Friday, September 27, 2019

Aviation Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Aviation Security - Essay Example The airports Australia very busy with passenger arrivals totalling to 100 million annually, of which, 20% are foreigners. Terrorism and crime are potential threats to aviation security which often happens due to security lapse. The 9/11 attack in America alerted most countries to enhance their security alerts in order to protect their citizens from potential terrorism attacks. Present aviation security systems have got their strengths and weaknesses which have to be closely monitored in order to enhance the aviation security. The development in technology is being applied to help fill the major security lapse which the terrorist and criminals are taking advantage of to pursue their selfish interest. This analysis is of the report of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit team after they reopened an inquiry into the aviation security systems in order to explore the significant developments in the aviation industry. The joint committee recognized the major initiatives by the government to extend and deepen security standards after continued media reports on criminal activity at the airports. Overview of Security Outcomes as Witnessed in Australia Risk Management, Regulation and Security Outcomes The aviation security industry in Australia has been intensified since 2004 by upgrading several layers of the old regulatory regime. The old regulatory regimes which were upgraded consisted of background checking and access and screening requirement and they have been expanded by widening the criteria of aviation industry participants in order to take care of the broader regulatory framework. Regardless of the model, the aviation security risks are addressing the acknowledged dangers within the aviation industry. The aviation industry in Australia applies the outcomes based regulatory approach as opposed to other methods due to its effectiveness in addressing security issues in the wide and geographically diversified country (Salter, 2008). Implementing the Ris k Based Approach Some of the participants claimed that the elements of this security regime remained too prescriptive, thus promoting unwarranted inflexibilities within the security system. The adherence by the regulator to this intelligence led and outcome focused model is faltering within time and should thus be re-evaluated for it to be effective. The claims of inadequacy in the reporting of the regulatory breaches are rampant in delivering the security outcomes as supported by most of the aviation operators. The auditing system is also accused of concentrating on one of the issues and considers the effectiveness of the system which supports the aviation security model. The participants identifies the expansion and upgrading of the regulatory framework as a risk based factor which is too rigid for the achievement of effective security system within the aviation industry. The participants also noted that the underlying reason for the rigidities of the security system as a result o f inadequate consultation between all concerned stakeholders within the aviation industry (Commonwealth of Australia, 2006). The Regional Aviation Participants By December 2003, the government announced its intention to extend and upgrade the about the 180 security classified airports and that all the non-jet aircraft with more than 30 sets to fit hardened cockpit door to enhance their security. The aviation Act of 2004 saw the implementation and expansion of aviation security

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