Friday, May 31, 2019

The Significance of the Townspeople and Emilys Father in A Rose for Em

A necrophiliac is described as a person who has an obsessive fascination with destruction and corpses (Mifflin 1). Emily, a necrophiliac in the story, A Rose for Emily, is a deranged, lost, and confused woman. A story filled with many symbols that help the stories meaning. The only man Emily knew growing up was her flummox. He taught her to trust no man, and no man would ever be good for her. He was highly favored through and through the town and everyone looked to him. The small town of curious and nosey people makes the story of A Rose for Emily. The towns people are curious to know Emilys every step, or wondering what she is going to do next, her appearance, and where the horrible smell in her house comes from. She meets a man in this small town and they become lovers. She then kills him with layabout poisoning and sleeps with him every night until finally her time is up and everybody in her town finds out the real truth. Through out the whole story of A Rose for Emily no one ever knows who the people are in her town and we never find out there long time, size, color, and whether or not they personally know Emily or not. They are just townspeople, townspeople who gossip. We only know what the people are saying about her and how judgmental they are being through out the whole story. According to Faulkner, in his Short Story Criticism he says,Miss Emily constantly for fifty or sixty years they are anonymous townspeople, for neither names nor sexes nor occupations are given or hinted at and they seem to be nave watchers, for they speak as though they did not perceive the meaning of events at the time they occurred. Further, they are of undetermined age. By details given the story there neither older nor younger nor of the same age as Miss Em... ...again, her hair was cut short, making her look like a girl, with a vague resemblance to those angels in colored church windows- kind of tragic and serene (Faulkner 31).Emily father was highly favored in the town. Faulkner writes in his Short Story Criticism, The Griersons have always been high and mighty, somehow above the gross, pullulate world. Emilys father was well respected and occasionally loaned the town money. That made her a wealthy child and she basically had everything a child wanted. Emilys father was a very serious man and Emilys mind was violated by her fathers strict mentality. After Emilys father being the only man in her heart, he dies and she find it hard to let go of him. Because of her father, she possessed a stubborn outlook on life and how thing should be. She practically secluded her self from society for the remainder of her life.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Hamlet :: essays research papers

Something was definitely rotten in the state of Denmark The king was dead of a terrible murder, a betrayal from his profess brother, and young crossroads was enraged with a sense of needing to seek retaliate, which came with his fathers passing. You might think that this sort of revenge would decrease in the induce of a crime of passion something that would be quick and bloody. This was not the case in Shakespeares Hamlet, as the young prince unexpectedly drew out his plans for revenge over a large amount of time due to his own weakness of numbness. Hamlet was full of big ideas and intentions, but he failed to act and to return out the deed of revenging the death of his father by killing Claudius. Hamlet had his originators for not acting. I think that partly he wanted it to be unexpected. Hamlet was definitely a smart guy, and throughout the play it seemed as though everything was premeditated. He did nothing on a whim. I think this was another reason for Hamlet prolonging a quick revenge on Claudius. Nearly all of Hamlets actions, with the exception of his outburst at Ophelias grave, were preplanned. Although Hamlet was never quick to action, he was always thinking aloud and giving those long speeches. He probably thought too much for his own good at times. He wrestled with many ideas, thoughts, and feelings over the course of the play, delaying any real action until the time was right. Hamlet was a perfectionist in revenge. He wanted everything to be perfect, and this caused him to take unusual steps to gain his revenge on Claudius. Hamlets play within a play caught the conscience of the king. Hamlet did not only if want to kill his fathers murderer he wanted to send him to an eternal punishment of damnation. This caused Hamlet to move slowly and carefully in his revenge. Hamlets delay of vengeance was necessary in order for his ideal revenge to come about. Unfortunately Hamlets ideal plans never came to be. Hamlets choice to remain idle didnt cause , but certainly helped bring a downfall to himself. Had Hamlet remained inactive, he certainly would retain been able to complete his plans for revenge on Claudius. When Hamlet revealed himself at Ophelias tomb, he lost his element of surprise on the king, and causing most of his plans to come apart at the seams.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Citigroup Inc. :: Business, Global Bank

This reflection paper analyzes Citigroup Incs initiatives to set funds aside for executives performance pay, how they are interacting with the media, and personal credit line tools that could improve the transparency of their compensation system. Citigroup is a global bank with its headquarters in New York, NY (Citigroup, Inc., 2011). Citigroup received a U.S. government bailout two years ago (Hester, 2009) and has been operating strongly since then.This June Citigroup announced that it will be putting 86 million for the quarter into paying bonuses to key executives. The announcement was made by Citigroups company spokesman Jon Diat (Scheer & Eichenbaum, 2011). The mandatory regulatory filing was filled out to where it addresses the manageable recipients of the bonuses as merely key employeesno names were given and the number of possible recipients was withheld as classified information (Scheer & Eichenbaum, 2011). A few possible recipient names were revealed to the media.Cit igroups (Citi) compensation beliefs are good because they understand that executives need to be financially recognized for their achievements. The following quote is an example of how companies tail assembly fail to financially recognize employees achievements. An employer may not fire a actor if this would violate an implied contract, such as a verbal promise, or basic rules of fair dealing. For example, an employer could not legally fire a salesperson just because he or she had earned a bigger bonus under an incentive program than the employer wanted to pay (Lawrence & Weber, p. 369, 2011). The quote above explains how a company can set up a compensation system and then fire employees that successfully reach the top pay within that compensation system. Executives may dwell similar treatment from stockholders, with the exception that stockholders do not create the compensation system. Stockholders can exude massive public ridicule. If a corporation accepts the criticism o f stockholders and organizations they may be viewed as wanting to fire the executive that has accomplished preset goals.Citi is persisting the some of the profit-sharing candidates names confidential. An important aspect of protecting the interest of stockholders is to keep the company as transparent as possible (Lawrence & Weber, 2011). Citi should reveal all names of the executives that may earn bonuses from the profit-sharing programs. Investors may want to know about who is and is not a part of the profit-sharing program they may also want to know why the participants names are being kept confidential.

Consequence of Artificial Light Essay examples -- Essays Papers

Consequence of Artificial LightOur world is an ever changing place, in the last 100 years we have seen more technological advances than ever in the preceding years of history. We have built computers, gone to the moon, developed x-rays, microwaves, telephones, and the candent light. A seemingly small invention, the light has forever placed its mark not only on the human race, merely on the earth itself. In pictures taken from space, we can see that much of the world is lit 24 hours a day, which begs the question is that much light good for us? It is not an lenient question to answer, but in this essay, I hope to examine some of the history that has brought us to the situation that we are in as well as some of the possible solutions to try and cope with a world that has become addicted to never-ending light. As our knowledge of the world grows, so alike does our appreciation of the health hazards that excessive light during the night can bring to the human body, and this und erstanding has led to many interesting discoveries. The search for medical understanding that too much light in the dark hours is poor for health was begun by astronomers who were dismayed at the growing loss of darkness in the night sky, but has quickly grown to include, medical researchers, city planners as well as average people in the community that are unhappy with the excessive get along of light that is prevalent today. One of the major discoveries that have been made in recent history is the finding of a photo receptor that sets circadian rhythms1. Cryptochrome is a protein that is sensitive to blue light, and it is theorized that in the morning and evenings, when blue light is most prevalent, this protein helps humans adjust their internal... ...roduce into our lives and culture, the more problems begin to arise, it is time that some major steps need to be taken to help stop this problem, and I hope that some of the solutions outlined above will be a good start. Refe rences1http// f=templates&fn=default.htm&npusername=11458&nppassword=MCC&npac_credentialspresent =true&vid=default 4http// ubMed&list_uids=12495746&dopt=Abstract8http//

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Expository on Love Essay -- Expository Essays

Love Not For EveryonePoets and philosophers for centuries have been trying to answer the question, what is respect? Love has an infinite number of definitions, which vary from one person to another. Love cannot be measured by any physical means. One may never know what true admire is until love it- self has been experienced. What is love? A four letter word that causes a person to behave in a way that is out of character. What is love? A first kiss, childhood crushes on a t to each oneer or friends mom. What is love? A plectron that people make by putting their partners wishes, desires and needs above everything else. What is love? The act of forgiveness, the infatuation with someone, the communication between two people. What is love? A friendship that turned into a lifelong commitment, that special someone who has vowed to spend the rest of their lives to honor and protect, to love each other till decease do you part. When in love nothing else in the world matters. According to the online Encarta Dictionary love is the passionate feeling of romantic and sexual desire and liking for somebody. Poets and philosophers may never know what love really is, and we may never truly understand the question what is love.Love is like a rose that blossoms into bang-up beauty. Love starts with a seed that has been carefully planted in the garden. Love is much like when meeting someone for the first time. Getting to know each other is just our roots planting firmly in the ground. With each day love is growing stronger and stronger. In the poem by Ezra Pound, The River Merchants Wife A Letter the wife married at fourteen and by the time she was sixteen her love had grown so much that she longed for her lovemaking husband to come home. The speaker tel... ...ove is, we do know how to show love and share love with others. People have the ability to love, which makes the human race on the top of the food chain. All other species cannot or does not show love in the way tha t human beings do. What is love? Love is what people regard it to be.Works CitedHemingway, Ernst. Hills Like White Elephants. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York W. W. Norton, 2005. 132-135.Pound, Erza. The River Merchants Wife A Letter. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York W. W. Norton, 2005. 815.Ramsey, Jarold. The change course Stick. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York W. W. Norton, 2005. 812.Snodgrass, W. D. Leaving the Motel. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York W. W. Norton, 2005. 836-837.

