Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Article Critique Dealing with Annoying Co-Workers Essay

Article Critique Dealing with Annoying Co-Workers - Essay Example According to various scholars, it is true believe that happy employees are able to perform their tasks effectively and efficiently thus resulting in quality work within the organization. Therefore, to ensure that employees perform quality work, it is essential to ensure happiness at work. As mentioned earlier, indeed one may not miss to find coworkers in an organization that are so annoying simply because of the way they behave. This is not towards the management only, but also, to the fellow employees. However, appropriate measures of handling this are necessary. As stated in the article some of the common disturbances that one can identify from coworkers include interruption that results from someone who likes to always criticize whatever you say. In addition, some employees have the feeling that they are competent and know everything, and an s a result, would always like to teach others of how to perform better. At times, some workers are slackers, as others like grumping. At times, you may not miss to find some workers who like having their speaker phones on as others may have blabbermouths. All these are issues that an individual may not miss to find in an organization. However, how to handle them is what is of immense importance. According to the article, measures of handling such challenges are in place (Green, 2011). However, most of these measures may not be useful in ensuring success in the organization, for instance, Alison green states that for a slacker, the best way of handling are to ignore it all. This is not true way because; division will begin to arise in the organization. Therefore, the best way is to demonstrate empathy and let them be aware that their situation is understood. Once they are aware that people know their situation, they should also know that the issue of eminent significant during times of work and that can be dealt with later after work (Martin, 2001). It was also

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