Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Uncalculated Risks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Uncalculated Risks - Essay Example The above issue takes centre stage as to why licensing is not a compulsory issue for drilling engineers, while the aeronautical industry requires that all engineers in its field be licensed. In addition, the experience of these engineers is in question following the lack of need to attend classes for academic qualification. Rather than this, all that is required is experience, and this does not allow the engineers to make sound decisions, as they cannot calculate the cost of their negligence or lack of knowledge of the technicalities involved. As such, further concerns come up as to whether having licensed engineers would culminate in responsible conduct and decision making at drilling rigs. The exemption of licensing for these engineers is to be thought of again and a sound decision made regardless of the political pressure involved. The practice of exempting drilling engineers from getting licensing stands to be unethical owing to the lack of accountability to the public and that the said persons cannot stand prosecution. This is because if they are accountable, their accountability is only owed to their employers and the shareholders of the said company for which they work. In addition, the lack of licenses for engineers points to their ability to get away with their mistakes and failures to follow standard operating procedures that have been approved. Mitigation practices would entail passing legislation that cuts across the board on a federal scale rather than state law. This is to ensure that in light of public concerns and their safety, all engineers have undergone training and are licensed. This allows employers to distinguish clearly between unscrupulous persons masquerading as engineers, while they are not willing to take responsibility for their actions as they lack qualifications to comprehend the gravity of their mistakes. As such, having a central

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Significant Health Issue Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Significant Health Issue - Research Paper Example Different studies have shown that depression should be recognized as crucial issue by the practitioners. The major signs and symptoms of depression are losing interest, loss or change in the appetite, lack of interest in daily activities, change in sleep patterns. In a depressed state one may also feel low levels of energy and feeling of exertion even after having rest. If depression is not treated in a proper way it can result in physical sickness, isolation or in worst cases may lead a person to commit suicide (Styron, 1990). By dealing with the hurdles and utilizing a straightforward 20 questions Geriatric Depression Scale, diagnosis and cure can be performed with ease. The reports by NIH show that the symptoms of depression are represented by about 15 to 20% of the people who are over 60 to 65 years in age. Major and minor depression varies in rates from 5% to 30% from primary to long term setting. It has been shown that only 15 % of the old people receive the proper treatment fo r depression according to American Psychiatric Association (2002). The mortality rates in the old aged people due to depression are much higher as compared to the ones who are not suffering from it. The barriers for depression diagnosis by the patients and the practitioner are given as follows: By The Patient: †¢ Issues regarding perceptions or disgrace associated with psychological sickness †¢ Fear about condemnation by relatives †¢ Economic concerns related to expenditure of treatment †¢ Information and aptitude to identify symptoms of depression †¢ Anxiety concerned with other therapeutic occurrences like chronic sickness The Practitioner †¢ Unwillingness to pay attention †¢ Conviction that depression is a usual factor of growing old †¢ Non- familiarity or identification of symptoms †¢ Other medical situation is given priority Predominance of Elder Depression It has been found by extensive research that almost 25 to 30% of the elderly population shows symptoms of depression in one way or the other. The prevalence of depression in older women is two times more as compared to men of the same age. The depression in late life can lead to serious complications leading towards increased mortality and morbidity, higher costs of health care and prolonged stay at the hospitals. It has been estimated that 65% of older people having some mental problem want unmet psychological health services (Huisani, 2004). As the American people have longer life span, the disease and disability can not be avoided with the advancing age. It has been estimated that 55% or people at age 65 or older have some sort of disability and 35% are having severe disabilities. Therefore more than seven million elderly persons need some sort of help in order to perform daily activities of life like bathing, eating, cooking, travelling etc. All the above problems increase to further extent when the person moves to the age of 80+. Consequently, almost 20 % of the US adults are engaged in providing extraordinary care to their elderly relatives especially parents. These adults are at the same time involved in the brought up of their own children and also do jobs outside their home. So they are having a sort of double burden on them. Theoretically "Individuals involved in providing care to aging relatives and raising kids simultaneously at are known as the sandwich