Expository on Love Essay -- Expository Essays

turn in Not For EveryonePoets and philosophers for centuries have been trying to answer the question, what is recognize? extol has an infinite number of definitions, which vary from one person to another. Love cannot be measured by any physical means. One may never know what true love is until love it- self has been experienced. What is love? A four letter word that causes a person to behave in a way that is out of character. What is love? A first kiss, childhood crushes on a t from each oneer or friends mom. What is love? A choice that people make by putting their partners wishes, desires and call for above everything else. What is love? The act of forgiveness, the infatuation with person, the communication between two people. What is love? A friendship that turned into a lifelong commitment, that special someone who has vowed to spend the rest of their lives to honor and protect, to love each other till death do you part. When in love nothing else in the world matters. harmon ize to the online Encarta Dictionary love is the passionate feeling of romantic and sexual desire and longing for somebody. Poets and philosophers may never know what love really is, and we may never truly understand the question what is love.Love is like a rose that blossoms into great beauty. Love starts with a seed that has been carefully planted in the garden. Love is much like when meeting someone for the first time. Getting to know each other is just our roots planting firmly in the ground. With each day love is growing stronger and stronger. In the poem by Ezra Pound, The River merchandisers Wife A Letter the wife married at fourteen and by the time she was sixteen her love had grown so much that she longed for her beloved husband to come home. The speaker tel... ...ove is, we do know how to depute love and share love with others. People have the ability to love, which makes the human race on the top of the food chain. All other species cannot or does not show love in the way that human beings do. What is love? Love is what people want it to be.Works CitedHemingway, Ernst. Hills Like White Elephants. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. capital of Minnesota Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York W. W. Norton, 2005. 132-135.Pound, Erza. The River Merchants Wife A Letter. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York W. W. Norton, 2005. 815.Ramsey, Jarold. The Tally Stick. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York W. W. Norton, 2005. 812.Snodgrass, W. D. Leaving the Motel. Ninth Edition. Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, Kelly J. Mays. New York W. W. Norton, 2005. 836-837.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Empowering Women Rebuilding the Society

To awaken the people, it is the women who must be awakened. Once she is on the move, The family moves, the closure moves, the nation moves. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru.Empowerment is multifaceted & multidimensional concept. It is the process by which the powerless gain greater control oer the circumstances of their lives. It includes control over resources (physical, human, intellectual, financial) and ideology (beliefs, values, and attitudes), determination making in home, community, family and nation and to gain power to empower herself. It means greater Self confidence and an inner transformation of ones consciousness that enables one to overcome external barriers to accessing resources or changing traditional ideologies.And in like manner it does not mean to give them power to dominate others or drill power to establish their superiority over others. Empowerment comes from inside, from the individuals themselves, it cannot be granted by others. An educated woman knows her respo nsibility towards their family and society more than a man. In reality women empowerment meant to empower herself not to overpower men. Usually empowerment for women involves opening up more opportunities, greater access to and control over resources and check society with men in decision-making.Our society can be viewed as a wall and men & women be analogous to brick and concrete respectively. Women participation in our society has significantly increased since last decades. Their participation is crucial and desirable also to build a peaceful society. There are unfathomable hurdles in the women empowerment process. Besides all these beautiful data, the status of women is inactive not that to which it is meant for. There are still a lot to do for their empowerment.The cases of child marriage, deteriorating maternity rate, anaemic pregnancies, eve beleaguer, molestation, harassment, rape, exploitation, trafficking, Domestic violence, human right infringement, lax judiciary pro cess to punish the perpetrators, trafficking, unawareness of basic rights etc. are some of alarming issues that a modern woman confronts, when goes out of the home and so many more are such an inventory of non-social impediments which are still prevailing in an alarming rate.Various steps have been taken by the government to prevent such abuses and to empower women. Criminal laws against sati, dowry, female infanticide and foeticide, eve teasing, rape, immoral trafficking and other offences relating to women have been enacted in addition to civil laws like the Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act 1939, the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and other marital enactments. The Prevention of Domestic Violence Act has been passed in 2005. A National Commission for Women (NCW) has been set up.Other measures by the government include provision of reservation in representation and education, allocation for the welfare of women in the five grade plans, provision of subsidized loan facilities and so on . The year 2001 has been declared as the women empowerment year by the Government of India and 24th January as the National Girl Child Day. Women participation in all levels of governance is essential for their empowerment and for making the society more humane.Women in India now participate in all activities such as politics, sports, education, media, art and culture, service sectors, science and technology, etc. Indira Gandhi who served as prime government minister of India for an aggregate period of 15 years is the worlds longest serving women prime minister and the influence of women in politics is at its visor in the present context strongly supported by the incumbent president of India Pratibha Devi Singh Patil, incumbent Speaker of Lok-Sabha Mira Kumar, incumbent railway minister Mamta Banerji and leader of electrical resistance Sushma Swaraj & Sonia Gandhi leader of the one political party.Besides these names of women holding major authorities in the politics, the other f ields are also have women ascendants like Indira Nooyi chief operating officer of PepsiCo, Chanda Koochar CEO of ICICI bank, Shikha Sharma of axis bank and so on. The constitution of India guarantees to all Indian women equality (Article 14), no discrimination by the state (Article 15(1)), equality of opportunity (Article 16) and equal pay for equal work (Article 39(d)).In addition it allows special provisions to be made by the state in favour of women and children (Article 15(3)), renounces practices derogatory to the dignity of women (Article 51(A)(e)) and also allows for the provisions to be made by the state for securing just and humane conditions of work and for maternity relief (Article 42). Man and woman being complimentary physically, emotionally and morally and there is no scope for comparison.One has no existence without the other. They are interdependent. Together their life is whole and meaningful. Each has their own duties, roles and responsibilities. The 8th of March i s Womens Day. A day to celebrate women and all they have accomplished in their struggle for independence, equal rights and opportunities. It is also the day to show appreciation to all the women dear to you.The 108th Constitutional Amendment Bill, popularly known as the Womens Reservation Bill which seeks to reserve one-third of seats for women in the Lok Sabha and the State Legislative Assemblies has been a highlighting in the recent times & it is highly appreciated in the direction of women empowerment. It was passed in the Rajya Sabha on March 9th 2010 one day after international womens day. though well intended, it can have little, if any, tangible consequences for the real empowerment of women since it does not touch upon the core issues which plague them.The solution must envisage a two-pronged attack, on the one hand, on tradition which is responsible for assigning a low status for women in the society and on the other hand, the outrages perpetrated against them. The propos ed Prevention of Sexual torture of Women at Workplace Bill, 2010 is a good move in that direction. Mass campaigns need to be organized especially in the villages in favour of excerption of the female child and provision of human rights for her, including education and health.It is essential to dispel the ghosts of the past and place women on an equal footing with men in commit to pave the way for their empowerment, social, economic and educational. The Chinmaya Rural Training Centre (CRTC) was founded by, Swami Chinmayananda, a revered Hindu spiritual leader in one of the most downhearted areas of Himachal Pradesh. Sustainable development he believed was only possible if local women, generally belonging to lower castes and tribes, were able to take charge of their own lives and development.Empowering women and thus build the society would take the nation on a path of greater development as Swami Vivekananda says, Countries and Nations which do not respect women have never exte nd great nor will ever be in future.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Home Daycare or Daycare Center

Commercial day care or In- piazza electric shavercare Is one better than the other? Lisa Pedler ENG121 English re assignation I Instructor Jenna Fussell July 30, 2012 When it comes down to choosing the stovepipe childcare option for your child, the first factor that most parents look at is what that particular child needs. Now, there is secret code wrong with that, but there are a bend of factors that needs to be considered prior to making that final choice. The decision of whether to send your child to a commercial-grade daycare center or an in-home family childcare should depend on more than just the need of the child.Parents need to also consider surroundings, price, certification, daily schedules, and provider to child ratios. When a parent finally makes the ultimate decision to place their child into the care of someone else, they must be sure that its the best person or place not only for the child but for them as a parents as well. Daycare centers provide children wit h a safe, and healthy environment that not only gives the child a place to laugh and play, but a place to build and improve their social and developmental skills.Daycare centers are necessitate to uphold all state requirements such as provider to child ratios, health inspections, victuals regulations, cleanliness, safety, and discipline. The provider to child ratio can vary depending on the state regulation, the size of the building, and the age of the children. There could be times where there are more children to one provider than a parent may be comfortable with- meaning your child may not get that one on one attention he or she may need. Age groups steal children in a commercial daycare center, therefore allowing children to mingle amongst children their own age.This also helps with the issue of having younger children around toys that the older children are permitted to play with. responsibility issued health inspections are required but the frequencies of such inspections can vary. State regulated centers must also pass food regulations, as well as implement required safety and disciplinary protocols. The environment of the daycare center needs to be considered. Most daycare centers provide children with a number of child size equipment, furniture and activities. They also chap many different stations children can rotate into throughout the day.A state regulated center can offer a parent the security of having implemented the use of security cameras. Daycare centers also have a steep chain of command, which is lead by the centers director. When you imagine of a daycare center, you conjecture of costs. It is implied that commercial daycare costs are usually on the more expensive end of the bar. One must think of its employees that have to be paid and other programs that have to be paid for. Even though a daycare center may be a bit expensive, most parents believe that it is well worth it considering all a center can offer them and their child(ren) .Another factor that needs to be explored when looking at a commercial daycare center is the issue of illnesses amongst the children. When a child is in a four-wall room with 15 other children, the risk of catching another(prenominal) childs illness goes up drastically. Not only does the risk factor go up, but the possibility of containing the illness goes down. There are so many children in and out of the room throughout the day that germs are being spread from child to child to toy to toy. Moving away from commercial daycare centers, we look into in-home family childcare.Deciding to go with in-home care not only brings just about all the proceedss of a daycare center, but it also brings a bittie more to the table. When choosing an in-home care, you would need to be sure that it is a licensed home. When a home is licensed, they too have to follow state requirements for provider to child ratio, health inspections, food regulations, cleanliness, safety, and discipline. Most states requires that in-home childcare have a smaller ratio than what a commercial daycare center may have for one provider.This in conclusion means that your child will get more of a one on one experience. However, an in-home care may have a smaller number of children, but they have a broader age range in care. This simply means that one home can consist of a six-week old infant, a two-year-old toddler, and a four-year-old preschooler. Just as commercial daycares, in-home childcare has to go through many health inspections and also be able to pass implemented food regulations, as well as safety and disciplinary protocols.In-home childcare environments may differ from those of a commercial center. The space of an in-home care may be trammel to an area of the home however, the child can feel more at home due to the fact that it still remains a home. Having this as an advantage may give the child more security than that of a commercial center. In-home childcare costs are usually lower than that of a commercial daycare center. This can be for reason such as the provider sets the rates, and that there is only one person that needs to get paid.Having one provider in the home means that the payments that are coming in does not have to be calculated between several individuals, therefore bringing down the cost of childcare. The issue of traveling germs may not be of a high risk factor in an in-home care as it would be in a daycare center. The smaller number of children in a home makes it a little easier for an illness to be contained. It becomes easier to watch the children, watch what is being shared, and what is being put into their mouths because of the smaller number.In the end, parents have a huge decision to make. Whether a parent chooses the safe, more sociable, and more costly way of childcare or the still safe, more family orientated, and less costly way of childcare the decision of leaving your child in the care of someone else is huge. When on the hunt for that home away from home for your child there are many factors that should be considered. Whether you decide to go with a commercial daycare center or an in-home care, your child is going to be off to a great start in life in a safe, and playful environment.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Modern and Traditional Families

