Saturday, December 28, 2019

Relationships With The Mandans By Thomas Jefferson

Relationships with the Mandans Thomas Jefferson had just expanded the United States territory immensely. This purchase was known as the Louisiana Purchase, which is arguably the best decision in US history. All the new land resulted in several unknown questions. Some of them were, â€Å"what does this land provide, what animals are out there, who can be found on this land?† To answer some of these mysterious questions Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the Louisiana Purchase. They also were sent to form learn and form relationships with the people all ready on the land they are about to explore. One of their stops on their journey was at what now is known as Fort Mandan, in Bismarck, North Dakota. Here is where Lewis and Clark’s relationship with the Mandan tribe was crucial because their next steps have never been explored by whites. Only the Indians knew what the land looked like from North Dakota to the Pacific Ocean. The Mandan tribe was able to show the explorers areas of the land that was just bought by the United States of America. Between both the white explorers and the Mandan tribe they both benefited from their relationships they formed over the winter months of 1804 because Lewis and Clark did not anticipate spending the winter in North Dakota. Seasons have changed and the Missouri river was starting to freeze over; this caused Lewis and Clarks exploration to halt for the winter. The explorers were able to find a camping site on the NorthShow MoreRelatedThe Lewis ( 1774 ) And William Clark1735 Words   |  7 Pagesacross the Continental Divide, and to the Pacific Ocean. In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson sent the Cords of Discovery to the land never traveled before by any American to explore. They traveled over 8000 miles and discovered over 300 unknown species, 50 tribes of Indians, and the Rocky Mountains (â€Å"National Geographic: Lewis Clark†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). It began May 1804 and ended September 1806. Before the expedition, Lewis was Jefferson s private presidential secretary. He also served in the military, where heRead MoreReview Of Elizabeth A. Fenn1563 Words   |  7 Pagesparticularly, the Mandan people groups of present-day North Dakota where everything from the names of the seasons to the spaces the Mandan p ossessed or adored are remade from the Mandan point of view. Some of the most important things the Mandan did are influence the people around them, which customs would be beneficial to my life, and applying Mandan way to my life. Fenn s scrupulousness with regards to the spots that the Mandans occupied is very amazing, as the account of the Mandan individuals unfurlsRead MoreRelationships With The Mandan s2357 Words   |  10 PagesRelationships with the Mandan’s Thomas Jefferson has just expanded the United States territory immensely. This purchase is known as the Louisiana Purchase, which is arguably the best decision in US history. All the new land resulted in several unknown questions. Some of them were, â€Å"what does this land provide, what animals are out there, who can be found on this land?† To answer some of these mysterious questions Jefferson sent Meriwether Lewis and William Clark to explore the Louisiana PurchaseRead MoreLouisiana Purchase Essay1253 Words   |  6 Pageseconomically stable country, and it also played a very pivotal role in the relationship with African Americans, which still is remembered and prevalent in todays society. With the Louisiana Purchase (1803), the United States more than doubled its size. Now that the U.S. was in control of all of the new territory, Americans were free to roam and explore the newly acquired lands. Not to long after the purchase, President Thomas Jefferson had the U.S. Congress provide $2500, to send intelligent officersRead MoreThe Corps Of Discovery And The Native Americans1750 Words   |  7 PagesOn February 28, 1803, President Thomas Jefferson, with the approval of congress, created the Corps of Discovery. Their mission was to map the newly acquired western lands of the Louisianna Purchase, almost 1803—828,000 square miles of unexplored territory, as well as find a route to the Pacific Ocean. This expedition was led by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. During their adventure, the group encountered many hostile Native American groups, and if not for Sacagawea, these tribes would have surelyRead MoreExploring The Wild West : Lewis And Clark Expedition3542 W ords   |  15 PagesClark Expedition Kenzie Cvar 2nd period 11-20-2014 Romero DUAL Within the time period of 1801- 1809 Thomas Jefferson was President and participated in the Louisiana Purchase. America bought 820,000 square miles from France. (All land that stretched from the Mississippi river, in total 15 states were bought from the purchase.) With this amount of un-known land, Jefferson called for an exploration and hired Meriwether Lewis, Jefferson’s secretary, due to his penmanship and frontiersmanRead MoreMajor Turning Points in U.S. History (1492-1820)1366 Words   |  6 Pagesmassive amounts of land and vastly strengthened its hold on the continent. The war, however, also had indirect results. It severely eroded the relationship between England and Native Americans; and, though the war seemed to strengthen England s hold on the colonies, the effects of the French and Indian War played a key role in the deteriorating relationship between England and its colonies that ultimately led into the Revolutionary War. As you proceed onward with the history of our country you reachRead MoreThe Great Lewis And Clark Expedition1967 Words   |  8 Pagesabout. Not only their spirit, the journals they kept and the maps they made were also precious gifts for the explorers after them. Lewis and Clark’s Corps of Discovery took place from 1803 to 1806, which are the years during the presidency of Thomas Jefferson. They described and drew down the wide lands in the west, beautiful natural wonders, and the people of Native Americans. Just like what Walter Kim wrote in the Time Magazine, â€Å"When they launched their wooden boats up the Missouri and into theRead MoreThomas Jefferson And The American West1772 Words   |  8 Pagesexploration and the pursuit of knowledge captivated the imagination of Thomas Jefferson. His father, an experienced cartographer and explorer, is often cited as the inspiration for Jefferson’s fixation on the West. As he grew older, Jefferson realized that the American West was not an empty wilderness, but a land crowded by conflicting nations and claims of sovereignty that only a few fur traders had experienced. Once Jefferson acquired the Louisiana territory from Napoleon in 1803, he sent an expeditionRead MoreThe Lewis and Clark Expedition:Mapping a Water Route to the West Coast 1911 Words   |  8 PagesPresident Thomas Jefferson had long considered a western expedition and the Louisiana Purchase increased the need for such an exploration and survey of the west . The main body of explorers, known as the Corps of Discoverers, was led by Captain Meriwether Lewis and his associate in command William Clark. Assembling the individuals to make up the Corps of Discoverers would prove to be less daunting than the hardships and challenges they would endure on their westward journey. Captain Lewis

