Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Business Ethics Presentation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Business Ethics Presentation - Research Paper ExampleFrom the figures, it is a clear indication that the infernal was pointed to the bankers for the financial crises. The everyday felt that the financial problems were due to bad ethics in the banking sector. Bankers have been criticized for issuing risky loans but according to (Lewis 2010), he argues that it is alike crude to blame the financial crisis on ethics of bankers. According to Graafland and van deVen (2011) the three areas where of U.S. government has failed include encouraging the credit extension in the original estate market, failure by the government to keep a strong financial policy, and finally failure to regulate and monitor the markets. According to Graafland and van deVen on that point should be an improved sense of professionalism and duty to the public is needed. When an organization or industry loses its authenticity, the benefit of doubt is also lost. This is according to Kopeck.The corruption perception advocate (CPI) can also be used to measure the ethics of the US businesses. This method ranks countries on the degree of corruption in the government and also public officials. The method was inaugurated in 1995. The Corruption Perception Index ranks countries on a scale. The scale runs from10-0. The 10TH scale is perceived to be the least corrupt earth and one as the most corrupt country. Corruption is a hidden activity hence metre it is a challenge and that is why organization such(prenominal) as transparency international bases the index on a number of polls which is challenging to measure. The corruption perception index began with 41 countries in the division 1995 and has since grown and expanded to 182 countries and this is included in the 2011 index. The challenge with this method is that measuring the degree of corruption and also ranking is hard. Significantly there has been a knockout decline in the United States CPI score over the last sixteen years with the highest s core of 7.79. Edel-man Trust Barometer is also another way of measuring trust

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