Have new families changed over the past few generations, or befool people remained the same in playing each of their k promptlyledge leading gender role responsibilities in modern families? Some statistics show that times have now changed in spite of the mans experience of women being stay at home m new(prenominal)s to their electric razorren. In addition, women can also be the breadwinner in their families rather than the father going to work. In fact, traditionalistic families in contrast with modern families have exponentially changed as time has passed.To better understand the context of this paper I willing discuss the differences and similarities between modern and traditional mothers. In my opinion I believe there atomic number 18 three key all important(p) responsibilities in a traditional and modern family child sell, education, and healthcare. In addition, there are various things to consider when taking care of child. For example, in the article of The Men We Ca rry in our Minds, by Russell Sanders, realizes as a two-year-old lad that hard working men like his father would have to go to work leaving his mother to stay at home and find out care of young Russell.Secondly, in the story Russell talks about men and realizes that men can sometimes be overbearing and view power, competency, efficiency and performance more importantly (Sanders, R. 1984). To cite another example, in early human history women were frowned upon to tend to their kids because of the high death rate which consequently led mothers to demand the task of nurturing their children at home. (Henslin, J. M. 2009). In contrast, there are some moderate differences between modern and traditional mothers in childcare and education.Even though, we live in a modern time there has been a 16% percent increase in traditional mothers still taking care of their children. In addition, studies done in a class group together found that younger parents, as opposed to older parents, were p laced in the 73 percent and placing traditional mothers at 86 percent. On the other hand, educating a child is equally important so the parents must decide how they will educate their children in traditional families it is unremarkably the mother who tends to educate the children.For example, one of the parentsmay feel more strongly about supervision, discipline, and education to the child, In particular, the same cannot be said about modern parents. In fact, the reason being is because there has been a 13% percent decrease in modern mother taking care of their children because of work cogitate problems. (See Appendix, in Figure 1). Furthermore, healthcare is another major form of responsibility for the mothers. In most households it is usually the mothers that are left behind to fend for their child throughout the first forty days of the baby being born.Moreover, this may sometimes abrupt verbal disputes, misunderstandings, and communication problems about how they want to raise their child. In Addition, one of the parents may feel stronger about the habits and health of the child. (Neuman. F, 2013). In the same way, modern mothers are taking the leading role in taking care of the childs health. In comparison, between modern and traditional mothers people are still see a declining percentage in modern parents in regards to caregiving and healthcare. So people can conclude that there are some negative changes in modern families even though women still tend to the children.There are two more additional factors in a household that must be decided when it comes to providing for the family. This leads to the second question in the matter of who will work, and who will be in charge of balancing the books as strong as paying the bills. Modern and traditional mothers have always had the capability of working, paying bills, and parallelism check books, but because of the plain definition and meaning of the word gender has some biological adherence, and has resulte d in mothers being socially deemed incapable. (Henslin, J. M. 2009) Whereas today, modern mothers are now less likely to be stay at home mothers.In contrast, modern mothers today, rather than traditional, have drastically changed and can now multitask just as well as fathers. For example, mothers today can now pay bills, work, and balance check books without the help of the father. In fact, people are now seeing mothers today playing the role of the breadwinner a lot more. Lastly, families are still seeing traditional and modern mother cleaning and doing most of the household duties around the house. Modern and traditional families are now noticing a slight differential change in mother helping outside of the home.Although, there has been a small change in modern and traditional mother helping their families outside of the home. For instance, cutting the grass, or fixing the fence, and repairing things around the house. As a result, mothers today are more pass to the meaning of hou sehold duties. In conclusion, to the discussion presented in this paper people can conclude that traditional mothers in comparison with modern mothers today have a higher percentage rate in childcare, wage earnings, and household duties rather than modern mother.All in all, I truly believe that it is very important for families to have equality in order to have functional family. In addition, I still believe men should strive to do more for their other halfs. In my opinion there has been a greater significant change over the past generations in mothers, Ultimately, it seems that modern families have relatively remained the same, and traditional families have continuously increased over the past generations.

Friday, May 24, 2019

VA Information Security

In your opinion, how well developed are your physical compositions training protective cover policies? Describe policies and measures used by your organization to ensure confidentiality, admission priceibility and reliability of data and selective information. Describe how the organization could (or does) protect from the loss its data. What go could (or do) they take to make sure that data remains accessible in the face of a catastrophic offspring such as a tone-beginning or early(a) natural disaster? What things do you think your organization could do to further enhance information security? Name UniversityCourse motorcoach Date In your opinion, how well developed are your organizations information security policies? Describe policies and measures used by your organization to ensure confidentiality, availability and reliability of data and information. Describe how the organization could (or does) protect from the loss its data. What steps could (or do) they take to ma ke sure that data remains accessible in the event of a catastrophic event such as a fire or other natural disaster? What things do you think your organization could do to further enhance information security?Information security policies are measures taken by organizations to ensure the security and safety of information of an organization (St every(prenominal)ings, 1995). The policies of an organization pertaining to information and data are bench marks and core resource in any organization. This paper looks at the information security situation in the United States Department of Veteran Affairs (VA) with an aim of analyzing the organizations information security policies, standards and measures used by the organization to ensure confidentiality of its information.VA has in the late(a) years been on the spotlight concerning its information security breach specifically it has been accused of being actually vulnerable to information security breaches. VA lacks information chequer system which is vital in access to the organizations information system. VA also lacks enough physical defense of computer facilities, something which leaves its information stored in computers very vulnerable to burglary.In terms of the human factor in information, security the organization data and vital information is easily accessible to a large-minded range of staff some of whom do not require access to the information. VA is currently facing the threat of information security in the areas of personal identification information, loss of data, accessibility of data to unauthorized persons, or misuse of information and should deal with the above issues in order to ensure maximum information security.The information security policies at VA include well laid out procedures for implementing and handling of day-to-day data and information, controlling the employees access to data and information, careful selection of security controls. VA has enacted steps aimed at protection its information systems, further it has safeguarded the nearby buildings by making sure that recommended fire protection as well as other hazards such as floods and wind. The equipment at VA is also safe guarded from any hazards such as , natural, environmental, as well as unauthorized access.In addition, access of data in VA is well safe guarded by use of not-easy-to-hack passwards. These are comprehensive and in compliance with ISO standards. At VA, such are updated very regularly. There is also a full pledged department for supporting the information system of the organization. Since human factor plays a very vital place in information security, alongside the technological issues are human oriented efforts such as awareness campaigns and seminars aimed at enhancing security in VA.Examples of technological establish security measures adapted by VA include the installation of firewalls, installation and constant upgrading and updating of antivirus software, Alongside the above, VA ens ures the security measures are controlled through use of security alarms, when thither is impending danger as well as ensuring that all incoming emails are s privyned. VA has invested in qualified staff and therefore, the quality of security management is guaranteed. In terms of physical security, VA has invested in security management.In terms of reacting to security breaches, VA has a clear reporting system which culminates in thorough investigations and appropriate running of actions once breaches are reported to the management Disasters can, and do strike when least expected and if no proper systems are in place for data recovery, bulky damage and loss of information as well as equipment can be suffered. The cost is very high and sometimes it is irreparable. Any data protection measure must take into account the facilities, data, hardware and network safety (Summers, 1997).At VA, the data is invaluable and is crucial since it entails details of veterans information and if this was to be lost, it can not be regained. Perhaps the hardware, the facilities, and the networks can all be reconstructed. The data protection strategies at VA include, back ups there exists hard copies of data stored in diametric locations. Such back ups also are available in online backups and disks. It will be wise though, for VA to include snapshots of disks to act as back ups in the event of data corruption as well as carrying out these back ups regularly.VA can significantly improve its information security by training all staff on the information policies as well as standards and make sure such are comprehensive and updated (Neumann, 1995). This is necessary and relevant to VA because some of the information breaches reported there, in the past were related to lack of stringent policies. By ensuring that, evaluation of systems is done properly before system change over in order to avoid setbacks. By training employers on enhanced security measures such as use of passwords ens uring commitment from top management to safeguard information. virus attacks are common in computer networks therefore it is highly commendable that, VA ensures installation of effective anti-virus software. There is a need to have secure and restrict areas for systems. Although data encryption is highly commended, access should be guaranteed to make sure that no an authorized person gains access to the back-ups. System hardening is highly recommended since data in VA system is potentially useful and of interest to hackers and therefore it is not unlikely that hostile networks may attempt to hack the information.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Vampire Academy Chapter 4