Friday, December 20, 2019

Living with Multiple Personalities - 1443 Words

Living with Multiple Personalities Most Americans have not heard of Multiple Personality Disorder, mostly because it only â€Å"affects about 1% of the U.S. population† (Falco 3). MPD is a dissociative disorder that is considered the most dangerous in its class. Dissociation is the disturbance of multiple cerebral functions that constitute the thought of consciousness. The first reported case of MPD dates back to 1646. There was a steady rise in reports during the 19th century, but concern about the disorder slowly faded during the early 20th century because of patients faking their symptoms and the affairs between therapists and patients. Reports also declined for a short period of time after a new disease called Schizophrenia was†¦show more content†¦Free association is a technique used by therapists to help a patient face their fears in order to get rid of their alters (Mayer 8). Multiple Personality Disorder is a diverse disorder that has many negative effects on the patient. All of the actions performed by the patient are generally performed or influenced by the alters. These alters can become a problem during therapy because after therapy sessions, new alters appear. Some of these alters are responsible for denying that the patient has any disorders, which can make the disorder significantly harder to cure or diagnose. Other alters impersonate each other in order to trick the therapist even though there is an amnestic barrier in the mind at prevents alters from knowing about each other. Polyfragmenting, the splitting of alters, occurs after the patient seeks medical attention. During therapy sessions, doctors have also witnessed superalters, which are combined personalities. Patients are known to commit violent crimes while they are in an unconscious state. The blackouts that are experienced limit the patient’s lifestyle significantly. They are not allowed to drive, maintain a job, or have close relationships with other people. People to avoid victims of MPD bec ause of how obvious it is when they they Rocha 4 switch alters. Patients also tend to have destructive alters that damage the patient and those that get in theShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Multiple Personality Disorder1486 Words   |  6 Pagesusually personal information, location, name, age, or their entire identity (Residential). This could be multiple personality disorder- or MPD for short. Multiple personality disorder was first thought to be nonexistent, or extremely rare, but now after thousands of diagnoses (Carter), multiple personality seems to be in the in the spotlight of psychological disorders. Though multiple personality disorder only became a legitimate psychiatric disorder in 1980, there had been cases reported before thenRead MoreA Split Personality: The Cause and Effects of Multiple Personality Disorder 1285 Words   |  6 Pages A Split Personality: The Cause and Effects of Multiple Personality Disorder Multiple Personality Disorder, (also called Dissociative Identity Disorder) is an abnormal psychological phenomenon which has baffled psychologists and psychiatrists for years. It is a syndrome marked by the clear existence of two or more â€Å"personalities† (or identities) in a single person, each personality having separate memories, behaviors, physicalRead MoreHow Personality Disorders Affect the Homeless Essay1272 Words   |  6 Pages Those who are homeless, living in poverty with no work, food, or shelter, have to go through many obstacles in their lifestyle. They are more susceptible to suffer from many mental disorders, from Bipolar to Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which are often due to the personal experiences of not only their childhood, but their lifestyle of homelessness. While many choose to live in their own distinctive ways, others are bound to it. Being isolated, with no real love and care from other people, mostRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder Essay632 Words   |  3 Pageshorrible happenings are believed