Change Management in Australia Post Australia Post has business expertise in the field of postal services (like letter and parcel delivery, courier services). The organization is trying to expand business in the field of third party agency services like banking, bill payment, insurance, passport application and

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