FOURWE DIDNT HAVE THE ENTIRE commons attention this age, thank God, barely a few passing people had halt to stare.What the hell do you think youre doing? asked Doll Girl, blue eyes wide and sparkling with fury. Up close now, I was able to get a better look at her. She had the same slim build as most Moroi save not the usual height, which was dowryly what made her look so young. The tiny purple primp she wore was gorgeous reminding me that I was indeed dressed in thrift-shop wear barely closer inspection led me to think it was a designer knock aside.I go through my limbs across my chest. Are you lost, little girl? The elementary schools over on west campus.A pink flush spread over her cheeks. Dont you invariably touch me again. You screw with me, and Ill screw you right gumption.Oh man, what an opening that was. Only a head shake from Lissa stopped me from unleashing either number of hilarious comebacks. Instead, I opted for impartial brute force, so to speak.And if yo u mess with either of us again, Ill break you in half. If you dont believe me, go ask Dawn Yarrow close to what I did to her arm in ninth grade. You were probably at nap time when it happened.The incident with Dawn hadnt been angiotensin-converting enzyme of my finer moments. I h cardinalstly hadnt expected to break any bones when I shoved her into a tree. Still, the incident had given me a dangerous reputation, in addition to my smartass one. The story had gained legendary status, and I handled to cypher that it was comfort being t grizzly around campfires late at night. Judging from the look on this girls wait, it was.One of the patrolling staff members strolled by right thence, casting suspicious eyes at our little meeting. Doll Girl backed off, taking Aarons arm. Come on, she said.Hey, Aaron, I said cheerfully, remembering he was t here. Nice to see you again.He gave me a ready nod and an uneasy smile, just as the girl dragged him off. Same old Aaron. He might be nice and cute, but aggressive he was not.I turned to Lissa. You okay? She nodded. Any idea who I just threatened to beat up?Not a clue. I started to lead her toward the lunch line, but she shook her head at me. Gotta go see the feeders.A funny feeling settled over me. Id gotten so used to being her primary argumentation source that the thought of returning to the Morois normal routine seemed strange. In fact, it almost b some othered me. It shouldnt turn in. Daily feedings were part of a Morois life, something I hadnt been able to offer her era living on our own. It had been an inconvenient situation, one that left me weak on feeding days and her weak on the days in between. I should have been happy she would get some normality.I forced a smile. Sure.We walked into the feeding room, which sit down adjacent to the cafeteria. It was set up with sm each cubicles, dividing the rooms space in an lather to offer privacy. A dark-haired Moroi woman greeted us at the entrance and glanced down a t her clipboard, flipping through the pages. Finding what she needed, she made a few notes and then gestured for Lissa to follow. Me she gave a puzzled look, but she didnt stop me from entering.She led us to one of the cubicles where a plump, middle-aged woman sat leafing through a magazine. She looked up at our approach and smiled. In her eyes, I could see the dreamy, glazed-over look most feeders had. Shed probably neared her quota for the day, judging from how noble she appeared to be.Recognizing Lissa, her smile grew. Welcome back, Princess.The greeter left us, and Lissa sat down in the chair beside the woman. I sensed a feeling of discomfort in her, a little different from my own. This was weird for her too it had been a long time. The feeder, however, had no such reservations. An eager look crossed her face the look of a junkie about to get her next fix.Disgust poured into me. It was an old instinct, one that had been drilled in over the age. Feeders were essential to Moroi life. They were humans who willingly volunteered to be a regular blood source, humans from the fringes of society who gave their lives over to the conundrum institution of the Moroi. They were well cared for and given every last(predicate) the comforts they could need. But at the heart of it, they were drug users, addicts to Moroi saliva and the rush it offered with each bite. The Moroi and guardians looked down on this dependency, even off though the Moroi couldnt have survived otherwise unless they took victims by force. Hypocrisy at its finest.The feeder tilted her head, giving Lissa full access to her neck. Her skin there was marked with scars from years of daily bites. The infrequent feedings Lissa and I had done had kept my neck clear my bite marks never lasted more than a day or so.Lissa leaned forward, fangs mordacious into the feeders yielding flesh. The woman closed her eyes, making a soft sound of pleasure. I sw everyowed, watching Lissa drink. I couldnt see any b lood, but I could imagine it. A surge of emotion grew in my chest longing. Jealousy. I averted my eyes, staring at the floor. Mentally, I scolded myself.Whats wrong with you? Why should you miss it? You only did it once any day. You arent addicted, not deal this. And you dont exigency to be.But I couldnt help myself, couldnt help the way I felt as I recalled the bliss and rush of a vampires bite.Lissa finished and we returned to the commons, moving toward the lunch line. It was short, since we only had fifteen minutes left, and I strolled up and began to load my plate with french fries and some rounded, bite-size objects that looked vaguely like chicken nuggets. Lissa only grabbed a yogurt. Moroi needed food, as dhampirs and humans did, but rarely had an appetite after drinking blood.So howd divisiones go? I asked.She shrugged. Her face was bright with color and life now. Okay. Lots of stares. A lot of stares. Lots of questions about where we were. Whispering.Same here, I said. The attendant checked us out, and we walked toward the tables. I gave Lissa a sidelong glance. You okay with that? They arent bothering you, are they?No its fine. The emotions coming through the bond contradicted her words. Knowing I could feel that, she tried to change the subject by handing me her class schedule. I looked it over.1st Period Russian 22nd Period American Colonial Literature3rd Period Basics of Elemental chasteness4th Period Ancient Poetry-Lunch 5th Period Animal Behavior and Physiology6th Period Advanced Calculus7th Period Moroi husbandry 48th Period Slavic ArtNerd, I said. If you were in Stupid Math like me, wed have the same afternoon schedule. I stopped walking. Why are you in chief(a) basics? Thats a sophomore class.She eyed me. Because seniors take specialized classes.We fell silent at that. All Moroi wielded elementary magic. It was one of the things that differentiated living vampires from Strigoi, the dead vampires. Moroi viewed magic as a gift. It was part of their souls and connected them to the world.A long time ago, they had used their magic openly averting natural disasters and helping with things like food and water production. They didnt need to do that as much anymore, but the magic was nevertheless in their blood. It burnt in them and made them want to murder out to the earth and wield their power. Academies like this existed to help Moroi control the magic and learn how to do increasingly Byzantine things with it. Students also had to learn the rules that surrounded magic, rules that had been in place for centuries and were strictly enforced.All Moroi had a small ability in each element. When they got to be around our age, students specialized when one element grew stronger than the others earth, water, fire, or air. Not specializing was like not going through puberty.And Lissa?well, Lissa hadnt specialized yet.Is Ms. Carmack still teaching that? What shed say?She says shes not worried. She thinks itll come.Did you did you tell her about Lissa shook her head. No. Of course not.We let the subject drop. It was one we thought about a lot but rarely spoke of.We started moving again, scan the tables as we decided where to sit. A few pairs of eyes looked up at us with blatant curiosity.Lissa came a nearby voice. Glancing over, we saw Natalie waving at us. Lissa and I exchanged looks. Natalie was sort of Lissas cousin in the way Victor was sort of her uncle, but wed never hung out with her all that much.Lissa shrugged and headed in that direction. Why not?I followed reluctantly. Natalie was nice but also one of the most uninteresting people I knew. Most royals at the school enjoyed a kind of celebrity status, but Natalie had never fit in with that crowd. She was too plain, too uninterested in the politics of the academy, and too clueless to really navigate them anyway.Natalies friends eyed us with a quiet curiosity, but she didnt hold back. She threw her arms around us. Like Lissa, she had jade-gr een eyes, but her hair was jet black, like Victors had been before his disease grayed it.Youre back I knew you would be Everyone said you were gone forever, but I never believed that. I knew you couldnt stay away. Whyd you go? There are so many stories about why you left Lissa and I exchanged glances as Natalie prattled on. Camille said one of you got pregnant and went off to have an abortion, but I knew that couldnt be true. Someone else said you went off to hang out with Roses mom, but I figured Ms. Kirova and Daddy wouldnt have been so upset if youd turned up there. Did you know we might get to be roommates? I was talking to?On and on she chatted, flashing her fangs as she spoke. I smiled politely, letting Lissa deal with the onslaught until Natalie asked a dangerous question.Whatd you do for blood, Lissa?The table regarded us questioningly. Lissa froze, but I immediately jumped in, the lie coming effortlessly to my lips.Oh, its easy. There are a lot of humans who want to do it.R eally? asked one of Natalies friends, wide-eyed.Yup. You find ?em at parties and stuff. Theyre all looking for a fix from something, and they dont really get that a vampires doing it most are already so cadaverous they dont remember anyway. My already vague details dried up, so I simply shrugged in as cool and confident a way as I could manage. It wasnt like any of them knew any better. Like I said, its easy. Almost easier than with our own feeders.Natalie accepted this and than launched into some other topic. Lissa shot me a grateful look.Ignoring the intercourse again, I took in the old faces, trying to figure out who was hanging out with whom and how power had shifted within the school. mason, sitting with a group of novices, caught my eye, and I smiled. go about him, a group of Moroi royals sat, laughing over something. Aaron and the blond girl sat there too.Hey, Natalie, I said, turning around and cutting her off. She didnt seem to notice or mind. Whos Aarons new girlfriend ?Huh? Oh. Mia Rinaldi. Seeing my blank look, she asked, Dont you remember her?Should I? Was she here when we left?Shes always been here, said Natalie. Shes only a year younger than us.I shot a questioning look at Lissa, who only shrugged.Why is she so pissed off at us? I asked. Neither of us know her.I dont know, answered Natalie. Maybe shes jealous about Aaron. She wasnt much of anybody when you guys left. She got really popular really fast. She isnt royal or anything, but once she started dating Aaron, she Okay, thanks, I interrupted. It doesnt really My eyes lifted up from Natalies face to Jesse Zekloss, just as he passed by our table. Ah, Jesse. Id forgotten about him. I liked flirting with Mason and some of the other novices, but Jesse was in an entirely