Friday, March 13, 2020

The Kite Runner Essay When Guilt Leads to Good Essay Example

The Kite Runner Essay When Guilt Leads to Good Essay Example The Kite Runner Essay When Guilt Leads to Good Essay The Kite Runner Essay When Guilt Leads to Good Essay alone with his thoughts, he begins to feel that guilt is taking over his life. He realizes he is go nag to get away with his sin, yet feels no relief. He desperately needs to be punished, so he an d Hosannas can remain friends. But Hosannas will not give him this punishment, so Emir decides that he must forget his sins. He believes that he can only do this by avoiding Hosannas. L ma e sure our paths crossed as little as possible, planned my day that way. Because when h e was around, the oxygen seeped out of the room (Hussein 77). In his desperation to forget , to be rid of the guilt that he felt around Hosannas, he commits another sin. He frames Hosannas f or stealing. Took a couple of the envelopes of cash from the pile of gifts and my watch, an d tiptoed out L lifted Hessians mattress and planted my new watch and a handful of Afghans bills under it L knocked on Abss door and told what hoped would be the last in a long line of shameful lies (Hussein 91). All and Hosannas decide to leave, and Emir finally believes he can move on. However, the burden of remorse does not get lighter. Emir, still haunted by guilt, continues his journey towards atonement in his adult years. Baa and Emir moved to America due to the war in Afghanistan and Emir saw this as a way to forget Hosannas and move on with his life. For me, America was a place to b our my memories. (Hussein 112) Yet long after the last time he sees Hosannas, the me notion Of his name still gives Emir a rush of emotion. A pair of steel hands closed around my windpipe at the sound of Hessians name. I rolled down the window. Waited for the steel h ands to loosen their grip. (Hussein 1 1 6) The simple thought of Hosannas brings back all the GUI It and memories of his wrong doings. Those thorny old barbs of guilt bore into me once more, as if speaking his name had broken a spell, set them free to torment me anew (H session 212). Emir continues with his new life, but his underlying guilt illustrates the first SST pep Of his atonement. The second step to atonement is redemption, which Emir demonstrates as a young boy in Kabul and a man in America. Although Emir never asks for forgiveness he Trier to earn it. Id try to make up for it by giving him one of my old shirts or a broken toy. Wool d tell myself that was amends enough for a harmless prank (Hussein 31). He shows that he AC knowledge that his treatment of Hosannas is wrong. He also displays repentance many time s after Hosannas is raped. He wishes that someone would find out what he has done so he woo old no longer have to live with his lies. l watched Hosannas get raped, said to no one A par t of me was hoping someone would wake up and hear, so wouldnt have to live with this I ii anymore Understood the nature of my new curse: was going to get away with it (Hose seine 75). Deep down, Emir does not want to get away with what he has done. He seeks punish hymen for his sins from Hosannas, in hopes that things will return to how they used to be. Hi lee out with Hosannas, Emir tries to provoke him into throwing pomegranates at him. Hit m e back! I spat L wished he would. Wish ed hed give me the punishment I craved, so maybe l d finally sleep at night. Maybe then things could return to how they used to be between us (Hussein 81). Emir wants to make things right but does not truly attempt to do so. This rep entrance continues as Emir ages. Along with showing repentance as a child, Emir continues to work towards a atonement by showing repentance in adulthood as well. When he decides to go after Sahara he knows that it is what he needs to do in order to make things right. l was afraid Id let the waters carry me away from what had to do. From Hosannas. From the past that had come calling g. And from this one last chance at redemption (Hussein 243). He decides that after finally be inning given the opportunity to put his act of mentally asking for forgiveness into action he will not leave without Sahara. Later, while in the hospital with Sahara, he asks for forgiven as again by praying for the first time in 15 years. There is a God, there has to be, and no w I will pray, I will pray that He forgive that I have neglected Him all of these years, forgive the at have betrayed, lied, and sinned with impunity only to turn to Him now In my hour o f need I will think of Him every day from this day on if He only grants me this one wish: M y hands are stained with Hessians blood; I pray God doesnt let them get stained with the blood of this boy too (Hussein 302). Emir shows repentance throughout his entire life, compel inning the second step towards atonement. Finally, Emir completes the act of atonement by getting what he deserves. When Emir learns that Sahara has been bought by a Taliban soldier he bravely sets a me eating with the soldier. The soldier, however, turns out to be Safes. Hessians rapist of many y ears earlier. Thus offering Emir further opportunity to make up for his bad choices. Emir if gets Safes, and even though he is losing the fight he realizes that he has been freed of his guilt t. Emir receives the punishment he has craved, and despite being beaten up he cannot stop h microfilms laughing. MAHATMAS SO FUNNY? Safes bellowed. Another rib snapped, this time left Lowe r. What was so funny was that, for the first time since the winter of 1975, I felt at peace. I gauged because saw that, in some hidden nook in a corner of my mind, Id even been looking forward to this. Remembered the day on the hill I had pelted Hosannas with pomegranates and tried to provoke him. Hed just stood there, doing nothing, red juice soaking through his shirt lie eke blood. Then hed taken the pomegranate from my hand, crushed it against his forehead. Are you satisfied now? Hed hissed. Do you feel better? I hadnt been happy and I hadnt felt better, not at all. But I did now. My body was broken-?just how badly I wouldnt find out until la term-?but I felt healed. Healed at last. I laughed (Hussein 252253). Emir and Sahara escape safely, a Emir takes him back to Appeaser. Emir believed there was a safe orphanage t here, run by Americans. But, in a twist of fate, he turns out to be wrong. Emir proves his at moment by getting what he has deserved for many years, but now has the path laid out f or him to complete the final stage. The final step to atonement is for Emir to repay Hosannas, to make up for his stakes. Emir is faced with a decision. Leave Sahara in Pakistan, to life of danger and encounter inanity, or bring him to America. Emir knows what the right choice is, brings him to America. T his decision is where Emir finally began to pay back Hosannas. He does everything in his pope r to give Hessians son the life that Hosannas himself deserved. Emir becomes the person for Sahara that Hosannas always was for him. He shows this specifically while flying kites with S Arab, by running a kite as Hosannas would have. You want me to run that kite for you u? For you, a Houston times over, I heard myself say. (Hussein 391 At this moment Aim r knows that he has finally repaid Hosannas, and he is overjoyed. l ran with the wind blowing in my face, and a smile as wide as the Valley of Banisher on my lips. I ran. (Hussein 391). Despises tee his initial choice of running from his guilt, Emir has finally made things right. In rescuing g Sahara he repays his debt to Hosannas, and becomes the friend Hosannas would have deserve Veda, and the man his father always wanted him to be. 26 years later, Emirs atonement is p rover by his actions and the relief he feels.

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