Monday, September 30, 2019

If u forget me †Pablo Neruda Essay

â€Å"If you forget me† is one of the most famous poems by Pablo Neruda. Despite it was written around a century ago, the poem is still very popular nowadays. As love is a never ending topic, â€Å"If you forget me† with the main themes of passionate love and sacrifaction has become a living moral for many people. The sentimental sonnet is the confession of a man to his lover, saying how much he loves her and willing to sacrifice for her. The poem opens with a very short stanza of two lines. The use of punctuation immediately creates a dearing atmosphere and brings the audience closer to the speaker. A list of evocative objects follows in the second stanza. â€Å"Silver moon†, â€Å"red branch†, â€Å"slow autumn† bring up a sense of peace and calm. â€Å"Fire†, â€Å"impalpable ash†, â€Å"wrinkle log† evoke something passionate and strong, yet soft and tender. All of them remind the speaker of his love, all of them just to show how much he loves her: â€Å"As if everything that exists/ Aromas, light, metal/ Were little boats/ That sail/ Toward those isles of yours that wait for me†. Pablo uses metaphor to describe his lover. She is referred to as â€Å"isles† that are waiting for him. He hopes that she loves him just as he does and will always be there for him. Describing the speaker’s feelings as â€Å"little boats† that are floating toward her isles, Pabblo has created a beautiful and unique imagery. The rhyme of the poem suddenly changes at the beginning of the third stanza, creates a swift in tone of the speaker. â€Å"If† is repeated at the beginning of the next three stanzas, followed by presuppositions about his girlfriend not loving him anymore, then his reaction will be definitive. If she stops loving him, he will do the same. If she forgets him, he will forget her first. If she leaves him, he will has left already. It might sound apathetic at first, but decoding the use of metaphor in the sixth stanza reveils how much his love is for her, underlying within his bitter tone. He himself is described as a tree. In the heart are his roots. All the love will go there and he is living from it and because of it. Without this love he wouldn’t be himself. The last metaphor is that he is describing other girls, potential girlfriends, as another land. He will seek there if his present girlfriend will forget him. this is significant because the hardest thing to do is to let the person you love go and face the truth. The speaker, promising himself to move on, has shown that his love for her is stronger than any spoken words. The last stanza is probably the most important one, where his deepfelt sentiment is shown clearest. Very short lines are put at the beginning of the stanza. Punctuation once again has immediate impacts on the tone and mood. Despite his lover’s betrayal, at any moment if she changes her mind, he will always be willing to take her back again, as if they have never been detached. Determination is expressed by the quick pace, whereas love and caring is shown in longer lines. Pablo Neruda has composed a stunning piece of his most sincere confessions. A variety of language techniques is used throughout the poem. Imagery, connotation and metaphor are the key devices that contribute to the success of â€Å"If you forget me†. The poem leaves the audience a lingering feeling after they have long finished reading it.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Difference Between Korea and America

Recently Weston-McEwen High School has added a new foreign-exchange student. Her name is Soyeong Lee and she is 16 years of age with a birth date of April 7th who came from Yongin, Korea which is an urban area and has a similar climate to Athena, Oregon. This decision was made because her school teacher and parents recommended Soyeong to expand her knowledge by experiencing the American culture.The main reason for the decision was her ambition to learn the language while being here in which she studied for years in Korea; she said,† I struggled with the language at first, but now that I’m here it is a lot easier. † Soyeong has made many friends while attending Weston-McEwen High School, and stated,† The students are very kind. † One of Soyeong’s scariest or weirdest memories here was having a dream where American people she met here spoke Korean.The Froese family chose Soyeong to be her hosts while she’s in America. There are many differen ces between the United States and Korea. Some of the biggest differences include: students in Korea attending school from eight in the morning to ten-o’clock at night, having almost no transportation except riding a lot of busses and taxis, teenagers not being able to drive until they are 20 years old, not being able to own a separate house (unless one is really wealthy) and living in apartments due to population.Soyeong said that the schooling is very different and is taken more seriously. They also have to wear school uniforms and are not allowed to dye their hair or wear make-up. Being away from Korea may sound better to Americans, but Soyeong misses the food, family, and friends as she stated, â€Å"The food here is saltier and greasy†. Obviously this is a huge change for Soyeong, but she likes it here too. Most public schools in the United States allow students to wear make-up and dye their hair.Koreans attend school seven more hours than Weston-McEwen High School and that is Soyeong’s favorite part about being here is having time to actually do activities. Soyeong’s main goal is to learn the full English language and make her understanding of the country better. Soyeong Lee will be attending Weston-McEwen High School until December of 2013 and plans on coming back as an adult to attend a private school in Los Angeles. We all hope your experience is great!

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Spirit Leader

To many cheerleading may not be considered a sport, however what those many people may not understand, is that like all sports it requires the same key components to succeed. The cheerleaders that are serious about this sport understand that many elements are needed in making a â€Å"die-hard† cheerleader. I would say these elements are dedication, commitment, heart and soul. It is with these concepts that separate who continues with their sport and who quits at the first sign of difficulty. I would like to be the â€Å"Spirit Leader† of our cheerleading team this season. One reason I’d make a great choice for this position, is that I would be dedicated to the team, and won’t give up when faced with an obstacle. To me, extra practicing, time spent making bows and signs, banners, or our spirit can, is not work, but a privilege. These tasks would not bother or frustrate me, as it would better all of us. I want to be apart of leading the team, and helping us all grow not only as individuals but as a family. Even though I’m fairly new at cheering, my enthusiasm and dedication is great, and would help toward making our team spirit soar this year. I remember as I walked into the first tryout day, last year, how nervous and inexperienced I was, and intimidated by the ones that â€Å"knew it all†. I believe my cheer skills have progressed over time. Even though I’m far from perfect, if I continue to learn and get better, it can help me better the team’s motivation and spirit this season. And bring spirit, love and motivation in leading the team and giving other girls someone to look up to. Being the spirit leader wouldn’t just be my job for the team, but the opportunity to inspire the girls with activities, challenges, and cheering together as a team. I would like to help keep our team connected, keep our cheerleader spirit alive, and have pride in our school. There’s always a time and place for fun, but being focused and keeping the big picture in mind is what is going to make us outshine the rest. We need to motivate our peers, keep the spirit flowing through the halls. Cheerleading isn’t just being a team, but a family. A Spirit Leader should have a positive attitude toward everything. Whether a stunt falls, or the music stops, I would be the motivating factor in keeping our team from falling apart. I need to show these girls spirit and motivate them in all aspects. If accepted to be the Spirit Leader of our team, I plan to execute the suggestions of our coach into making a spirit can, and a sign for the school of the weekly sport games. Also, I have ideas involving our â€Å"little sisters† for JV this year. As well as continuing to brain storm a list of other activities. I want to make this a phenomenal season full of spirit, laughter and love. To keep our school spirit up and running all season, I would like to try and get everyone involved; students, staff, faculty, athletes, families, and the community. To make the best of this year, we need to have support from majority of these people. Those are the people that look up to us, cheerleaders, to bring the spirit to school functions. As a Spirit Leader, I want to make a change in our school and community. That will take more dedication from everyone, especially myself, but I’m willing to do it. Cheerleading, to me, isn’t just about standing on sidelines yelling cheers, but about a group of people supporting another group through their spirit. It may not be about bows or matching outfits, either, but about how people can come together to achieve something great. Finally, it’s not just all about the ‘perfect‘ routine, but about all coming together and loving each other as a family. We can make a difference. I hope in your time reading this, I have helped you realize that I would be a great Spirit Leader for our cheerleading team. I am a team player, a motivator, and girl with lots of spirit! No matter what, we are a team and we’re all in this together. With my concentration, focus, dedication and time, I will help make our Chittenango Varsity Cheerleading team’s spirit shine, and bring our team together as one.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Aviation Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Aviation Security - Essay Example The airports Australia very busy with passenger arrivals totalling to 100 million annually, of which, 20% are foreigners. Terrorism and crime are potential threats to aviation security which often happens due to security lapse. The 9/11 attack in America alerted most countries to enhance their security alerts in order to protect their citizens from potential terrorism attacks. Present aviation security systems have got their strengths and weaknesses which have to be closely monitored in order to enhance the aviation security. The development in technology is being applied to help fill the major security lapse which the terrorist and criminals are taking advantage of to pursue their selfish interest. This analysis is of the report of the Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit team after they reopened an inquiry into the aviation security systems in order to explore the significant developments in the aviation industry. The joint committee recognized the major initiatives by the government to extend and deepen security standards after continued media reports on criminal activity at the airports. Overview of Security Outcomes as Witnessed in Australia Risk Management, Regulation and Security Outcomes The aviation security industry in Australia has been intensified since 2004 by upgrading several layers of the old regulatory regime. The old regulatory regimes which were upgraded consisted of background checking and access and screening requirement and they have been expanded by widening the criteria of aviation industry participants in order to take care of the broader regulatory framework. Regardless of the model, the aviation security risks are addressing the acknowledged dangers within the aviation industry. The aviation industry in Australia applies the outcomes based regulatory approach as opposed to other methods due to its effectiveness in addressing security issues in the wide and geographically diversified country (Salter, 2008). Implementing the Ris k Based Approach Some of the participants claimed that the elements of this security regime remained too prescriptive, thus promoting unwarranted inflexibilities within the security system. The adherence by the regulator to this intelligence led and outcome focused model is faltering within time and should thus be re-evaluated for it to be effective. The claims of inadequacy in the reporting of the regulatory breaches are rampant in delivering the security outcomes as supported by most of the aviation operators. The auditing system is also accused of concentrating on one of the issues and considers the effectiveness of the system which supports the aviation security model. The participants identifies the expansion and upgrading of the regulatory framework as a risk based factor which is too rigid for the achievement of effective security system within the aviation industry. The participants also noted that the underlying reason for the rigidities of the security system as a result o f inadequate consultation between all concerned stakeholders within the aviation industry (Commonwealth of Australia, 2006). The Regional Aviation Participants By December 2003, the government announced its intention to extend and upgrade the about the 180 security classified airports and that all the non-jet aircraft with more than 30 sets to fit hardened cockpit door to enhance their security. The aviation Act of 2004 saw the implementation and expansion of aviation security