different category. You flirted with the other guys simply for the sake of flirting. You flirted with Jesse in the hopes of getting semi-naked with him. He was a royal Moroi, and he was so hot, he should have worn a warning flammable sign. He met my eyes and grinned.Hey Rose, welcome back. You still breaking hearts?Are you volunteering?His grin widened. Lets hang out sometime and find out. If you ever get parole.He kept walking, and I watched him admiringly. Natalie and her friends stared at me in awe. I might not be a god in the Dimitri sense, but with this group, Lissa and I were gods or at least former gods of another(prenominal) nature.Oh my gawd, exclaimed one girl. I didnt remember her name. That was Jesse.Yes, I said, smiling. It sure was.I wish I looked like you, she added with a sigh.Their eyes fell on me. Technically, I was half-Moroi, but my looks were human. Id blended in well with humans during our time away, so much so that Id barely thought about my appearance at all. Here, among the slim and small-chested Moroi girls, certain features meaning my larger breasts and more defined hips stood out. I knew I was pretty, but to Moroi boys, my body was more than just pretty it was sexy in a risqu? way. Dhampirs were an exotic conquest, a novelty all Moroi guys wanted to try.It was ironical that dhampirs had such an allure here, because slender Moroi girls looked very much like the super-skinny runway models so popular in the human world. Most humans could never reach that ideal skinniness, just as Moroi girls could never look like me. Everyone wanted what she couldnt have.Lissa and I got to sit together in our shared afternoon classes but didnt do much talking. The stares shed mentioned certainly did follow us, but I found that the more I talked to people, the more they warmed up. Slowly, gradually, they seemed to remember who we were, and the novelty though not the becharm of our half-baked stunt wore off.Or maybe I should say, they remembered who I was. Because I was the only one talking. Lissa stared straight ahead, listening but neither acknowledging nor participating in my attempts at conversation. I could feel anxiety and sadness pouring out of her.All righ t, I told her when classes finally ended. We stood outside the school, and I was fully aware that in doing so, I was already breaking the terms of my agreement with Kirova. Were not staying here, I told her, looking around the campus uneasily. Im going to find a way to get us out.You think we could really do it a second time? Lissa asked quietly.Absolutely. I spoke with certainty, again relieved she couldnt read my feelings. Escaping the first time had been tricky enough. Doing it again would be a real bitch, not that I couldnt still find a way.You really would, wouldnt you? She smiled, more to herself than to me, like shed thought of something funny. Of course you would. Its just, well? She sighed. I dont know if we should go. Maybe maybe we should stay.I blinked in astonishment. What? Not one of my more eloquent answers, but the best I could manage. Id never expected this from her.I saw you, Rose. I saw you talking to the other novices during class, talking about practice. You mi ss that.Its not worth it, I argued. Not if?not if you? I couldnt finish, but she was right. Shed read me. I had missed the other novices. Even some of the Moroi. But there was more to it than just that. The weight of my inexperience, how much Id fallen lav, had been growing all day.It might be better, she countered. I havent had as many?you know, things happening in a while. I havent felt like anyone was interest or watching us.I didnt say anything to that. Before wed left the Academy, shed always felt like someone was following her, like she was being hunted. Id never seen evidence to support that, but I had once heard one of our teachers go on and on about the same sort of thing. Ms. Karp. Shed been a pretty Moroi, with deep auburn air and high cheekbones. And I was pretty sure shed been crazy.You never know whos watching, she used to say, walking briskly around the classroom as she shut all the blinds. Or whos following you. Best to be safe. Best to always be safe. Wed snickere d amongst ourselves because thats what students do around eccentric and paranoid teachers. The thought of Lissa acting like her bothered me.Whats wrong? Lissa asked, noticing that I was lost in thought.Huh? Nothing. Just thinking. I sighed, trying to balance my own wants with what was best for her. Liss, we can stay, I guess?but there are a few conditions.This made her laugh. A Rose ultimatum, huh?Im serious. Words I didnt say very much. I want you to stay away from the royals. Not like Natalie or anything but you know, the others. The power players. Camille. Carly. That group.Her amusement turned to astonishment. Are you serious?Sure. You never liked them anyway.You did.No. Not really. I liked what they could offer. All the parties and stuff.And you can go without that now? She looked skeptical.Sure. We did in Portland.Yeah, but that was different. Her eyes stared off, not really focused on any one thing. Here?here Ive got to be a part of that. I cant avoid it.The hell you do. Nata lie stays out of that stuff.Natalie isnt going to inherit her familys title, she retorted. Ive already got it. Ive got to be involved, start making connections. Andre Liss, I groaned. You arent Andre. I couldnt believe she was still comparing herself to her brother.He was always involved in all that stuff.Yeah, well, I snapped back, hes dead now.Her face hardened. You know, sometimes you arent very nice.You dont keep me around to be nice. You want nice, there are a dozen sheep in there who would rip each others throats to get in good with the Dragomir princess. You keep me around to tell you the truth, and here it is Andres dead. Youre the heir now, and youre going to deal with it however you can. But for now, that means staying away from the other royals. Well just lie low. Coast through the middle. Get involved in that stuff again, Liss, and youll drive yourself?Crazy? she supplied when I didnt finish.Now I looked away. I didnt mean?Its okay. she said, after a moment. She sighed and touched my arm. Fine. Well stay and well keep out of all that stuff. Well ?coast through the middle like you want. Hang out with Natalie, I guess.To be perfectly honest, I didnt want any of that. I wanted to go to all the royal parties and wild drunken festivities like wed done before. Wed kept out of that life for years until Lissas parents and brother died. Andre should have been the one to inherit her familys title, and hed certainly acted like it. Handsome and outgoing, hed charmed everyone he knew and had been a leader in all the royal cliques and clubs that existed on campus. After his death, Lissa had felt it was her family duty to take his place.Id gotten to join that world with her. It was easy for me, because I didnt really have to deal with the politics of it. I was a pretty dhampir, one who didnt mind getting into trouble and pulling crazy stunts. I became a novelty they liked having me around for the fun of it.Lissa had to deal with other matters. The Dragomirs were one of the twelve ruling families. Shed have a very virile place in Moroi society, and the other young royals wanted to get in good with her. Fake friends tried to schmooze her and get her to team up against other people. The royals could bribe and backstab in the same breath and that was just with each other. To dhampirs and non-royals, they were wholly unpredictable.That cruel culture had eventually taken its toll on Lissa. She had an open, kind nature, one that I loved, and I hated to see her upset and stressed by royal games. Shed grown fragile since the accident, and all the parties in the world werent worth beholding her hurt.All right then, I said finally. Well see how this goes. If anything goes wrong anything at all we leave. No arguments.She nodded.Rose?We both looked up at Dimitris looming form. I hoped he hadnt heard the part about us leaving.Youre late for practice, he said evenly. Seeing Lissa, he gave a polite nod. Princess.As he and I walked away, I worried ab out Lissa and wondered if staying here was the right thing to do. I felt nothing alarming through the bond, but her emotions spiked all over the place. Confusion. Nostalgia. Fear. Anticipation. difficult and powerful, they flooded into me.I felt the pull just before it happened. It was exactly like what had happened on the plane her emotions grew so strong that they sucked me into her head before I could stop them. I could now see and feel what she did.She walked slowly around the commons, toward the small Russian Orthodox chapel that served most of the schools religious needs. Lissa had always accompanied mass regularly. Not me.I had a standing arrangement with God Id agree to believe in him barely so long as he let me sleep in on Sundays.But as she went inside, I could feel that she wasnt there to pray. She had another purpose, one I didnt know about. Glancing around, she verified that neither the priest nor any worshippers were close by. The place was empty.Slipping through a doorway in the back of the chapel, she climbed a narrow set of creaky steps up into the attic. Here it was dark and dusty. The only light came through a large stained-glass window that fractured the faint glow of sunrise into tiny, multicolored gems across the floor.I hadnt known until that moment that this room was a regular retreat for Lissa. But now I could feel it, feel her memories of how she used to escape here to be alone and to think. The anxiety in her ebbed away ever so slightly as she took in the familiar surroundings. She climbed up into the window seat and leaned her head back against its side, momentarily entranced by the silence and the light.Moroi could stand some sunlight, unlike the Strigoi, but they had to limit their exposure. Sitting here, she could almost pretend she was in the sun, protected by the glasss dilution of the rays.Breathe, just breathe, she told herself. Itll be okay. Rose will take care of everything.She believed that passionately, like always, and relaxed further.Then a low voice spoke from the darkness.You can have the Academy but not the window seat.She sprang up, heart pounding. I shared her anxiety, and my own pulse quickened. Whos there?A moment later, a shape rose from behind a stack of crates, just outside her field of vision. The figure stepped forward, and in the poor lighting, familiar features materialized. Messy black hair. Pale blue eyes. A unendingly sardonic smirk.Christian Ozera.Dont worry, he said. I wont bite. Well, at least not in the way youre afraid of. He chuckled at his own joke.She didnt find it funny. She had completely forgotten about Christian. So had I.No matter what happened in our world, a few basic truths about vampires remained the same. Moroi were alive Strigoi were undead. Moroi were mortal Strigoi were immortal. Moroi were born Strigoi were made.And there were devil ways to make a Strigoi. Strigoi could forcibly turn humans, dhampirs, or Moroi with a single bite. Moroi tempted by the p romise of immortality could become Strigoi by choice if they purposely killed another person while feeding. Doing that was considered dark and twisted, the greatest of all sins, both against the Moroi way of life and nature itself. Moroi who chose this dark path lost their ability to connect with elemental magic and other powers of the world. That was why they could no longer go into the sun.This is what had happened to Christians parents. They were Strigoi.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

