Saturday, May 16, 2020

Response on War by Luigi Irony and Comments - 1453 Words

1. b) The conflict in the story War is an internal conflict within the fat traveler. The fat traveler lost his son and tried to hide his lamentation by being judicious. In the story he gave a speech to the other parents who travelled on the train informing them how their sons were born not only for the parent’s benefits. â€Å"If country is a natural necessity like bread, of which each of us must eat in order not to die of hunger, somebody must go to defend it.† Here the fat man advises the parents that if they really do love their country sending their sons out to protect it should make them feel proud.† Everyone should stop crying: everyone should laugh, as I do†¦ or at least thank God, as I do, because my son†¦..the best way he could have†¦show more content†¦2. This story is about war but it does not talk about the battle field or soldiers who are fighting for the war. To me the comment that I would make is a war can change everything. War is as small as a sound of a gunshot, or as big as the damage Chernobyl nuclear plant explosion can make. In the story â€Å"War† by Luigi Pirandello what I can understand is that the changes that a war can make to individuals are ineradicable and very hard to forget. The fat traveler tried so hard to forget about the sorrow he has about losing his son. He put on a fake mask and pretended to comfort the others when he needed comforting and compassion the most. In the end he finally expressed the pain by bursting into tears that could not be controlled. In other words human nature is to deny information that will create negative effects (in the story the loss of son) and deny certain truth (in this case the fat man’s son as he finally realizes is gone forever). As another example the bitterness that the Jews suffered from the Germans or the cruel crucifixion that the Chinese endured in the Second World War from the Japanese is ingrained into history and everyone nation/ worldwide. Some of the pains are carried through generations of people and are impossible to forget. A loss of a child is a loss of everything to many parents and the fat man isShow MoreRelatedPostmodernism in Literature5514 Words   |  23 PagesPostmodern literature The term Postmodern literature is used to describe certain tendencies in post-World War II literature. It is both a continuation of the experimentation championed by writers of the modernist period (relying heavily, for example, on fragmentation, paradox, questionable narrators, etc.) and a reaction against Enlightenment ideas implicit in Modernist literature. Postmodern literature, like postmodernism as a whole, is difficult to define and there is little agreement on the

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