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Research Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 4

Research Paper - Essay Example The underlying purpose of this paper is to try and study the main cause for this behavior among the youth and also research the main reasons that lead to such extreme behavior. With the growing levels of youth using self mutilating as a form of stress relief and a mode of coping with high levels of emotional distress, and the little literature that is available on this issue, this paper aims at contributing as much as possible to assist people with this disorder. The main purpose of the paper is to bring out the causes for this issue and to recommend ways to get over the self mutilating and self cutting behavior. The specific issues that will be discussed in the paper will include the reasons why adolescents go on to become self destructive and prefer to die than to live. Self Destructive here refers to a behavior where the individual tries to hurt themselves in an attempt to take control of their lives. The objective is to understand this behavior and to recommend a solution for the issue. The objective also includes attempting to assist people with the issue and to providing a path to help them realize their problems and find suitable solutions for the issues. The study will aim at highlighting the possible reasons why an individual moves into this stance in life and start to hurt themselves. This will be based on a complete secondary research and an attempt will be made to highlight the various thoughts that have been put forth in the past. The issue of self mutilating and self destructive behavior is one of the least understood and recognized issues. This however has been noted to increase at a staggering rate and the most affected by this fall into the adolescent groups. It has been studied that almost 750 to 1800 adolescents of every 100,000 exhibit this behavior (Suyemoto & Kountz, 2000). This contributes to almost 150,000 to 360,000 students of which 70% of them

Study and learning skills Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Study and learning skills - Essay Example vation to continue the process of studying, unmotivated studying (just because you have to) is ineffective and fruitless; goals will help stay focused and monitor your progress. It is necessary to devote time to working at the most difficult assignments first (but not during the test, when time is limited and there are many tasks to be completed). When preparing for the test, one should be focused, it is required to eliminate any source of possible distraction; student also have to fight excessive anxiety about the upcoming test. It is important to remember that revision is practice, and practice makes perfect. The learning process requires person’s activity - it is not limited to the university or school. You keep yourself acquainted with new literature, make your own little discoveries, determine your own position on one or another issue and apply your knowledge to solve specific problems. You should not regard yourself as a passive object of the learning process; object, which is able to receive information only in the classroom and is not going to analyze it. Prepare to the fact that your self-study time will exceed time, spent in the classroom. The sooner you get the necessary skills to be successful in studying, the more efficiently your time will be used, and the greater your success will be. Nobody can deny the fact that acquiring knowledge is not easy task to do. Sometimes studying is quite a painful process and lots of factors can influence it. First of all, a student needs to develop some skills that will be necessary for further efficient and successful studying. Studying skills or strategies are characterized â€Å"as the approaches applied to learning, which are generally critical to success in school, are considered essential for acquiring good grades, and are useful for learning throughout ones life† (Preston, 1989). Everybody is aware or such simple truth that time is money, nonetheless, so many people neglect it and go on wasting time.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Crazy Eddie Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Crazy Eddie - Case Study Example Internal auditors are responsible for fraud at Crazy Eddie as they are the ones committing and concealing fraud to both external auditors and the general public (Buchholz, 2011). . The computations above do not indicate any problem at Crazy Eddie. The gross margin ratio of 24%, though it might not be conclusive, shows that the company is operating a healthy business and might be able to service its operating expenses. The inventory turnover ratio too, indicates that the company turnover is high and hence healthy at 482%. 2. There were several barriers to independence at Crazy Eddie. Auditors at Crazy Eddie’s case were not able to detect fraud due high-level fraud cover up from suppliers’ side to its consumers. Fraud occurred on many fronts; liabilities and expenditures, asset valuations, fictitious revenue, disclosures and accounting period differences. Liabilities and expenses were concealed like unpaid bills wouldn’t be declared and paid in the next financial year of held for long periods. Accounting periods would not be cut off at regular intervals in order to add good sales occurring after what should have been a closed book, to inflate revenue falsely. On assets, some were overvalued or the company employed tricks like borrowing the merchandise that would not be paid for immediately. They also used to ship stock from one store to another as auditing was spread out in stores hence double-counting (Knapp, 2013). 3. If I were a partner to audit Crazy Eddie, I would accept to audit this company thoroughly as it was a family entity with all management positions reserved for family members. This was one sign of some weakness as family members can manipulate accounting procedures, and lack of proper conduct can be compromised. Very important too, was the fact that this company was characterized by hype about its success. The crazy hype should be a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Developing Human Resource Strategies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Developing Human Resource Strategies - Essay Example It also comprises of a few recommendations along with an action plan in order to enhance the business objectives. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 4 Overview of Toyco 4 Toy Industry of United Kingdom 5 Internal and External Environment 5 Analysis 6 Overview of HRM and SHRM 6 AMO Model 9 Conclusion 10 Recommendations 10 Action Plan 12 References 13 Bibliography 16 Appendices 18 Introduction Overview of Toyco Toyco is a toy company which is currently operated independently by Martin Monk. It was established in the year 1950 by Harold Bennet. The prime objective of Toyco is to offer extensive range of toys to the children of the society with the intention to enhance the brand loyalty of the organisation (Michell, 2011). Even though, Toyco needs to implement certain SHRM strategies, it had to witness varied types of challenges in its human resource, marketing and finance related operations. Due to lack of coordination among the employees of the organisation, uniform org anisational culture could not be maintained within Toyco. As a result, the devotion and morale of the employees are also affected to a high extent, resulting in downfall of the profit margin of the organisation. In addition, this may also result in employee conflicts leading to increase of turnover and absenteeism rates. Along with human resource, the marketing department in the organisation is also facing diverse issues (Michell, 2011). Due to lack of allocation of human resources, the employees are observed to fail to offer various innovative products to the target customers, which might hinder the image of the organisation in long run. Moreover, due to lack of motivation, employee devotion and commitment towards the assigned task is reducing at a considerable pace, which in turn tends to hinder Toyco’s productivity and efficiency. As a result, the customer might shift towards other leading competitors resulting in the downfall of the total sales of Toyco, which might be de trimental for the organisation (Michell, 2011). Thus, these above mentioned challenges should be diminished with the help of various SHRM strategies within the organisation. Toy Industry of United Kingdom The toy market of United Kingdom is regarded to be highly competitive in the current day context. It includes many apparent competitors. Moreover, each and every organisation is currently observed to attempt to offer inventive products to magnetise large number of customers (Michell, 2011). It is essential to retain its market share as well as profitability in the market with the purpose to augment customer loyalty and responsiveness (Armstrong & et. al., 2009). Internal and External Environment The internal environment of Toyco includes its brands, its financial strengths as well as market competencies. Notably, the company serves its customers with a varied range of products such as reaction man, action girl, space geeks and bolbs among others of varying age groups. This signific antly contributes to the overall enhancement of its brand uniqueness and reputation in the market. Moreover, the company includes a strong hold over the European and Mexican market intends to enhance its distinctiveness among other competitors operating in same segment. However, the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Assignment two-Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Assignment two-Culture - Research Paper Example Because of faster evolution of the globalized trends, the consumers are getting increasingly aware of their needs and wants. It needs to be stated that the better and well developed connectivity is helping in the process of rapid dispersion of global trends to the emerging markets from the well established markets, thereby creating the opportunity for development of consumer demands. This increase in consumer demand is having a direct impact on the level of competition existing in the market place. Faced by growing domestic demands in the marketplace, companies with various homogenous kinds of product and services offerings which are located in various world markets are focusing to enter the new markets as they promote significant amount of business opportunity. It is important to state that because of the entrance of companies in new markets, the level of market competition has significantly increased. It is highly interesting to state that the rise in competition in the market plac e has created the demand for talented workers as well as significant job opportunities. Working class masses that have the necessary skills and experience that are needed for working in the competitive corporate environments and were previously residing in various rural and sub urban locations in multiple countries around the world are strongly migrating to the new cities. Because of this shift for jobs, people from various cultures, religion as well as varying personal faiths and beliefs are coming to the newer cities and taking the jobs in the business organizations present there. This automatically triggers diversity in regards to culture in the workplace. This research paper intends to focus on the theme of whether the cultural differences influence the human resource managemen

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Social Norm Breaking Essay Essay Example for Free