A Philosophical Assessment

A Philosophical Assessment in Kauchak & Eggen Chapter 7 (Examining Your Beliefs). Lance DeLong Of the four philosophies of preparation Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism and Social reconstructionism, the maven that seem to best fit my fundamental judgments would be reflected in Essentialism philosophy. This is, because I believe that the role of the public instill system is to teach students essential elements of fellowship that then in turn enables the student to development precise persuasion skills associated with advanced critical thinking.These learned skills can only be applied aft(prenominal) a student has gained the knowledge necessary to function effectively in society, and only after he understands that society can he make critical decisions relating to that society. The quandarys identified in the situation posed by the text book exercise Decision Making Developing Your Philosophy of Education, can be analyzed through the perspective of this educational p hilosophy as such The basic premise of what ar the responsibilities of the education system and how we achieve critical thinking speaks to the issues presented in the first part of this exercise.The essence of understanding what one is thinking about and making decisions on, moldiness first be established in in the students mind, would be my opinion. Essentialism, is the idea that centers around basic truths that must be learned in order for students to engage and participate in such activates. Essentialism is a belief that life is a series of building blocks and certain truths must be learned that allows the student to achieve advancement and an understanding of the society and the culture in which they are making decision on.This philosophy must also be looked at in the light of our Christian world view and the Bible. The Bible must be the basis and reflection of all philosophical truth. Paul warns us in Col. 28, Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain lie, aft er the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. Though not all worldly philosophies are deceiving and drawing us away from Christ, I believe that any that question the basic tenants of education set forth in the scripture to be contrary to said and soft disassociated.The basic principle acknowledged by essentialists is that there are essential truth and those truths are to be imparted in the educational system. While absolute truths are communicated through scripture and basic academic truths regarding history, English, mathsematics, and literature are the basis for this philosophy one must acknowledge this, to be the basic responsibility of an educational system, imparting absolutes, to be an essentialist. Other educational philosophies that foster the process of discovering truth rather than acknowledging truth must be recognized for what they are vain deceit.Another principle the essentialists would hold true to, is that learning requires discipl ine and ordinarily is accomplished through profound work. This seems to be negatively reflected in the situation presented in the text book. The students in the example seem to defy been the product of a system that does not teach personal discipline and hard work as demonstrate in their situation for a quick solution and desire to learn fitting what is required to get by.If these students had been exposed to a system associated with discipline and hard work and that was the standard, questions such as why do we have to learn this stuff would not have been posed and comments such as Cmon just tell us what you want us to know would not impoverishment to be made because students would have learned that hard work and discipline produces usually positive results. It seems that these students have been given and have not learned to work for their education.If these foundational principles had been instilled into these students through a disciplined learning environment they would not have been left hand to their own devises as it seems these students have, nevertheless would have developed a deliberate regimented method to learning one that would have been measured and proved though testing. Also, in the situation presented, there seemed to be an element of disrespect associated to the system and the teacher. The element of submission to business office has not been instilled in the students.Paul tells us in I Peter 55, Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble, the element of authority and the respect thereof has seemingly not been established in this learning environment. The essentialist recognizes the traditional teacher centered philosophy where the respect for authority is the basis for the splendor of the information being communicated.The imparting of knowledge, information, and skills from the older (p resumably wiser) generation to the younger one is imperative in this philosophy. The teachers responsibility is not only to impart those mentioned elements of basic education, but also to instill respect for authority, and moral norms as deemed acceptable in a society. The situation described in said scenario seems to be a reoccurring dilemma recognized in our public school systems today. This seems not to be a need to redefine the educational system, but a need to readdress roles and responsibilities.Going back to the principles of the don of the essentialist educational theory, William C. Bagley seems to be the answer. His basis principles of the recognized right of an immature student to the guidance of a well-educated, caring, and cultured teacher, would seemed to have resolved the assumed attitude of the students in question of non-importance of education. That the imparting of the ideals of community to each succeeding generation of children, would have resolved the issue of respect for the teaching system and teacher and would have fostered the feeling of community and society. Having a specific program of studies that required thoroughness, accuracy, persistence, and good workmanship on the part of pupils, would have set the precedence and provide the students specifically with what was required of them. I would agree with Professor Bagleys statement of (American) essentialism is grounded in a conservative philosophy that accepts the social, political, and economic structure of American society and schools should not try to radically reshape society.I hold to the same thought that American schools should transmit the traditional moral values and intellectual knowledge and those students need to become model citizens. I hold to the basic tenant that when a student leaves school that they should possess basic skills and an extensive body of knowledge, discipline and a practical mind that then allows them to apply school house lessons in a real and pract ical world. Finally I believe the American school system is in decline as evidenced in the 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP).The results of these test showed that only about one trinity of American students exhibited proficiency in technology and science. Living in the past is the phrase I will use as some reflect on the fact that in the 1950s SAT scores reached an all-time high as reflected by the International Adult Literacy Survey (IALS), surveying Adults 16-65 relating not to math and science but literacy. As years go by statistics continue to drop. The current administration has promised even more spending on their Race to the wind initiative with seeming little or no positive results.Some will find excuses for the decline, but it seems to me that the progressive mind set relating to current educational philosophies is not necessarily working and that a return to traditional values and proven theories of education would be prudent to return to. A philoso phical model of education that reflects the principles of ultimate truths do not change and that sound conservative practices of essentialism seems be the basis for this return.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Succubus Revealed Chapter 4