to be linked to a condition known as Multiple personality disorder (MPD). Multiple personality disorder, also known as dissociative identity disorder, is a mental illness in which a person has two or more identities or personalities. Single personalities randomly take control of the individuals b ehavior. Usually, the sufferer gives the personalities their own names. These multiple personalities almost always have characteristics that greatly differ from the personsRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of An Traumatic Stress Disorder971 Words   |  4 Pagesare multiple types of amnesias, I will be focusing on psychogenic amnesia. â€Å"Psychogenic amnesias are usually caused by some sort of emotional trauma. Emotional trauma is the common thread that runs through the amnesia associated with the following disorders: dissociative amnesia (the inability to recall significant personal information); fugue (memory loss accompanied by sudden, unexpected travel from home); dissociative identity disorder (the presence of two or more distinct personalities, withRead More Robert Wrhinghim in James Hoggs Novel, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner1217 Words   |  5 Pagesannihilating sinners not chosen to be saved. I believe that a combination of factors involving both nurture and nature shape Wringhim into the suffering creature that he becomes. The greatest of these factors include Paranoia Schizophrenia, Multiple Personality Disorder, and the rejection of society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To my limited medical knowledge, I understand Wringhim to suffer from a severe case of Paranoia Schizophrenia among other forms of mental illnesses. There is evidence for this theory in the novelRead MoreThe Three Faces Of Eve Essay1188 Words   |  5 Pagesis intended to inform its reader about Multiple Personality Disorder and whether it is fact or fiction. This paper was intended to be contrived after watching the film â€Å"The Three Faces of Eve†, directed by Nunnally Johnson in 1957. The star of the film, Joanne Woodard, portrays the title character Eve White, who acts through the separate personalities of Eve White, Eve Black, and Jane. Despite the doctors in the film being able to explain Multiple Personality Disorder, the question still arises todayRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder ( Multiple Personality )1397 Words   |  6 Pagescorrelations supporting the scale’s validity. Thus, The Dissociative Experiences Scale was able to disti nguish between individuals with a dissociative identity, such as Multiple Personalities, and individuals without a dissociative identity (Bernstein Putnam, 1986). Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality Disorder) has been portrayed in various types of media throughout the world. Many characters in popular works of media including: movies, television series, books, videoRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder And Psychological Abuse Essay964 Words   |  4 PagesJust think, how would it feel growing up and having to share your own body with yourself. People that have been in extreme traumatizing situations in their early childhood conjure up this second personality. Only in extreme cases of brain trauma or psychological abuse to an individual. For example, when a child is shy and terrified of society because they were taught that they were never going to be good enough, they will create a better version of them. This shy and terrified child would createRead MoreDissociative Identity Disorder ( Mpd )1170 Words   |  5 PagesDissociative Identity Disorder, commonly referred to as Multiple Personality Disorder, has been one of the more controversial diagnoses in psychology and psychiatry. On one side of the debate, many psychologists and psychiatrists believe the disorder to be an actual phenomenon that occurs in individuals that have suffered through some traumatic experience. On the other side of the debate, however, are the many psychologists and psychiatrists that believe the disorder is simply the result of a therapist’s