Social Norm Breaking Essay Essay In every aspects of society, there are social norms. If there are no norms, we would be living in a world full of chaos because norms define which behaviors are normal and which behaviors are not normal. These social norms are important to know so people do not act in a particular way that would cause Deviance, behavior that violates norms. On February 13th, 2015, I was in my sociology class to obtain some new information and increase my knowledge. It was a regular chilly winter morning and my sociology teacher told the class to break a norm in our society as a research experiment. This to me felt like a Cultural Shock, personal uneasiness one feels when entering a new culture, because as a Korean, being respectful and following the rules are a huge part in the Korean culture. I definitely did not expect a teacher, who should be telling us to not break rules and behave in a respectful manner, to tell us to break the rules and possible be rude by breaking social norms. Although I was shocked, I was very excited to go out there and break some norms. I began this experiment on February 19th, 2015 in Palisades Park, New Jersey. Now what is interesting about Palisades Park is that it is a Korean town. There were a lot of Korean cafes and bakeries all around the area. And just like me, they all had Cultural Particularities, traits that are particular to a culture. I was very interested in recording the reactions of the people in this town while I would be breaking the norm. I first entered a bakery called Shilla. There were quiet a few people at the place. I observed and it seemed as though most of them were Korean elders socializing and minding their own business. I walked up to the cash register feeling a little bit nervous. The cashier looked very friendly and had a pleasant smile on her face. As soon as I approached her, I asked her, â€Å"Can I get a Big Mac, please.† She replied, â€Å"Excuse me?† And I told her the same thing. She had a very puzzled look on her face and that pleasant smile was no longer there. I observed and in my head I went, oh shoot. What is she going  to say? Is she going to kick me out of the store? She politely responded, â€Å"Im sorry, but I think you came to the wrong store. We dont have Big Mac here. Please go elsewhere.† Unable to contain myself, I burst out into laughter. I looked around and the Korean elders were all looking at me funny. I was definitely able to tell that they were all judging me of how rude I was being and how much of a nuisance I was creating. Feeling embarrassed, I ran out of the store quickly. Although I felt like I failed on my first try, I did succeed on examining the reactions of the cashier and the other customers in the store as well. I moved on to the next store for a second try. This time I was going to not mess up and keep asking for a Big Mac to further see more reactions. The store that I entered was a bakery/cafe called Paris Baguette. I again looked around and observed the area. The social setting was the same as when I was in Shilla except this time the cashier up at the cash register did not look too friendly. I felt like the cashiers Social Interaction, the ways people respond to one another, was not going to be too polite if I asked for a Big Mac. But I did not let that stop me from experimenting. So I confidently walked up to the register and loudly spoke and asked the cashier, â€Å"Can I get a Big Mac, please?† The cashier had a face of a pissed off bulldog and she rudely responded, â€Å"Do we look like McDonald to you?† I was a bit intimidated but I did not let that stop me and I continued, â€Å"Well I dont care. Im asking for a Big Mac. Can you please give me a Big Mac? French Frie s too while youre at it.† She rudely responded again, â€Å"Look! Im sorry, but we dont have Big Mac. This is a Korean cafe/bakery, not freaking McDonald!† In response, I told her to go buy me a Big Mac and sell it to me. At this point, she was not going to take anymore of my nonsense and cursed me off and asked me to leave the store before she calls the cop to make me leave. It was time to break the act because if I continued on, I would have gotten into trouble. I quickly explained to her it was a sociology experiment and told her to relax. She did not looked too pleased. As I began to walk out of the store, I observed the Social Structure, the way society is organized into predictable relationships. I apologized to the Korean elders around me who gave me a disgusted look. They told me I was incredibly rude and told me to not live my life like that, which sounds like a bit of a harsh thing to  say to a person, but I expected this kind of a response from the elders because of their Cultural Particularities and their Social Structure on respect and orders. They completely ignored the fact that the cashier was also incredibly rude to me with a horrible customer service. But ultimately, I was the villain of the scene because I was the one breaking social norm. In conclusion, my experiment turned out to be pretty successful. I was able to observe and obtain data on how people in the bakeries and cafes react to unusual behavior that is not in their social norm. I was able to see and understand many different sociological concepts through my experiment and what can be the cause and the effect of breaking social norm. In todays world, this concept of social norm will continue on in our society as long as we live in a orderly world of civilians that socialize and live with proper manner.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The History And Background On Martha Graham

The History And Background On Martha Graham Martha Graham, the outstanding 20th century dancer, choreographer and teacher was born on May 11, 1894 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as one among the three daughters of George and Jane Beers Graham (Martha Graham, 2010). During her life time she spent most of her decisive years on the west coast region. Media have often regarded Martha Graham as one of the well recognized dancers and choreographers ever lived in America. Martha Grahams father was a psychiatrist who concentrated much in his study and analysis of physical movement. He was a third generation American of Irish descent and her mother Jane Beers was one of the tenth generations of puritan Miles Standish. Dr. Graham and family had a high standard living because of the negotiable salary they saved from their works. The Graham family had a reputed position in the society on account of their high standard living and good educational background. From the very tender age itself, Martha had the support of her family in matters rela ted to education and career opportunities. Though her family was ever ready to provide her excellent guidance in education, Martha preferred her career as a dancing performer-disapproving her parents wish. After the completion of her educational career from Cumnock School, a junior college, she enrolled in the Denishawn Studio, a dancing school operated by Ruth St. Denis and Ted Shawn (1891-1972) (Martha Graham, 2010). Analysing the biographical note of Martha, it is identfiable that after getting enrolled in Denishawn Studio, she devoted herself entirely for dancing and choreography. She married dancer Erick Hawkins in 1948 but their marriage proved to be failure and divorced in 1954. Later, as we see, she became proficient in dancing and tried her best to attain the highest position in this field. She focused her attention essentially in performing arts and practiced much by contributing her own methods to dancing. She tried her preeminent to open the new way for modern dance. Special attraction/feature of her dancing Martha Graham was a wonderful performer and good choreographer in America. Her choreography is very surprising and amazing to viewers that she created new style of body movements and facial expressions. While observing Marthas performances, it is well evident that she always attempted to expose real passion and human experiences which helped her to stand aloof from other performers of her time. Martha Grahams dance has often been compared to Picassos painting and Stravinskys music, and so on. One may not feel it as an exaggeration to reveal that her choreography and dance performances are incredibly attractive and stunning. Her contributions have transformed to different art forms which exerted notable influence in changing the old method of dancing. Marthas innovative style of dancing has paved the way for expanding the style of word around dancing. She expressed herself very liberally and truthfully in almost all her dance performances. It was the sincere attempt from her part to d evelop dancing profession resulted for the establishment of Martha Graham Dance Company in 1926 (Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance, 2006). As her profession was dancing, she could compose many dance programs. Her dance company offers support to the entire American dance students by including other brilliant dance teachers also in her dance troupe. Freedman (1998) rightly enlists Grahams performance when he writes, Graham invented a revolutionary new language of dance, an original way of moving that she use to reveal the joy, passions, and sorrows common to all human experience. She had a genius for connecting movement with emotion. Martha Graham is not only a resourceful dancer but also an excellent choreographer. Graham created new trends and attractive style for dancing by reminding the fact that dancing has significant role in society as a pure method of entertainment. Dance is a one of the important and transitory forms of expression. Martha Graham attempted to convey her ideas so naturally and translated these ideas to expression with facial and body movements. Graham strongly believed that body and facial expressions must be there in an excellent dance. Graham controlled her body movements and facial expressions with music. These movements attracted the attention of many modern observers and as such, they accepted this new style and recognized this performance as a modern dance. A good dance performer should be capable of creating different types expressions on his/her face. The idea produced by the dancing body can include physical identity and physical representations of thoughts. So Martha Grahams new style of dancing can be considered as a representation and result of her thoughts. The performer and choreographer Martha Graham produced different gestures images, stances and poses. She had also included the physical representation of the feelings, moods and impulses. These styles or movements attracted a great deal of audience. Marthas Dance is a real representation of her personality- expression, and it conveyed different messages. Majority of the modern and traditional dancing forms tell a story which clearly coveyed the observer a message. Choreographer Martha Graham expressed her ideas in different ways and in different style. Thus one can infer that most of her performances were self expressive and self explanatory. During her life span, Graham had composed and presented a large number of dance programs. Her 180 dancing performances in America within the period of fifty years acknowledge this fact. She had won many awards and achievements. Some of them include the Kennedy Center Honors in 1978, the French Legion of Honor in 1984 and presidential Medal of Freedom in 1976. She could maintain her status as a good dancer and choreographer till the end of her life. Her last dance performance, Maple Leaf Rag presented in 1990, a year before her death, was also a grant success. It is such grant performances that earned her the name, 20th century revolutionary artist. She has exerted a significant influence in relieving the dance form from the traditional methods or concepts, presented with comparatively dawdling movements. 20th century dance forms are fast and it also tells the theoretical form of the story instead of merely retelling a story. Contribution to dancing Graham had given remarkable contribution to dancing field by developing distinctive style of training. She founded Martha Graham Dance Company, one of the oldest modern dance groups in America, which provides the best training for new generation dancers and choreographers. Martha Grahams new techniques and modern methods are really helpful to create classical ballet in the world. She avoided traditional and old methods, techniques and steps of classical ballet. Then her dancing form of classical ballet includes natural motion and music. She established different type style of dancing such as mobile scenery, symbolic props, and etc. Vision of the Apocalypse is the first large group piece of Martha Graham and it was performed in 1929. Other remarkable contributions are Dance Repertory Theater in New York in 1930 and Bennington School of Arts in Vermont, and so on. Her students and her co-worker helped to spread her ideas and style in the rest of the world. What was her inspiration? Though there are different things that attracted Graham to dancing, the most important among them were the classical mythologies she read. Other inspirations are the American past, biblical stories, historical figures, contemporary social problems, poems, stories, and so on. These motivations really helped her to develop new ideas and thoughts. These inspirations facilitate to found new music and gradually she won in her attempts to bring out new movements to express her own ideas.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Roles Played By Reason And Imagination In Knowledge Philosophy Essay