But I dont fill in what it is Im doing I cried. Do you?Ive told you all I can for now, give tongue to Carter, that sadness returning. The around I can do now is buy you a drink.I shook my head. I dont think on that points plentiful whiskey in the world.There isnt, he verbalise bleakly. There isnt.Despite Carters pessimism, I mum tried calling Hugh to see if he knew any topic. He didnt, besides his incredulity was so similar to mine that I took nearly comfort in it.What? Thats ridiculous, he told me. It was a mistake. It has to be.Will you chastise to get ahold of Jerome for me? I asked. I mean, Ill keep attempt too, exclusively maybe if were both calling, hell eventually nonice the ph adept. Even though it was still early for the demon, I in any case had this strange odoring that he could rattling well be avoiding my calls if something was afoot. Hugh might plagiarise in where I couldnt.I was fast approaching the time when I was supposed to meet solidifying at the t wins school. I had wanted to run home and try talking to Roman ab bulge out my potential conveying, but it didnt seem as important now, not until I had the story confirmed or denied by Jerome. So, after a few more errands that seemed hopelessly mundane compared to the greater supernatural produceings of the universe, I set up to Lake Forest Park and arrived at the school estimable as Seth did.Ian got out of the car too, and Seth flashed me a quick look that express he wasnt thrilled almost having brotherly company. Ian was wearing the jacket Seth had mentioned, a brown wool peacoat that fit him well enough to be tailored and had strategically placed patches meant to give it a vintage appearance. Ian completed the look with a carefully knotted striped scarf and fedora. He also had on glasses, which Id seen no sign of at Seths.I didnt know you wore glasses, I told him.He sighed. They go with the scarf.Seth was carrying two huge containers of white-frosted cupcakes that were lib erally and sloppily dusted with reverse lightning and red sparkles. I took one batch from him and walked inside with the brothers, where we signed in and were condition directions to the classroom.Looks like you were productive, I said with a smile.No thanks to Mom, Seth replied fondly. It took her forever to leave. She kept offering to help and double-check my work, make sure the oven was set and all that. It was a boxed mix. There wasnt that much I could gage up.Ian muttered something about preservatives and high fructose corn syrup.The classroom was pleasant, organized chaos. Other parents and family friends were there to help with the party, distributing food and running peppys. The twins ran up to the three of us with quick, fierce hugs before scurrying off to play with their friends. I didnt see Morgan and McKenna outside of the family very often, so it was neat to watch them so active and outstrip with their peers. They charmed their friends as much as they charmed me, an d it was clear the two little girls were leaders of sorts. Tiny, adorable blond leaders. The knot Id carried inside me since getting the HR memo began to soften as I allowed myself the small joy of observing them.Seth slipped an arm around me, following my gaze as we maintained our post in effect(p) the food table. He nodded toward where Ian was trying to pitch his own cupcakes organic, vegan, gluten-free creations from a local anesthetic bakery to some of the twins classmates. To be fair, the cupcakes were beautiful. They were vanilla, topped with elaborately swirled chocolate icing that was in turn adorned with perfect white frosting flowers. They make Seths cupcakes look like something the girls might adopt do, but I knew better than to be fooled. When you made cupcakes without most of the ingredients found in traditional baked goods, the truth came out in the taste. Pretty or not, Ian wasnt doing so good a job pitiable them.These are so much better for you than all this other junk food, Ian was recounting a wide-eyed boy named Kayden. Despite the fact wed been inside the strong classroom for almost an hour, Ian was still completely clad in his scarf and wool coat ensemble. Theyre made with brown rice flour and garbanzo dome flour and sweetened with maple syrup none of that processed white sugar crap.Kaydens eyes grew impossibly bigger. Those have beans and rice in them?Ian faltered. Well, yes . . . but, no, I mean. Its flour derived from those ingredients in a way thats totally fair trade and nutritious. Plus, I picked a brown and white color scheme, not only to save you from artificial dyes but also to show respect for all holidays and tradition, rather than giving into the mainstream domination of the Judeo-Christian machine.Without another word, Kayden grabbed a red-frosted snowman cookie from the snack table and wandered off.Ian gave us a yearn-suffering look. I fear for todays youth. At least we can take the leftovers hind end to Terrys. Wed better, said Seth. Those cost me a small fortune.You mean they cost me a small fortune, said Ian. Theyre my contribution.I paid for themIt was just a loan, said Ian imperiously. Ill pay you back.The party didnt last too much longer seven- year-olds didnt sine qua non to spang drinks for hours like my friends did but I still kept checking my phone whenever Seth wasnt watching. I had it set to vibrate in my pocket but was afraid I would miss Jeromes call. But no matter how many times I looked, the phones display remained the same. No in plan of attack calls or texts.With things winding down, McKenna made her way back to me and wrapped herself around my leg. Georgina, are you going to come to our ho mathematical function tonight? Grammys cooking. Were going to have lasagna.And cupcakes, piped in Ian, carefully packing up his goods. By my estimation, hed given away exactly one cupcake, and that was to a boy whod taken it on a dare from his friends.I lifted McKenna up, surprised at how big she was getting. The years didnt alter my immortal friends or me, but mortals changed by leaps and bounds in such short time periods. She wrapped her arms around me, and I touch a kiss into her blond curls.I wish I could, baby. But I have to work tonight.argon you still helping Santa? she asked.Yes, I said solemnly. And its very important work. I cant miss it. Without me, there was no telling how sober Santa would stay.McKenna sighed and leaned her head against my shoulder. Maybe youll come over when youre do.Youll be in bed, I said. Ill see what I can do for tomorrow.This earned me a tighter hug, and I felt my heart ache. The girls always had this effect on me, triggering a mix of feeling that was both love for them and regret for the children I myself would never have.Children had been something Id wanted as a mortal, something denied to me even therefore. The pain of that reality had been driven home last year when Nyx, a primordial chaos entity, had visited me in my sleep and used tantalizing dreams to distract me while she stole my energy. The one that had recurred the most had shown me with a little girl my own daughter stepping outside into a snowy night to greet her father. Hed been shadowy at starting signal, later revealed as Seth. Nyx, in a desperate forebode for help later, had sworn the dream was true, a prophecy of things to come. It had been a lie, however. An impossibility that could never be mine.Maybe youll come by my house after youre done with work, Seth said to me in a low voice, once shed wriggled away.That depends, I said. Whos going to be in your bed?We had a talk. He knows to stay out of my room.I smiled and caught hold of Seths hand. I would, but Ive got some things to do tonight. Ive got to hunt down Jerome about . . . origin.Youre sure thats it? he asked. Youre sure my familys not scaring you off?Ill admit, I didnt relish the thought of seeing Margaret Mortensens disapproving gaze, but I also couldnt imagine Id be very good company for Seth if I still didnt know what was going on with my transfer by tonight. The transfer. Looking into his kind, warm eyes, I felt a pit open in my stomach. Maybe I should be jumping at every chance I could get to be with him. Who knew how many more we had? No, I scolded myself. Dont think like that. Tonight youll remember Jerome and clear up this mess. Then you and Seth can be happy.Your family has nothing to do with it, I assured Seth. Besides, now that you have extra help, you can use your free time to get some work done.He rolled his eyes. I thought self-employment meant not having a boss.I grinned and kissed him on the cheek. Ill come by tomorrow night.Kayden, passing by for one last cookie, caught sight of my kiss and scowled disapprovingly. Ew.I parted ways with the Mortensens and headed off to the mall. It was often a surprise to mortals to attend immortals like me purposely chose to take day jobs, so to speak. If you were around for a few centuries and semiwise with your money, it wasnt that hard to eventually build up enough to comfortably sojourn off of, making human employment unnecessary. Yet, most immortals I knew still worked. Correction most lesser immortals I knew did. Greater ones, like Jerome and Carter, rarely did, but maybe they already had too concrete of a job with their employers. Or, maybe, lesser immortals just carried over the urge from when we were human.Regardless, days like today were clear reminders of why I chose gainful employment. If Id had nothing but free time on my hands, I wouldve spent the rest of the day ruminating about my fate and the potential transfer. Assisting Walter-as-Santa as absurd as it was at least gave me a distraction while I waited to hear from Jerome. Vocation gave purpose too, which Id found was necessary to mark the long days of immortality. Id met lesser immortals who had gone insane, and most of them had done nothing but drift aimlessly throughout their long lives.A new el f one whom Walter had christened Happy had joined our ranks today, one who was sure as shooting helping pass the time if only because of how much she was grating on my nerves.I dont think he should be drinking at all, she said, for what felt like the hundredth time. I dont see why I have to learn this schedule.Prancer, a veteran elf, exchanged glances with me. no(prenominal) of us is saying its right, he told Happy. Were just saying its reality. Hes going to get a hold of liquor one way or another. If we deny him, hell sneak it in the bathroom. Hes done it before.If were the ones giving it to him, I continued, then we control the access and amount he gets. This? I gestured to the schedule wed drawn up. This isnt much. Especially for a guy cable his size. Its not even enough to get buzzed.But theyre children Happy cried. Her eyes drifted off toward the long line of families trailing through the mall. Sweet, innocent, joyful children.Another smooth message passed between Prancer and me. Tell you what, I finally said. Why dont you make them your priority. Forget about the liquor schedule. Well handle that. You go trade places with Bashful at the head of the line. She doesnt really like working with the public anyway. When Happy was out of earshot, I remarked, One of these days, someones going to report us all to the malls HR office.Oh, they have plenty of times, said Prancer, smoothing out his green spandex pants. Ive worked with Walter for three years now, and Happys not the first elf to have moral qualms about Santa getting lit. Hes been reported lots.That was intelligence to me. And they havent fired him? Nah. Its harder to fill these jobs than you might think. As long as Walter doesnt touch or say something inappropriate, the mall doesnt seem to care.Huh, I said. Good to know.GeorginaBeyond the generate leading to Santas pavilion, I saw someone waving at the edge of the crowd. Hugh. My heart rate sped up. This mall was actually right around the corne r from his office, so hed come by before for lunch. In light of recent events and the look on his face something told me he wasnt here for a casual meal today.Hey, I said to Prancer. Can I take my break now?Sure, go for it.I cut through the crowd and met up with Hugh, trying not to feel self-conscious about wearing the foil dress. Hugh had come from the office and was dressed impeccably, playing up the role of successful plastic surgeon. I felt bargain-priced beside him, especially as he and I walked farther from the holiday mayhem toward some of the malls more upscale shops.I was on my way home from work and thought Id stop by, he said. I figured you werent taking many calls while on the job.Not so much, I agreed, gesturing to the tight dress and its need of pockets. I caught hold of his arm. Please tell me you heard something. The transfers a mistake, right?Well, I still think it is, but no, I havent heard anything back even not from HR or Jerome. He frown slightly, clearly not liking the lack of communication. Underneath that, I also sensed another emotion in him nervousness. Ive got something else for you. Can we talk somewhere . . . kind of private? Is there a Sbarro or Orange Julius around here?I scoffed. Not in this mall. Theres a sandwich place we can go to.Sandwich place wasnt entirely accurate. They also sold gourmet soups and salads, all of which were made fresh and packed with enough prissy ingredients to make Ian happy. Hugh and I snagged a table, my appearance gaining the attention of some children there with their parents. I ignored them as I leaned toward Hugh.Whats up, then, if not the phantom transfer?He eyed the watchers uneasily and took several moments to begin speaking. I was calling around today, trying to work connections and see if I could find out anything about you. Like I said, I couldnt. But I got caught up on all sorts of other gossip.I was kind of surprised Hellish gossip was what he wanted to discuss, more surprised still that it had apparently warranted him coming in person. If hed heard a rumor about a mutual friend, it seemed like a phone call wouldve sufficed to pass the news. Even e-mail or text.Do you remember Milton? he asked.Milton? I stared blankly. The name meant nothing to me.Nosferatu, he prompted.Still nothing, and then Oh. Yeah. Him. The vampire. A month or so ago, Milton had visited on vacation, much to Cody and Peters dismay. Vampires were territorial and didnt like outsiders, although Cody had been able to use Miltons presence to impress his macabre loving girlfriend, Gabrielle. Or so Id heard. I never actually saw him. I just knew he was in town.Yup, and it turns out last week, he was in Boulder.So?So, first of all, its weird that hed have two vacations in that short time. I mean, you know how it is for vampires. You know how it is for all of us.It was true. Hell didnt like to give us vacations very often. When your employers owned your soul, they really didnt feel any need to make your emotional state pleasant. That wasnt to say we didnt occasionally get time off, but it certainly wasnt a priority for Hell. The business of souls never rested. For vampires, this was doubly true because they didnt like to leave their territory. They also had various complications with traveling, say, like with sunlight.Okay, so, its weird. How does that affect us?Hugh slabberped his voice low. When he was in Boulder, a local dark shaman died under mysterious circumstances.I felt my eyebrows rise. And you think Milton was involved ?Well, like I said, I had time to make some calls and do some research today. And it turns out that even though hes based in Raleigh, Milton travels an awful lot for a vampire and every place he goes, some mortal in the supernatural community ends up dead.Youre saying hes an assassin, I said, intrigued but still not seeing the point. As part of the great game we all played, angels and demons werent supposed to directly influence mortal lives. Thats where lesser immortals came in, with our offers of sin and temptation. Now, we werent really supposed to kill either, as far as the game went, and we certainly werent supposed to do it on behalf of a greater immortals instructions. We all knew it happened, however, and Milton wasnt the first assassin Id heard of taking out inconvenient mortals.Exactly, said Hugh. He frowned. He goes to places, and people disappear.How does that affect us?Hugh sighed. Georgina, he was here.Yeah, but nobody I gasped, freezing a moment in shock. Erik . . .The world reeled around me for a moment. I was no longer in an elite malls food court but instead was looking down on the broken, bleeding body of one of the kindest men I knew. Erik had been a longtime friend in Seattle, using his many years of occult and supernatural knowledge to advise me on my problems. Hed been investigating my pact with Hell when a freak robbery at his store had resulted in his death by gunshot.Are you saying . . . My voice was barely a whisper. Are you saying Milton killed Erik?Hugh shook his head sadly. Im not. Im just laying out the evidence for you, which is compelling but not enough to form a hard conjoin to Milton.Then why tell me at all? I asked. You dont like to get involved with anything that questions the status quo. It was true, and it had been a constant point of contention with Hugh and me.I dont, he said. I understood now why he was so uneasy. Not at all. But I care about you, sweetheart. And I know you cared about Erik and wanted answers.Key word wanted. I thought I had them. My heart still mourned Erik, but I had begun to heal from his loss, moving on with life the way we all must after losing a loved one. Knowing or, well, thinking hed been killed in a robbery didnt exactly give me peace, but it did provide an explanation. If there was any shred of truth to Hughs dangerous theory, that Milton a potential assassin might have been responsible, then my whole world was suddenly knock ed offkilter. And in that scenario, the big issue wasnt that Milton had done it. What became important was why he had done it. Because if he was one of those Hellish assassins lurking in the shadows, then someone higher up had given him his orders, meaning Hell had a reason to want Erik dead.You okay? Hughs hand on mine made me jump. Jesus, Georgina. Youre like ice.Im kind of in shock, I said. This is big, Hugh. Huge.I know, he said, not sounding happy at all. Promise me you wont do anything foolish. Im still not sure I should have told you.You should have, I said, credit crunch his hand and making no such promises about the foolish part. Thank you.I had to leave shortly thereafter, returning to assist Happy. A little of her fervour about the pure, magical nature of children had faded in that time. I think it was the six-year-old who asked for a nose job that might have cracked her. As for me, I was in a daze, stunned over what Hugh had told me. Erik murdered. His dying words to m e had implied something more was going on, but thered been no evidence to prove it. Or wait . . . was there? I vaguely remembered the glass pattern of his broken window, the suspicion from the police that it had been broken from within. But what did I do with this theory? How did I get the answers I needed?Equally amazing to me was the concession Hugh had made in telling me this. He valued his job and his comfortable position. He really wasnt the type to try to upset Hell or ask questions about things that didnt concern him. Yet hed pursued his hunch about Milton and passed on the news to me, his friend. Hell made desperate, insensitive creatures out of its employees and most certainly liked it that way but I doubted any of the higher-ups had imagined the levels of friendship we were still capable of managing.Naturally, only one other thing could have distracted me from this new development, and that was Jeromes presence in my condo later that night. I was returning home after wo rk and sensed his aura coming from within as soon as I put my key to the door. My fears and theorizing about Erik and Milton moved to one part of my brain, replaced by all the old guessing about the mystery transfer.When I entered, I found Jerome sitting in the living room with Roman, both at their ease and barely acknowledging my presence.And so, Jerome was saying, thats why you need to do this. As soon as possible. Nanettes people have been at it for a long time, so youve got a lot of ground to cover. Set up a schedule I dont care how rigorous it is and make those slackers start putting in their time at the alley.I stared incredulously. Youre here about the roll competition?Both men looked at me, Jerome seeming irritated at the interruption. Of course. The sooner you start practicing, the better.You know what else might be better the sooner it happens ? I produced the well-worn HR memo with a flourish. You telling me if Im being transferred or not. My moneys on it being a mist ake because surely, surely you wouldnt put off telling me. Right?Several heartbeats of silence hung in the room. Jerome held me in his dark, dark gaze, and I refused to look away. At last, he said, No. Its real. Youre being transferred.My jaw wanted to drop to the ground. Then why . . . why am I only just now hearing about it?He sighed and made an impatient gesture. Because I just found out about it. Someone jumped the gun and delivered the memo to you before telling me. His eyes glinted. Dont worry, I wasnt too thrilled about that myself. I made sure they know my feelings on the matter.But I . . . I swallowed. I was so sure there was a mistake. . . There was, he agreed. Just not the kind you were thinking of.I wanted to sink to the floor and melt away but forced myself to stay strong. I had to ask the next most important question, the question that would shape the next phase of my life.Where . . . where am I going?Jerome studied me once again, this time I think just to guide out t he suspense and agony. Bastard. At last, he spoke.Youre going to Las Vegas, Georgie.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Edexcel History Part B Royal Family Essay

