Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Essay --

The analysis explored in this document is implementing a program UNIT for parents adopting a different race from their own. Adopting outside of a race is a life altering decision because of regulating mechanisms that condition people to accept or reject individuals based on their appearances. There are not any programs that guide transracial adoptions after they occur. Society as a whole has its own prejudices. The adoptive parents should know about their children’s cultural backgrounds. Society is not very conscience of prejudging it is just something that is a part of life. This is unfortunately one more issue dealt with by adopted children. The program that is trying to be implemented will allow both the parents and children throughout life are preparing and building strong foundations for a great future. There is no program as of yet that is design for post transracial adoptions. UNIT will be very beneficial to the adoption community. The focus will be to strengthen adopted children’s cultural identity. Having that interaction between race and family shapes the future of a great outcome for adopted children. UNIT will provide the avenues allowing each and every child the opportunity to learn and experience their own journey toward self-discovery. Program UNIT will definitely back the Multiethnic Placement Act, commonly known as MEPA of 1994. This act was set forth to keep children of color from staying in the system longer than necessary because parents of their own race and cultural groups are not obtainable. Race should not be factored in when dealing with adoption but it is. Religions and education often are factors that determine whether adoption will transpire. Many studies show the higher up the education ladder you ... ... system today. The need for a program like this one focusing on post transracial adoption is great. One of the leading problems among adopted teens today is teen suicide. Puberty is a time where emotions are at an all-time high. UNIT will be the outlet for the children’s emotions. Another common issue among adopted children is the feelings of isolation and loneliness. Children believe that no one understands these feelings; within this program children of all ages will learn there are others that are in the same predicament they are in. This program will teach children to believe in themselves because everyone has something to bring to the table. UNIT is going to connect the dots helping parents take care of the body, mind, and spirit of each and every child they adopt. Bonds will be formed among the children and also the parents bringing together a united community

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