Roles Played By Reason And Imagination In Knowledge Philosophy Essay The role played by imagination was insignificant in the achievement of knowledge due to its confusing and tentative nature and that rational thought was the sources of much knowledge believed Sir Francis Bacon, a deterministic, Renaissance rationalist.  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  The Critique of Pure Reason contrasts this view, stating that both reason and imagination are necessary for acquiring knowledge.  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  However, to what extent can Bacons views on reason and imagination be justified? This essay will examine such a concept through the exploration of the four ways of knowing (perception, language, emotion and reason) as well as two areas of knowledge, which will be history and the natural sciences. The Critique of Pure Reason is written by Immanuel Kant, a theorist. He mostly concerned himself with the metaphysical world, a reality based on abstract and empirical concepts. The proposition of this idea is bizarre coming from a man who lived in the Age of Reason when being rational was considered the ultimate and most accurate way of knowing. Reason is defined as the process of thinking and gaining knowledge through manipulation, integration and evaluation of facts and ideas, it can be either deductive reasoning (from the general to the particular) or inductive reasoning (from the particular to general principles)  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  . Whereas imagination is defined as the power of reproducing images stored in the memory under the suggestion of associated images or of recombining former experiences to create new images  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  Using the above definitions, incorporating the four ways of knowing and the two areas of knowledge to address the knowledge issue: are the roles of reason and imagination necessary to gain adequate knowledge in the areas of the natural sciences and history? Firstly, the definition of adequate is to be provided. According to the Encarta English Dictionary, adequate is defined as sufficient in quality or quantity to meet a need or qualify for something. It has been accepted that achieving absolute truth is virtually impossible, thus the knowledge issue is worded in a manner to account for this. History is defined as the study of the past  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  by Richard van de Lagemaat and by Britannica Encyclopedia as the discipline that studies the chronological record of events (as affecting a nation or people), based on a critical examination of source materials and usually presenting an explanation of their causes  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  ; it is essentially a study of human behavior. In schools, history falls under the humanities subject department or in the literary arts, yet, there are some who contest this idea and believe it should be considered more a natural science than a literary art or humanities subject. The writing language of written history incorporates an emotional aspect. This can be justified by the means of identifying the roles of reason and imagination in history. Due to its definition supplied by Britannica, history requires reason, and because the language used to define the subject, history is made to seem as though it is mimicking a scientific doctrine. A scientific doctrine is defined as the results of an experiment must be both independently verifiable and independently reproducible.  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  From this definition, however, it presents a counter argument. It suggest that history cannot be a considered a natural science due to its non-experimental nature; one cannot reproduce or change the past, only analyze and learn from it. It is subjective and owns a subcategory of historiography which is the critical response to an in-depth analysis of sources, transforming them into narratives to justify events, why they happened the way they did and explaining the psyche behind the decisions made.  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  Scientists argue that the perspective of a historian is adjusted, predetermined before he starts his work as he will only look for sources and information to prove his hypothesis.  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  Nonetheless, with only reason, history would remain incomplete. Ele ments of historiography are more imaginative than historians prefer to let on; there are gaps in the information. There is no possibility that ever single second of history will ever be recorded, and only as of recent, we have managed to become very close to this aspiration with the invention of things such as the internet and world news as it happens, making the recording of history easier but much more open to interpretation. This involves imagination, rather than reason. Reason does not allow for outside-of-the-box thought patterns, traditionally; and imagination is required to piece together the delicate puzzle in a poetic and sensible way. History is also plagued with the idea of hindsight bias. These are tendencies to believe, after learning of an outcome, that one could have foreseen it.  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  Hindsight bias can be considered to have rational elements, but also consists of fallacies like cognitive bias. This, according to Wikipedia, is a pattern of dev iation in judgment that occurs in particular situations.  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  History, or at least accurate history, is not produced by mere imagination, devotions and poetic utterances, if it were just art; a writer could compose a whole new reality than what really happened outside his own imagination. Historians have archaeology to draw from. They have primary documents that tell them what people were declaring. They cannot verify the way scientists can, but they can be empirical. It can be deduced that history is a science. There may indeed be scientific elements in judging a military situation  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  ; nevertheless, there are an equal number of factors that simply cannot be scientifically quantified. In order for history to be as actuate as possible, both imagination and reason play key roles in acquiring knowledge. The role of imagination in history is that with which one can understand the events that transpire around a particular situation. Re ason plays a role in establishing what the event is. Without the imagination, reason is only a few written words; with the imagination, reason becomes more powerful and substantiating. Natural sciences are recognized as a model for knowledge owing to many factors, prime among which is their capacity to explain and make precise predictions.  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  Natural sciences are often known as hard sciences, consisting of biology, chemistry and physics. They are often considered to be solely rational subjects that defy religion and question the world we live in, believed to give automatic proof of intellectual superiority because of its empirical data and facts and use of rational thinking, devoid of emotion and laden with precise and concise language. The idea of natural sciences as a literary art is nearly unheard of. This idea follows Bacons school of thought. Alternatively, in the spirit of Kants school of thought, it can also be considered a capacity for imaginative thinking. Most scientific laws and theories known today can be considered to have started with a creative endeavor, beginning with thought and imagination even though it is scientificall y based.  [CITATION TIM62 l 1033]  The thought that reason is the purest and truest way of attaining knowledge, an idea from the 17th century Renaissance, known as the Age of Reason, is slowly becoming contradicted. For example, the now respected idea that a high IQ is not a reliable sign of giftedness may simply indicate convergent thinking. Truly creative children are said to have divergent thinking that tend to find IQ tests boring and do not readily accept the right answer as the right one. A Chicago team devised various tests to spot divergent thinkers, testing 95 school boys. The test asked students to make up alternate endings for fables, instead of simply picking the right answers, and to write stories suggested by stimuli such as pictures which supply many different uses for everyday objects. Surprisingly, the top scores came from those specializing in history and English literature. The least creative, according to Hudsons findings, were the natural science students. Y oung scientists, says Hudson, tend to be less intellectually flexible than young arts specialists and more restricted emotionally.  [CITATION The08 l 1033]  In natural science, imagination is needed in order to correctly interpret data and create further possibilities for experimentation, although reason is used to ascertain whether or not ones findings and ones methods are realistic. There is little to suggest that the artists view point of science is more than just a thought or crazy theory, but it is evidently important for the scientist to view the world from an imaginative perpective. The idea of natural science as an art has only been seen in science fiction literatures, however, the language used in these works are generally emotionally laden even though they give the perception of being scientifically concise. Even though it has the word science in it, and presents logically plausible notions (in some cases), science fiction is often associated with imagination and fanta sy rather than reason and logic. Overall, it can be concluded that neither imagination nor reason are ruling aspects of history or natural science, but are necessary together in creating tangibility and some degree of certainty in attaining knowledge. Both of them create counterparts for each other making them unable to logically exist alone. It can be argued that Bacons views on reason and imagination are fairly unjustified as the roles of both are necessary to gain adequate knowledge and understanding in the natural sciences and history, as without one, the other becomes nearly useless; it supports Kants thesis, The Critique of Pure Reason. It is clear that Bacon failed to see the necessity of corresponding thoughts to create an ideological notion, integrating both aspects of acquiring knowledge for reason and imagination are highly dependent on each other for support. Word count: 1,602

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Why Do Children Talk To Themselves? :: Psychology Psychological Papers

Why Do Children Talk To Themselves? Whether you are a parent, teacher, child care giver, or a child observer you may have noticed that many children talk to themselves. Laura Berk reports that, â€Å"private speech can account for 20-60 percent of the remarks a child younger than 10 years makes† (78). Why do children do this? Does it benefit the child as Vygotsky would say, or is it just that the child is making egocentric remarks that play no positive role in normal cognitive development as Piaget would claim? I am going to be looking at the differences between Vygotsky’s and Piaget’s points of view. Then, I will look at Laura Berk’s findings in her article, â€Å"Why Children Talk to Themselves.† I will also talk about other findings concerning this topic. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky were developmental psychologists interested in the origins and processes of cognitive development. These two psychologists disagreed sharply on the role that private speech played in one’s cognitive development. Vygotsky called this private speech while Piaget called it egocentric speech. Piaget observed the activities of three to eight year old kindergarten children, and discovered such uses of speech as verbal repetitions of another individual, monologues during an activity, and non-reciprocal remarks in collective settings. In these instances their speech was not directed towards other individuals. In Piaget’s mind these patterns of speech showed evidence of egocentrism, a sign of cognitive immaturity, and an inability to share the perspective of another individual. However, he argued, as the children grow older they socialize increasingly more with others, and their speech becomes communicative. Their speech moves away from being self- to other-oriented, a sign that they are able to adopt the perspectives of others. A child overcomes egocentrism by beginning to think critically and logically, causing egocentric speech to fade away. Vygotsky believes that a child’s cognitive development originates in socialization activities, and then goes through a process of increasing individuation. He argued that self-directed speech did not show any cognitive immaturity, but did show some form of development. He claims that private speech represents a functional differentiation in the speech of a child, or that a child begins to differentiate between speech that is directed towards the others and speech that is self-directed.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Music on the Internet and Copyright Infringement :: Web Music Industry Essays

Abstract Millions of users worldwide use online file swapping services, in order to download free music. Record companies, needless to say, are not very happy about this, neither are many musicians. This paper presents the historical and legal background of this subject. Then, it discusses the morality of such free music services, based on two major ethical theories: consequentialism and contractianism. Introduction The Audio Home Recording Act (AHRA) [1], states: â€Å"No action may be brought under this title alleging infringement of copyright based on the manufacture, importation, or distribution of a digital audio recording device, a digital audio recording medium, an analog recording device, or an analog recording medium, or based on the noncommercial use by a consumer of such a device or medium for making digital musical recordings or analog musical recordings.† The above indicates that individuals can make copies of music recordings for personal noncommercial use and cannot be sued for copyright infringement [2]. In 21st century terms, it can be argued that downloading MP3 files containing music for personal use is not illegal. Napster lawyers thought so too. This argument was used by Napster’s lawyers as one of the two lines of defense at the lawsuit filed against Napster by The Record Industry Association of America (the RIAA) [3]. Unfortunately for Napster, the judge ruling was in favor of the RIAA, and eventually it brought Napster down. Napster was a pioneer in the area of file swapping over the Internet. The Napster web site made available the software necessary for the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file transfer to work. People used it primarily for copying MP3 music files, thus avoiding the need to actually purchase recorded music. Napster quickly became a very popular web site with a 15 million registered users in less than a year, according to company sources. However, Napster’s remarkable success was not at its best interest. It had drawn the attention of the Record Industry, and raised its concerns of Copyright infringement in large volumes. Barely a year after its launch, it was sued by the RIAA, which represents major recording companies such as Universal Music, BMG, Sony Music, Warner Music Group, and EMI. The RIAA claimed that by allowing users to swap music recordings for free, Napster’s service violated Copyright laws. Eventually, the judge ruled against Napster, and, failing to complete the sale deal with Bertelsmann AG, it had to shut down its operations and liquidate its assets [3].