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Marketing Strategies of Agrani Bank free essay sample

Traditionally, small firm owners did not give as much importance to marketing as to other functions such as accountancy, production and selling. Training programmes, enterprise development and the current thrust for competitiveness have now given high priority to promoting marketing awareness among small business owners, and marketing is now assuming its rightful place along with other business functions. Since early 1990s there has been a change in the thinking of businessman from product orientation to consumer orientation. Modern business concerns lay emphasis on ‘selling 238 satisfaction’ and not merely on selling products. That means marketing includes all those activities carried on to transfer the goods from the manufacturers or producers to the consumers. We shall be learning later in the lesson that marketing is more than a mere physical process of distributing goods and services. It is the process of discovering and translating consumer wants into products and services. It begins with the customer (by finding their needs) and ends with the customer (by satisfying their needs). We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Strategies of Agrani Bank or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The scope of marketing can be understood in terms of functions that an entrepreneur has to perform. These include the following: a. Functions of exchange: which include buying and assembling and selling? b. Functions of physical supply: include transportation, storage and warehousing c. Functions of facilitation: Product Planning and Development, Marketing Research, Standardisation, Grading, Packaging, Branding, Sales Promotion

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Learning Art Essay Example For Students

Learning Art Essay I am working on the structure of the human anatomy. Our teacher wants us to feel the structure through gestures and get the proportions correct. We have just finished working on the Human skull, have worked with the whole figure, and now we are moving on towards the hands and feet. The fine detail, of course, can not be captured exactly as is, but the objective of our assignment is to make the figure appear as human like as possible. I have a technique that has made me improve my work. I draw as if I have never seen what I am drawing and I have to present the work I do before a queen or someone of a high rank. It also helps to get total determination before you start your assignment to think you will do well. Be clam and relaxed to a point where you are comfy yet still alert for your work. Your drawings should have a guesture that is almost equivalent to the movement of your subject that you are drawing. I found out the easiest materials to work with are the most simple. Instead of newsprint paper, which is more oft, and harder to work with, I use sketch paper. The sketch paper is more rugged. I use a pencil instead of charcoal. The pencil gives you the advantage to get a more fine point as well to make your lines lighter if necessary. It is also easier to erase. In class, we usually either have a model to draw, or work with each others figure. I feel it is better to work with our classmates rather than the model because we have gotten use to each others appearances which makes it easier to draw. For our homework this week, we are assigned to raw the foot three or four times on the same sheet of paper, life size. I feel that my class and myself has an easier time doing the hands and feet than the human skull because if you slightly are incorrect on your drawing it doesnt make the drawing unrecognizable. With the face, you can be off in the slightest of ways and everything else will be thrown out of proportion. It is a well concentrated assignment. Before I came to Montserrat I had no experience whatsoever in drawing, so when I started in on this, it was a real challenge. I felt that I have been able to keep up and have learned more quicker than I thought I would. I adapted fast to what she was teaching to our class, and I must say I am proud of myself for that. The only experience I have had was art class in junior high, and even then it wasnt drawing the human figure, it was more like painting and ceramics. The previous summer, my grandfather who is an artist, brushed me up on some work that he knew I would be doing that has also helped. I have still a lot to learn, but I am patient about it.