Do you flout with the view that the important magnetic core of transport magnitude media reportage of the princely family from the 1970s ahead was to deterioration the find of the monarchy? There is evidence to suggest that the primary(prenominal) effect of increasing media reportage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy. However in that respect is also a case to argue that increasing media reportage of the royal family had new(prenominal) significant effects. Source 15 supports the view that the main effect of increasing media reportage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy when it says the slapstick gameshow Its a Royal stunner, which many members of the royal family took part in seriously dented their dignity the nation was not amused, which suggests the good deal of Britain lost respect for the royal family as a result of media coverage. This is supported in germ 16 when it says We hope the Windsors and their advisors are watching the liking on the streets and learning from it, which implies that the royal family should be sure how they act so they do not lose any further respect from the usual.Source 17 also supports the view the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy when it talks about a time of indefinitety. This suggests that due to the influence of the media, pile were uncertain of how to view the royal family, as they were beginning to be portrayed as less high up in golf-club, and therefore commanding less respect. This is supported in source 15, which says their magic began to wane. This implies that although a certain amount of respect remained for the royal family, they were beginning to be seen as less remarkable to the British public. Events such as Its a Knockout were aattempts at modernising the relationship between the royal family and the nation of Britain, but they reduced the mystique of the family and eroded respect. Source 17 contradicts the view that the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy when it says that two programmes about the lives of the monarchy were two of the decades biggest televisual examples suggesting that one significant effect of the increasing media coverage was to increase the variety showle and awareness of the royal family.Previously, obscure from Queen Elizabeth IIs coronation in 1953, there was little knowledge of the lives of the monarchy, and more media coverage meant that people could find out more about them, and see that they are actually normal people. This would release some relation between ordinary people and the royal family, perhaps gaining them some popularity. This is supported in source 15 which says they could laugh at themselves, suggesting the royal family were increasingly being seen as regular, fun-loving people entirely like everyone else. This is a stark contrast to how they would have been viewed in previous years, as they were viewed by the public as more traditional, conservative and perhaps even dull. Source 16 contradicts the view that the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy when it says that the royal family have grasped the lesson of Dianas popularity, implying that the royal familys reputation is not being ruined by media coverage and rather that it is increasing their popularity.This is supported in source 17 which says the monarchy was still respected as Britains most honored institution also suggesting that the royal familys reputation had not been damaged by media coverage, they had in force(p) rick more popular and maintained their prestigious status in the meantime. From 1981 onwards there was huge media interest in Diana, Princess of Wales. This has a largel y negative impact on the royal family, supporting the view that the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy. Not exactly did it reduce respect for the royal family, making them more into celebrities than well-respected figures, it also arguably led to the death of Princess Diana. The Princess of Wales died in a car crash whilst being pursued b ya car full of paparazzi. This tragic event is a perfect example of how the image of the monarch ywas damaged by increased media interest they were no longer really seen as real people, let alone respected. Newspaper articles about them were hugely sensationalised and think on scandals, rather than trying to maintain the high status of the monarchy. For example, telephone scandals amongst the royal family were widely reported.The Camillagate and Squidgygate stories bear on taped phone conversations that were evidence for extra-marital affairs, and were quit e graphic in parts. This led to a dramatic change in how many people saw the Windsor family. It gave people a reason to look down upon them, and people did not think members of the family should engage in such acts when they were supposed to be setting an example to the country. other prime example of how media influence damaged the image of the royal family was when the Royal Family failed to publically display their grief for the loss of Diana. Previously, this would not have been a problem but such was the extent of the media coverage of the royal family by this time, people were expecting to hear from the Windsors about Dianas death. When a message of grief did not come, people thought the royal family were uncaring and rather out of touch with the public.In conclusion, I agree that the main effect of increasing media coverage of the royal family from the 1970s onwards was to damage the image of the monarchy. Source 15 argues this case by saying the royal family were beginning to acquire a negative, less tasteful kind of glamour. This source is from a textbook, so it is likely that the information is accurate and unbiased, and therefore quite effective as a source. However there is also evidence that increasing media coverage of the royal family had other significant effects, such as increasing the popularity of the royal family and interest in their lives. This keeps the royal family relevant to our society as a symbol of Britain, so it is quite important. As well as this more coverage of the private lives of the royal family would have allowed people to relate better to them, and therefore support them more.This is significant because a monarchy is often seen as useless in our current society, so for the royal family to continue existing there needs to be continual public support. This view is discussed in source 17 which says the monarch ywas stil lrespected as Britains most prestigious institution, suggesting media had positive effects on the royal family rather that just damaging their reputation. Source 17 is quite a reliable source as it is from a textbook, and seems to pass quite a balanced view of the medias influence on the royal family. Source 16 on the other hand is less useful to either argument and talks in quite a patronising way about the royal family, saying they hope the Windsors are learning from the mood on the streets. It is an editorial from the Independent newspaper, so may be sensationalised and therefore less accurate.