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

An analysis of Macbet’s struggle Essay

Violence, blood and death. The quintessential characteristics of war. Shakespeare’s Macbeth is based on a war, but not your typical one. The real war in the play and the underlining factor leading to Macbeth’s death, is not fought on a battlefield, there are no swords, and no soldiers to swing them. The real war is fought in Macbeth’s mind. Macbeth’s conscience and vaulting ambition alternate in controlling his actions throughout the play. Many critics of the play believe that from the first scene to the last, Macbeth’s character is unchanging, and that he is always governed by his greed, selfishness and evil. This is not so. Right from the outset of the story, Macbeth’s indecisiveness is evident. In act I, Macbeth struggles a great deal in deciding whether or not to murder the king and take his throne. When Macbeth is first given the prophecy that he will be king, he dreads the thought of killing a man that has been like a father to him. This shows that Macbeth has a conscience, and that deep down inside, he is a good person. When he arrives home to his kingdom though, he is greeted by Lady Macbeth who reveals her plan to make her husband King when she says: â€Å"I will pour my spirits into thine ear, And chastise with the valor of my tongue All that impedes thee from the golden round.† (Iv, 24 – 26) Macbeth’s conscience tries to fight the constant attacks by his wife who insists that he should kill the king. Finally, Macbeth decides his fate, listens to the poisoned words of his wife and kills Duncan. Immediately after the death of Duncan, Macbeth is completely overcome by guilt. For the moment, he forgets about the now empty throne, and can’t comprehend what or why he has done what he has done. When Lady Macbeth realizes that in a state of confusion he has forgotten to remove the daggers from the King’s room, she tells him to go back and get them. He replies by  saying â€Å"I’ll go no more./ I am afraid to think what I have done. / Look on’t again, I dare not† (II ii, 50 – 52). This passage outlines the fact that once again, his conscience has taken over control of his mind. Macbeth feels horribly about what he has done to his King. When Macbeth tries to wash the blood from his hands he remarks: â€Å"Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood Clean from my hand? No, this my hand will rather The multitudinous seas incardine, Making the green one red† (II ii, 60 – 63) Macbeth believes that what he has done will never be washed away from his conscience. He will always have the death of King Duncan hanging over his head. Unfortunately, this is the last we see of Macbeth’s conscience. Tormented over the likelihood of being unmasked as Duncan’s murderer, Macbeth continues his evil ways in an attempt to stay on the throne. His vaulting ambition has surfaced once more to overthrow any spot of good left in him and he shows no more remorse for Duncan’s murder. Wanting to become â€Å"safely† king, Macbeth plots out the murder of one of his best friends Banquo, the only other person besides Macbeth and his wife, who is aware of the three witches and their prophecy. Again, this shows that his need to succeed in life is overshadowing his conscience. Macbeth’s last, and most evil deed is the slaying of Macduff’s family. Macbeth puts innocent women and children to death in an attempt lure Macduff back to Scotland so he can have him murdered as well. At this point in the play, it seems as though Macbeth doesn’t have a good bone in his body. The little voice of reason inside his head has been snuffed out, and he decides that the only way to be a good King is to make drastic and rash decisions. Macbeth unravels before our eyes and is finally beheaded by Macduff in revenge for the slaying of his family. The war between Macbeth’s conscience and his vaulting ambition is not fought  on a battle field but still had all the exemplary attributes of one that is. Violent acts were carried out, blood was shed, and people died. The struggle going on In Macbeth’s head was finally over, his ambition the victor, and Macbeth himself the defeated. When the hurly-burly was done, the war in Macbeth’s mind was both lost and won.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Early Childhood Curriculum and Teaching Methods

All kids develop their accomplishments on their ain clip tabular array, hence, in a room of three to five twelvemonth old kids non all of them will be at the same developmental degree. Teachers must be able to make a course of study that encompasses the full schoolroom. This means that they need to let room for flexibleness and creativeness and must calculate out a manner to modify certain plans so that all kids, even those that do non larn as quickly, can see success. Students are extremely influenced by their instructor and their milieus, hence, pedagogues must do certain that they are act uponing the pupils in a positive manner. The things that we say and do are easy absorbed by small ears that we do non believe here us. Steering the children/ pupils through educational work is one facet of being a instructor, nevertheless, the other half is assisting them to construct their character and understand good ethical motives and values. We must care for our children/ pupils for each of their ain single abilities and endowments, acknowledging that everyone has something different to offer. Not merely are the instructors able to learn the pupils, the children/ pupils can besides learn us something new every twenty-four hours. These immature, delicate heads are so ready to larn, so we should take advantage of it while we have the opportunity. One important facet in making a developmentally appropriate course of study for a immature kid is being able to set out the right sum and type of supplies in the kids ‘s larning countries. For case, seting out paper, gum and scissors for an art undertaking that lone requires cutting and gluing would be more productive than pelting the kid with unneeded supplies such as pigment, coppices, twine and glister. Overwhelming them with excessively many options merely confuses the pupil which in bend, blocks their creativeness. It is all about cognizing the immature pupils, instructors should be able to learn them and supply the appropriate things they will necessitate for that point in their lives. It will besides profit all instructors to familiarise themselves with the many developmental theories. Jean Piaget came up with the theory of cognitive development, which is fundamentally the manner that a kid learns and thinks. ( Spodek, & A ; Saracho, 2003 ) quoted one of Piaget ‘s articles that stated a kid ‘s system of idea develops through a series of phases, common to all kids of all civilizations. Piaget ‘s theory is broken down into four phases ; Sensorimotor phase, Preoperational phase, Concrete Operational phase and Formal Operations phase. Educators need to take these theories/stages and learn from them. Not one theory is right or incorrect, hence, instructors need to entwine them and larn from each one. Gathering all of this cognition will merely assist them carry through the kids ‘s demands. There are besides six countries of development that instructors must embrace and do all six countries the foundation of a immature kid ‘s course of study. Harmonizing to Kagan and Kogan ( 1970 ) Teachers can assist a kid in cognitive development by exposing them to multiply chances. For illustration, literature, music, scientific discipline, creativeness and math all play a function in imitating a kid ‘s encephalon map. It is imperative that instructors be supportive and promoting to their pupils as they embark upon this journey and must supply an ambiance for a kid to pattern his or her physical development, paying attending to the big and all right motor accomplishments. Running, jumping, processing and puting up obstruction classs all help to develop the big motor accomplishments. It is besides of import that early instruction instructors help their pupils in the procedure of developing societal accomplishments. Students must larn how to make relationships with people that are outside of their household in order to derive adequate ego assurance and let them to experience more secure. Puting a kid into a group gives him/her the chance to develop individual to individual relationships. This will learn the kid communicating accomplishments and see the feelings of his/her equals every bit good as his/her ain personal feelings. Through this procedure a kid will larn to portion and negotiate, it will besides assist the kid to hold empathy for others. For all of this to be achieved, a kid must hold interaction with others on a regular footing. Childs have a million emotions, and the smallest thing will easy put them off. These emotions can run from cryings, to frights and besides to full blown fits. It is common to happen a kid that will demo a big sum of aggression towards his or her equals. It is the instructor ‘s duty to assist their kids in understanding the manner they are experiencing and offer them positive ways to cover with the emotion. Teaching them how to utilize their words right can assist them to get the better of many obstructions. The last of the six countries trades with creativeness, which can most easy be expressed through art. It has been said that art is a manner of pass oning our feelings without the usage of words. Offering pupils a broad scope of art supplies will let them to make whatever comes to their head. A instructor must ne'er judge or knock a kid ‘s work, but instead merely look up to it as an extension of them. Exposing our kids to their ain art every bit good as art created by others will merely assist to enrich a kid ‘s life. Teachers must besides honour all of their pupils as persons. It does non count how they look, where they come from, how good behaved or non behaved a kid might be. Children come from assorted backgrounds and holding kids that come from different backgrounds truly provides a door of chance for all. Making a course of study that revolves around households, encourages pupils to portion their households history. By demoing enthusiasm, it will assist the kid experience proud and value where they come from. It will besides assist the kid to understand how much the instructors value them for their ain individualism. This will broaden the positions of everyone in the category, making an anti-bias schoolroom environment. Today one can read a course of study the manner he or she reads the twenty-four hours ‘s newspaper, for in it one can see the breaks in our society. Often, the course of study becomes a conflict land for viing political and cultural thoughts ( Sadker & A ; Zittleman, 2009, pg. 353. A The job with the course of study is that many groups can act upon it ; groups such as publishing houses, instructors, pupils, parents, decision makers, the federal, province, and local authoritiess, national trials, instruction committees and commissions, professional organisations, and particular involvement groups. The move toward capable affair criterions and statewide testing has besides added another powerful force act uponing what is taught in schools. I believe the formal course of study should non be a fixed class of survey but shouldA alteration to reflect the values of the clip and the demand of the pupils. Students with particular demands can surge in schoolrooms designed to run into the ir demands, but flounder when they are unsuitably placed in regular categories. Teachers can construe and accommodate whatever official text or course of study usher has been assigned, emphasizing certain points in a text while giving limited attending to others. But I besides do back up the thought of holding standards-based instruction merely for math and scienceA that specifies exactly what pupils should larn, focuses the course of study and direction on run intoing these criterions, and provides continual proving to see if the criterions are achieved. TheA course of study must include aims and activities that Teach pupils how to continue the past, but non be limited by it. Students must larn to work efficaciously in the present, and fix for the hereafter, and the course of study should be antiphonal to these alterations. ( Sadker, 2005 ) . To win as an eduactor, one needs to cognize when to step back and allow the environment go the 3rd instructor. He or she must larn to be a facilitator and understand how to put up an environment for a immature kid. This country must be safe, for case no glass or chemicals that a kid can acquire a clasp of, and besides supplied with proper stuffs. Teachers need to stand back and observe ; merely offering words of encouragement. This is where kids move out their frights, Tell narratives, and larn to get by with mundane life. Donovan and Burns ( 2002 ) demonstrate that kids come into the universe tidal bore to learnaˆÂ ¦ there is no inquiry that the environment in which a kid grows up has a powerful impact on how the kid develops and what the kid learns. Children are really sensitive, and this enables them to be cognizant of everything that is traveling on around them. We need to supply them with an ambiance that is strong and stable, leting them to distribute their wings and fly.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How Intermittent Fasting Can Help You Lose Weight Essay

Food is a nutritious substance that humans and animals take in and benefit from because it causes growth and maintains life. Everyone thinks that diet is only associated with weight loss but the real definition of diet is looking after what you eat to either gain or lose weight or just to maintain your current weight. Some people go on diets for medical reasons or just for personal preference, for example to gain weight a meal need consists of fiber foods and a person that wats to gain weight needs to consider the nutritional and energy balance, this means to gain weight you need to put on more calories than you lose during physical activities and body function and the opposite for people who want to gain weight they need to make sure to lose more intake less and calories and lose more during physical activities e.g. gym. The most calories are usually from bigger food intakes, this is called meals. Meals are a time in the day where a reasonable amount of food is consumed. People trad itionally have about 3-4 meals per day and Snacks are food that is taken in between food, this is not encouraged if you are in a weight loss program or diet. Nutrients is providing the food needed for life and growth. There are six parts of nutrients that everyone should include in their diet. Carbohydrates, fats, proteins this is essential for growth and repair, vitamins, minerals and water. It’s very important for everyone to include these 6 nutrients in their meals every day. Deficiencies can later in life cause difficulties such as disorders or diseases. Malnutrition and undernutrition are two different things, malnutrition could mean excessive nutrients in a diet caused by a very unhealthy diet. Undernutrition just means that the person is in need of specific nutrients. Deficiency is lacking specific types of nutrients for example one vitamin like vitamin D can be supplemented or people with anemia can be prescribed with iron tablets or people can avoid anemia by increasing their intake of red meat and nuts. Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. A lack of this leads to needing to get iron transfusion or even a blood tr ansfusion. To avoid deficiencies and complication everyone should refer to the eat well plate and 5 a day which gives everyone a rough guideline to how much of each food groups should be included in your meals. Checking the nutrients per portion could also help giving you an insight on how good specific types of foods are, these are found on the back of any type of food you find. Overweight is having more body fat than the average person now 1 in 4 adults are overweight, being overweight increases the chances of getting diabetes type 2 or even heart diseases, the fatter the person the more likely there are health complications. Obesity is more extreme than being overweight and can get more severe to the point where you can get an operation that reduces the size of your stomach so you can get full quicker without having to eat as much. BMI is used to measure if your body mass is average according to your height and weight. A person with a body mass bigger than 30 is considered obese .to avoid this people usually follow the daily intake guidelines (2,500 Cal for men and 2,000 for women). Another way to find out if you are the average height and weight for your age is to check growth charts, the same as BMI you enter your age, height and weight.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Mexico Gulf of Mexico

Mexico is a beautiful country situated in North America, delimited on the on the east by the Gulf of Mexico, on the southeast by Guatemala, on the south and west by the North Pacific Ocean, Belize, and the Caribbean Sea, and north by the United States. The United Mexican States consist of a legitimate republican federation of thirty-one states and a central district, Mexico City, is considered to be one of the most densely inhabited cities on globe. The Mexican Revolution was an interlude of political, military and social conflict and mayhem that set in motion with the call over armaments made on November 20 1910 by Francisco I. Madero, a politician, author and revolutionary who served as President of Mexico from 1911 to 1913, and lasted until 1921. It is anticipated that the war killed nine hundred thousand of the 1910 population of fifteen million. The preliminary epoch of armed conflict terminated in the removal from power of dictator Porfirio Dà ­az Mori, a Mexican-American War volunteer, French intrusion hero, and President   who ruled Mexico from 1876 to 1880 and from 1884 to 1911, and Madero's rise to presidency. Madero was thrown out in 1913 and the state was swallowed up in civil war, as more than a few political and armed groups raised war against each other for being in command of the nation. A most important stride towards the end of armed conflict caught up the dissemination of the current constitution of Mexico in 1917, the official end of the insurrection. On the other hand, conflict and political unrest such as the Cristero War continued up to the late 1920s. Factory or slaughterhouse worker in Mexico City had faced unacceptable obstacles before the Mexican revolution in 1910, in exercising their rights to join independent unions, bargain collectively, and hold strikes. By 1879, revolutionary thoughts had spread all through the budding Mexican labor movement La Social had sixty two provincial units and about five thousand people were present at its 1879 symposium. Its paper, La International, made social insurrection, social revolution, and the elimination of all governments and the formation of a â€Å"universal social republic† indispensable. That would put the last touches on all national boundaries. Many of the newspaper's articles from San Antonio narrate prejudice suffered by the rural and urban Factory and slaughterhouse workers in Mexico, the sleaze and venality of government bureaucrats in that state, the complicity of foreign based resources with the Dà ­az regime, and the inevitability of terminating the dictatorship. From 1895 to 1911 with on the increase foreign supremacy of the economy came beyond doubt ruthless working conditions. Capitalism, free of state parameter, subjugated Factories and slaughterhouses. A necessary social arrangement with hospitals, wellbeing reimbursement, schools, and housing facility and so on, was not provided by foreign capitalists. Company towns were built for Factory and slaughterhouse workers where their entire families lived in diminutive single rooms. These barrack settlements were little more than massive penitentiaries. Workers were expelled from having guests to put a stop to transaction and communication of ideas. Industrial contamination coupled with household sewage caused terrible health hazards that carried epidemic after epidemic on the working class. State of affairs was so dreadful in some company towns that even the panorama of starvation could not drive people to work there. The state took action by compulsorily rounding up men, women and children, and compelling them to work as slaves. Every feature of work and living was proscribed. Fines were imposed on Factory and slaughterhouse workers who were then enforced to take out mortgages to pay them off. Thus Factory and slaughterhouse workers faced several obstacles in Mexico City face before and during the revolution. Regardless of the atrocious oppression and unsympathetic circumstances, workers sustained to organize. A number of clandestine workers’ councils and subversive unions were created, often forming a substitute revolutionary culture based on reciprocated aid, as workers endeavored to survive in an atrocious atmosphere. By 1900, some of these organizations became strong as much as necessary to confront the regime inspiring a number of strikes across Mexico. After the wrapping up of Mexican revolution both refugees and Mexican Americans involve themselves in the activities undertaken by labor organizations. The American Federation of Labor naturally repulsed Mexican descent factory and slaughterhouse workers and considered them as prospective strikebreakers, but Tejano workers seek for other alternatives. The membership of La Agrupacià ³n Protectora, founded 1911, comprised of factory and slaughterhouse workers. La Agrupacià ³n called for the fortification of its members from illegitimate reclamations of possessions. Tejanos as well joined an assortment of Socialist associations for instance the different associates of the Socialist party in Texas. Some Tejano factory and slaughterhouse workmen joined unions but however found themselves separated out from Caucasian laborers. Nevertheless, the epoch of the insurrection and World War I brought about an upswing in organizational responsiveness and no doubt improved living and working conditions of factory and slaughterhouse workers especially those of Mexican origin. Politically, Tejanos involved themselves in remonstration activities to bring awareness to the tribulations of their everyday living and working conditions. Aggravated by antagonism against decades old prejudice and disdain, Tejanos finally joined in a movement of armed confrontation against subjugation in 1915. In the conclusion it would relevant to mention that the revolts and wars irrespective of whatever reason instigated cast devastating curse on mankind. These never prove to be beneficiary for any party. Though living and working conditions of factory and slaughterhouse workmen in Mexico improved subsequent to the Mexican revolution in 1910, but due to various deceitful policies of the government the workers still suffer. Reference: Smith, DA; Mexico: A Thousand Revolutions; Alliance Publications; 2001

Friday, September 13, 2019

International Business Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Business Economics - Essay Example The figures show labour cost in hours for producing one unit of good David Ricardo formulated the theory of comparative advantage and argued that even if a one country is more productive in both lines of production it would be still profitable to trade. Country A is more productive in both lines of production but it will still be profitable to trade with country B, this is shown by first stating that country A is more advantaged in production of good X, therefore when wee calculate the comparative advantage country A will specialise in the production of good X and country B will produce good Y and they will gain by trading. (Hardwick, 1997) The Hecksher-ohlin trade model states that trade is based on the difference in factor endowment, a labour rich country will produce and export labour intensive good, and it will also import capital intensive goods. A capital rich country will produce and export capital intensive goods; it will also import labour intensive goods. According to the factor equalization theory, if we have a situation where factors of production cannot move from one country to another but there is free movement of goods, then the free movement of goods will eventually equalize factor prices. Point Q is the equilibrium point of producing both goods for country one, point P is the point of equilibrium for country two in producing both goods. The movement of goods will cause a shift in equilibrium points and case price equalization. Equilibrium shift as shown by the arrow. According to the Rybczynski theory an increase in factor of production and the other factor remains constant in a country , then the output of the good using the factor of production intensively increase while the output of the other good will decrease in absolute amount provided factor and output prices remain constant. (Jagdish, 1987) The countries original equilibrium is at point P, after increase in labour the new equilibrium is at point P'. According to the Stolper Samuelson theory, he argues that a tariff imposed on import goods causes an income distribution. He argues that a tariff on an import causes domestic prices to rise; this causes an increase in domestic production as firms emerge to capture the profits caused by the price in this goods. This effect is

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Paper - What is a Database Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paper - What is a Database - Essay Example As an example of the business use of a database, an online store is a common one, and E-bay is a large database that consists of customers and sale items. It is an also an example of a database with a web-form, that is, a form where a customer can enter their contact information along with the information about the item they want to sell. As a second example that relates to this one, any business needs to track clients or customers and their respective contact information. While the following will expand on the example of an online store, it should be mentioned that most business' have customers and most customers need to be tracked, so this is a second example of a business application. An online store, like E-bay, would need at least two tables of information, and these would be a table that contained customers and their information and financial transactions, and in turn, a store would also minimally have a table that contained all of the items that were for sale. In general, a ta ble is a set of information that has unique and self-contained information. In the case of the store, one wants to establish a 'relational' [O'Neill and O'Neill 15] database – that is, one needs to link up the customers (table 1) with their inventory (e.g. table 2), but one also needs to keep this information apart.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Nuclear Energy and the Environment Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nuclear Energy and the Environment - Article Example It is worth mentioning that the government of the US, both at Federal and State levels, has formulated and implemented few regulations in order to protect the environment from the lethal consequences of nuclear energy production. The US had 104 commercial nuclear reactors located in different regions of the country, which supplies nearly 20% of its total electricity requirements. However, it cannot be denied that the radioactive emissions released during the process of nuclear energy production are indeed life-threatening, accompanied with water pollution and air pollution, often accounted for causing early aging and cancer like diseases. It other words, radioactive emissions seriously disrupt the overall balance of the ecosystem. The threat associated with the nuclear fission reaction, in terms of radioactive emissions has not been limited to the US only but has emerged as a serious problem across the globe. The recent incidents in Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plan t that occurred in March 2011, owing to the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami, have extensively raised questions regarding the environmental safety of nuclear plants. This particular occurrence in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has underscored many of the safety arguments advocated against establishing a nuclear plant. It can be number of incidents where environment and lives of human beings were under severe threat due to the nuclear disaster before the accident of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant occurred... However, it cannot be denied that the radioactive emissions released during the process of nuclear energy production are indeed life-threatening, accompanied with water pollution and air pollution, often accounted for causing early aging and cancer like diseases. It other words, radioactive emissions seriously disrupt the overall balance of eco-system2. The threat associated with the nuclear fission reaction, in terms of radioactive emissions has not been limited to the US only, but has emerged as a serious problem across the globe. The recent incidents in Japan’s Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant that occurred in March 2011, owing to the catastrophic earthquake and tsunami,  have extensively raised questions regarding the environment safety of nuclear plants. This particular occurrence in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant has underscored many of the safety arguments advocated against establishing a nuclear plant3. It can be number of incidents where environment and lives of human beings were under severe threat due to the nuclear disaster, before the accident of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant occurred. The US has also witnessed nuclear disaster over the last decades. Accordingly, it has been ascertained that the nuclear power plant have laid significant impacts on the nearby areas in the form of water pollution, air pollution and radioactive waste generation4. DIABLO CANYON POWER PLANT IN CALIFORNIA AND ENVIRONMENT Diablo Canyon Power Plant (DCPP) is a nuclear power plant located at Avila Beach in San Luis Obispo region of California in USA. This plant generates nuclear energy to meet the electricity demand for millions of customers. DCPP supplies nearly 9.3% of California’s

Self-Determination & Nationalist Movements in the Age of the Cold War Essay

Self-Determination & Nationalist Movements in the Age of the Cold War - Essay Example   By reviewing the historical data, it is eminent that most of the countries from the East Asian region are largely affected by the World War II. The impact of World War II has also been fruitful, considering the fact that most of the East Asian nations received independence. Despite this, the newly independent nations and territories have also experienced considerable problems, as these nations are unable to receive any support from other nations. There are large numbers of countries belonging to the East Asian region such as Myanmar, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and Vietnam those had received its independence immediately after the World War II.Since, after the World War II those aforementioned countries that experienced tremendous issues relating to political turmoil, ethnic strife, social inequities and weaker economic condition in composition to the Western nations. Vietnam has also experienced similar issues to a considerable extent. It is worth mentioning that prior to the c ommencement of World War II, Vietnam was noted to be under the control of France. During the 19th century, French has arrived in the Indo-China region and intended to establish their colonial state within that particular area. Prior to the outbreak of World War II, France ruled Vietnam as its Kingship country. During the Second World War, Vietnam has been facing numerous problems including poverty, illiteracy, health issues and invaders, which had become a major barrier in the process of the nation’s overall development.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

LEGOs Expectations from Flextronics and Outcome Essay

LEGOs Expectations from Flextronics and Outcome - Essay Example This essay declares that LEGO wanted to outsource its production to a famous Singaporean electronics manufacturing company Flextronics. So in the year 2006 LEGO finalized the contract with Flextronics for producing the major parts of its toys. The idea was considered brilliant because the prices were locked for an extended period of time, so this would save the company from the risks of product price fluctuations. Flextronics was handed over the production sites of LEGO for production purposes. The phases started from 2004 to 2006, and throughout this phase the company was making efforts to reduce their production capacity to about 20 percent. They were aiming at keeping a target of 80/20 percent for outsourcing their production functions. This paper stresses that LEGO had created a complex framework for outsourcing external providers. This was also a reason why LEGO faced issues while working with Flextronics. LEGO was going through extreme transition, so it can be said that it became problematic for them to delegate authority and control their global network of production. Further, complexity occurred regarding the flawless transmission of production knowledge. LEGO and Flextronics have different organization structure. Though LEGO outsourced Flextronics, but it could not match its complex systems with that of Flextronics. LEGO was a manufacturing company. It manufactured toys for children. ... Flextronics was an electronic hoods manufacturing company, in which plastic plays an important role. This was the reason behind Flextronics’s interest to move for a long-tem relationship with LEGO. LEGO too found Flextronics to be professional and systematic to work with. However, their collaboration did not last long because of several issues that developed during their three years journey. LEGO’s goal was to optimize their global supply chain by outsourcing their production system to Flextronics. Similarly, Flextronics wanted to utilize the expertise of LEGO in plastics. It was found that LEGO was not satisfied with the quality of facilities provided by Flextronics. LEGO had created a complex framework for outsourcing external providers. This was also a reason why LEGO faced issues while working with Flextronics. LEGO was going through extreme transition, so it can be said that it became problematic for them to delegate authority and control their global network of pr oduction. Further, complexity occurred regarding the flawless transmission of production knowledge. LEGO and Flextronics have different organization structure. Though LEGO outsourced Flextronics, but it could not match its complex systems with that of Flextronics. On the other hand the company who was outsourced would be working according to its own process and framework. So problems of disagreement and misalignment were the result of what the outcome was (LEGO, 2006). Key Challenges in Maintaining a Relationship LEGO was a manufacturing company. It manufactured toys for children. The focus of the company was mainly on production and management of the supply chain. Never did the company feel the need of out sourcing or documentation before it was

Monday, September 9, 2019

Nostovia's New Airport Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nostovia's New Airport - Essay Example Since the airport is being modernized, therefore it will help if the NAA is able to manage the supply chain of this equipment in such a manner that the airport gets user-friendly baggage carts, tow trucks, and other loading equipment. The Supply chain for procuring this equipment can be drawn as; Â  Supply chain management (SCM) in general involves managing complex flow of information, materials, and money across multiple functional areas both within and among companies (Faisal et al, 2006). Efficient management of the supply chain helps in value addition in the final product, which ultimately leads to customer satisfaction. Quality of the services provided is ultimately assessed by the visitor while at the airport. In this case, the Kostova Airport Authority (NAA) requires; Â  Baggage trolleys: to help the customer in carrying his/ her luggage from one place to another. Therefore, such carts should not be too heavy in weight. It should be made up of lightweight material, yet with sufficient strength to withstand daily impacts and comparatively heavyweights. The baggage carts must also be made in such a manner that the while moving the cart, the luggage should not fall on the ground, which might result in more difficulties for the visitor. The carts must have lightweight and friction freewheels, which could be easily nudged by the visitor. The general complaint about such carts is that their wheels tend to fall apart or become immovable. NAA should try to avoid such situations. Â  Small tow tractors: These types of tractors are generally used to carry some luggage, maintenance equipment, replacement parts etc. quickly to the aircraft. These carts are generally driven by the airport staff, therefore their direct users are the employees of the NAA. But, the effective use of the tractors invariably affects the services being provided to the visitor.

Sunday, September 8, 2019


WHAT IS MEANT BY STIGMA,AND DOES IT LINK WITH THE CONCEPT OF SOCIAL EXCLUSIONS AND WHAT ARE THE IMPLICATIONS FOR POLICY AND PRACTICE - Essay Example In this regard, social labelling that discredits individuals’ virtual identities (Crocker et al 1998, p.505), inevitably leads to stigmatization that often times leads to distortion of individual identities. Social exclusion, on the other hand, refers to the state of being locked out from participation in the central social activities in one’s own society (Burchardt et al 2002, p.30); this means that if an individual fails to take part in social activities then they are ‘socially excluded’. The purpose of this paper is to explain what is meant by the term ‘stigma’, and to explore the possible linkage there is between this term and the concept of social exclusion; consequently, the conclusion of this paper will draw upon this knowledge to give implications for policy and practice. Simply put, stigma denotes ‘a mark of shame’ (Oxford Dictionaries, 2012), concomitant particularly with certain individuals in the society, thus, people who are stigmatized actually view themselves inferior due to social labels that describe them so, distorting their real identities. According to Chamberlin, stigma often leads to discrimination implying that the individual being stigmatized has a problem (Sayce 1998, pp.331-332); in this case, language is a powerful tool that functions in the creation of certain perceptions and stereotypes about individuals. When people make biased judgments concerning others, this negative labelling coupled with the resultant social labels and subsequent stigmatization that arises can be attributable to mental health issues. Language is very effective in helping people with mental illnesses to manage and eventually overcome their problem especially because the words used in reference to people influence their perceptions and expectatio ns respectively (Lynn 2010 p.1). For instance, existing knowledge shows that relapse rates of patients with mental

Saturday, September 7, 2019


EFFICACY OF WILDLIFE REHABILITATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION A DETAILED REVIEW OF LEES-MCRAE COLLEGE WILDLIFE REHABILITATION CONCENTRATION - Thesis Example collected from students, faculty and staff in the spring and fall of 2010 to explore the background factors of individuals enrolling in the program, the use of experiential learning in the classroom, and program outcomes, particularly in the area of critical thinking and problem solving. Recognizing that the planet and its life forms have an inherent worth, and that we have a responsibility to treat the earth and its processes with respect, the Blue Ridge Wildlife Institute (BRWI) is dedicated to the stewardship of the Earth through environmental education, and rehabilitation of sick, injured and orphaned native North American wildlife. (BRWI, 1996) Wildlife rehabilitation and the use of wildlife in educational programming in a college setting is a relatively new concept and can be a life-changing experience for learners who work with injured and orphaned animals. Although there is extensive research involving the human and animal relationship (Nimmo, 2012) there are no other studies, on the educational outcomes of wildlife rehabilitation programs in higher education. The Blue Ridge Wildlife Institute (BRWI) at Lees-McRae College, in Banner Elk, North Carolina provides medical and rehabilitative services for sick, injured, and orphaned native wildlife and admits between 900-1000 patients annually. In addition, BRWI serves as an educational entity, providing outreach wildlife programs throughout the western North Carolina region.   It is the setting for biology students to acquire knowledge and experience in wildlife rehabilitation and the use of trained, non-releasable wildlife to partner with in education.   While there are wildlife rehabilitation centers attached to veterinary schools at, for example, Tufts University, University of Minnesota, and University of California Davis, there are no undergraduate colleges that house an on-campus wildlife rehabilitation center and offer a major in wildlife rehabilitation. As such, the Lees-McRae College program can

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Inhabited Woman Essay Example for Free

The Inhabited Woman Essay La Mujer Habitada (The Inhabited Woman), a semi-autobiographical novel of Gioconda Belli. The novel, which was published in 1998 foster much attention. The novel dealt with the Sandinistas struggle for liberation as well as her native Nicaraguan feminist effort to be recognized and achieved equal rights in a patriarchal society (Salgado 235). â€Å"The Inhabited Woman grabs us from two unexpected directions: its consciousness of the centrality of woman in struggle, and its retrieval of the cycles of birth and rebirth which are such an important part of indigenous cosmology (Randall 6). † The novel also dealt with gender issue in Nicaraguan revolutionary narratives. To Timothy Richards, this is a narrative of female struggle in society, through a progressively more comprehensive involvement in her society, [the protagonist] learns to distinguish the true from the false in her and the world around her (Belli 209). Lavinia, who is an upper class woman, also carries out her own feminist struggle by refusing to get married. She chooses her independency over her lover. Lavinia, believed that marriage, would mean placing limitations to one’s self—unless, the right man would came along (Belli 22). She begun to accept and embraces the principles of the movement. Her being an oligarch is quite apparent in her conversation with her childhood friends Sara and her husband Andrian as well as her parents. The main character of the story, also wanted to proved her worth as a person – her struggle to proved her knowledge will be eventually unravel in the story – she as an architect strive to prove her self worth and received a lot of merits.   In the field where men always dominate – Lavinia proved them wrong. She, despite the adversities in life in the long run succeeded in the field where men dominate, which implicates the gender and/or feminist struggle of the novel. Similar with Lavinia, Gioconda also proved their worth as a person – her choice to be involve in the movement is in itself a worth proving decision. Leaving the life of luxury and offering life in the service of the people is a tough and firm decision to make. Putting your life to danger in exchange of serving the oppressed and underprivileged people. The rampant oppressions, which she herself is an eye-witness, inflame the nationalistic spirit in her. As the novel continues, the parallelism between the main character, Lavinia and the writer herself is being introduced gradually. Both were raised in an upper class family, had a good educational background and were raised in a society suffering from political and economic turmoil. Both were also living a life of luxury and extravagance. But both women, decided not to be indifferent about the current political situation of the country. They both were determined to struggle the rights of the underprivileged, less fortunate and oppressed majority. Belli, met someone from the movement whom she got intimately involved while Lavinia met Adrian her husband before she met Felipe, whom introduced her to the ideology of the movement. Lavinia and Belli were involved in the movement at time when both were still at a young age. Their young age did not get into the way of their involvement in the movement. In fact, during those times they were envisioning their society to be more kind among its people. Their realization to this inspires them to get into a more cause oriented and more meaningful engagement in society. The formal years were quite a struggle for both, since they were raised in a well to do family. But as the novel continues Lavinia found herself to being involved in the revolutionary movement while on the part of Belli, she recognizes that these oppressions must end. In order to end the suffering and oppression of the people, one has to get involved and make a difference. In substantiating the above claim, Belli and Lavinia, the main character of the novel, were raised in a conservative and protective family. Belli, decided to join the Sandinista movement because of her belief that oppression and suffering under the Somoza regime must come to and end. She became deeply involved in the movement and later on played a significant role. Belli became the courier of the movement during the height of the oppression. And because of her deep involvement in the Sandinista movement, she exiled in Mexico in 1975. In 1979, the overthrow the Somoza regime, Belli continued her involvement in the movement and she took several important posts. In 1982, she became the FSLN (Frente Sandinista de la Liberacià ³n Nacional) liaison officer. Then in 1984, she became the director of State Communications and was responsible in organizing major literacy programs and projects. Just like the novel, during the 1970, Managua is experiencing a political and social turmoil. The Inhabited Woman is based on an episode of Nicaraguan experience, where oppression and injustices are rampant. This is where the novel took off its narrative. All the events if not all that was reflected in the novel were all inspired in the current political and society’s situation (March 53). As for Lavinia, her lover Felipe, became instrumental to her involvement in the revolutionary movement. The movement intends to overthrow the current military dictatorship governing the whole country.   Notice that both Lavinia and Gioconda were influenced by their lovers to be involved in their respective revolutionary struggle. Both struggled wanting achieve national liberation and recognizing equal rights of the people (March 83). Gioconda was recruited in the revolution by the Camilo Ortega, but the one who really inspired was the one whom she called ‘the poet.’ Belli felt that she could transform her life and empower herself as a citizen and as a person, this realization allowed her to break from her marriage. A marriage where she was quite unhappy. It was a combination of things that led her to defy convention and have that affair with the ‘Poet’ (Salgado 237). It was also the time of the sexual liberation. People were talking about open marriages. It was all those things combined. She emphasized that her my political stance was never determined by the men she was with. Belli had her own ideas and convictions. She exemplifies her admiration with the ‘Poet’ because Belli believed that he opened doors for her not only in terms of getting to know the Nicaraguan history better as well as everything that was going on in Latin American literature. The ‘poet’ had imprinted a great influenced to her, as an individual and a writer. Take note that, Felipe had also been influential to Lavinia’s social awareness – their frequent conversation which led to her deep involvement in the revolution is exemplifies in this manner. Under the protection of the tree, the young protagonist and Felipe discuss the revolution and the role of women in it. And, it is during these discussions that Lavinias social consciousness is awakened (March 235). In the novel, Lavinia, the main character often goes to a secluded part where her grandfather stays. She returns to her home when she needed time to think and to get away from the crowded and strident sound which the city brings. Like Gioconda, she often remembered her country where she was raised by her family – where she was educated and she became socially conscious about the current situation of her country. She oftentimes, felt that longingness and going back to where she really belonged. Noticed the following narration of the writer: It was a clear day. The landscape disrobed at her feet, devoid of fog. The tiny houses, the lake, the row of blue volcanoes, were spread out in the distance, silent, motionless, majestic. Up closer, the vegetation in the mountains unfolded in green toward the valley where the city lay. Twisted tree trunks hung dangerously over the edge. [ J This landscape was hers, her idea of homeland; this is what she dreamed of when she found herself on the other side of the ocean. This landscape made the most outlandish dreams of the Movement understandable. This land sang to her flesh and blood, to her sense of being a woman in love, rebelling against opulence and misery. [] This land deserved a better fate. (Belli 348-49) The narration above depicts the idealized and post-revolutionary Faguas which was Lavinia is fighting for – where wealth and misery is not a problem anymore. Belli, dreamt of it in her life. In fact he fought for it, she envision a country with no repressive army, freedom and democratic responsibilities. During the height of the dictatorship, Belli handled few accounts that had to do with businesses with Somoza regime. And because of that she was able to extract documents, which later on she provided to the Sandinista movement. The character of Lavinia in the novel also worked with the ruling regime. Thus, substantiate the parallelism between the two, Belli and Lavinia. As much as Lavinia hated the military leaders she had no choice but to work with them. She had to meet and had conversations with people from the government, whom actually she despised. Belli, on the other hand had also experience that of Lavinia’s sentiments in the novel. Belli, actually had to go to different embassies and talk to people whom she don’t like that much. As far as their revolutionary experience is concerned, both women continued to contribute to the success of the movement. Belli, played an important role in the Sandinistas Movement same as Lavinia when she become involved in the revolutionary movement. She dedicated her life in the struggle to eradicate oppression and injustices. And she even forsakes her life to realize that goal. Lavinia during the height of her consciousness held various educational discussions among several groups to raise their consciousness. Also the discussion between Itza and the main character Lavinia reveals this claim. Belli, on the other also organized group discussions among citizens of Nicaragua to rouse their consciousness as to what is happening in their society. And to encourage them to stand for their rights and liberate themselves from the oppressive ruler of their country.